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You guys arrived back to the tavern before you saw Venti waving at you guys. "Welcome back!" He said cheerfully.

"We brought the Holy Lyre." Diluc said as he took out the Lyre. Venti looked at the lyre with clear excitement on his face as he took the Lyre and started to play a few tunes.

"This is the Holy Lyre! You managed to retrieve it!" Venti said in excitement. "The pattern of flowing wind carved on the rosewood... and the strings still feel cool to the touch." He said as he looked at the Lyre with a smile. He held the Lyre closely while he reminiscing . "Oh, the memories...." He sighed.

Jean looked at Venti with a hopeful look that as she asked, "What do you think, Venti? Can you summon Dvalin?" While they were talking, you take this opportunity to get a glass of apple cider to drink.

You are hungry but apple cider would do right now. You didn't pay a single attention what Venti, Diluc and Paimon was talking while you at it.

"You're up, outlander!" Venti called out as you turned to him in surprise.

"Me? What am I supposed to do?" You asked as you pointed to yourself. You should have paid attention what they were saying instead of trying to get a glass of apple cider.

"Relax! It's not broken. It's just that the intensity of its Anemo power has greatly diminished. Y/N, do you still have Dvalin's Teardrop Crystal?" He asked.

"Wait... Hold on." You went through your pocket to find your phone. You took out your phone which made Jean looking at your phone curiously.

You went to your inventory and found two Teardrop Crystal as you took them out. "Great! Try to use it on the Holy Lyre." He said excitedly as he handed you the Lyre.

You hold the Lyre before dropping the crystals on it before it started to glow brightly and transform to a whole new Lyre. "It worked! As expected." He smiled as you handed him back the Lyre.

"This youthful glow..." Jean looked at the Lyre in amazement before Paimon looked at her in annoyance.

"Praising yourself? Really?" You don't get why Paimon thought she's praisimg herself but whatever.

"...I was talking about the Holy Lyre." Jean stated as Paimon simply doubt her.

"Thanks to Y/N having purified crystal, the Holy Lyre won't continue to lose power. That said, its power is far from replenished, it'd be great if we could get more tears." He explained.

You are not looking forward for this at all whatsoever. "Right. How are we going to do that?" Aether asked.

"I can surmise that Dvalin will already be crying... Suffering alone in some deserted place." You could imagined how painful it felt since you were once in that similar situation.

You could see that everyone was feeling sorry for Dvalin for his suffering. "This is not something that an Honorary Knights could accomplish alone. I will mobilize the rest of the knights to assist. When you get the Teardrop Crystal, please let Y/N perform the purification process." Jean said.

Everyone looked at you which made you felt a little pressured by them. "You can leave it to me." You said as you looked away.

"Heroes supporting each other and setting out a journey together... How exciting!" Venti said with a smile. He started to take out his lyre as he played a few tunes. "Lemme come up with a song for you..."

"Is that all you gonna do? Just sing?" Paimon asked as she looked at the bard in annoyance.

"Now I wouldn't be much of a bard if I didn't now, would I?" Paimon started to become even more aggravated by Venti's cheekiness.

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