No fonts I forgot to put the title lol

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After making the demon being obedient to you, you made your way to meet up with Mona and with the power of Waypoint you arrived earlier than others. "Huh, I thought they would arrived here first..." You thought as you scratched your head as Mona just gave a confused you look. You were too unpredictable for her to know what will go through to your head.

You seems to be very observant, quiet and very efficient that you could give to her whenever it comes to mission but outside mission, you turned into a complete different person but it's not like it bothered her that you were being absolutely too kind to her and almost give her everything that she needed.

"Anyways, tell me. Did you gain any information regarding about the meteorite being someone's constellation or do you need more time?" You asked her as she shook her head.

"Ah no need. Theoretically, it is not possible for stars that are goodness how long many light-years away to suddenly turn into meteors and fall out of the sky. But, however paradoxical it may be, this is the reality. If we want to get to the bottom of this, the best way is to find out whose constellation it was." She explained as you tried to remember what's the next line.

"Hmm... You want us to investigate if everyone has the same dreams and where were they in the dream?" You asked as you took out some of the leftover popsicle you made for Paimon. "Also want one?" You offered her another one one to her as she happily take it.

"Thank you and yes, I would like to know about it." She stated as she ate the popsicle which made her felt that she was blessed by the Archons for having enough food to make her stomach fills.

"I predicted this much so I went and questioned everyone before clearing the meteorite." You began to tell her everything about the dream. Meanwhile, Orochi or Sukuna (whatever you want to call him) was extremely frustrated by the fact that the scene that happened just now still stuck in replay in his head and not only that he imagined you went even more than you were before.

You, being the host of this fucking body, of course you could see his thoughts and it's really... distracting. "Mona, I need to excuse myself. Continue doing the reading, I'll be back as soon as possible. If Fischl and the others return, tell them about your finding too." You said as she looked at you in confusion before continuing doing her reading.

You went somewhere deep in the forest before letting out a sigh. "Oi, Sukuna." You summoned him out and he appeared.

"What is it, brat?" You glared at him.

"You know what's up. Do you have to fantasize about me while you are in my head?" He frowned as he just crossed his arms.

"It's your fault for making me horny." He stated as you just raised your eyebrows.

"Well, aren't you being honest. Sorry for making you horny, I guess even though you were the one asking for it like a b-" He hissed at you before you chuckled at his reaction. "Alright, kitten. I'll stop if you could do me a favor not to think about it."

"Not until you take responsibilities for what you have done." You sighed and thought of some way. You can't just rail him here and now because you are in a middle of a mission and after mission is not possible because you have yet to meet Aether and Osial.

"Well it won't happen either way. Maybe next time if you being a good boy." You stated before noticing that he was rather disappointed.

"...Ugh, you are absolutely annoying." He crossed his arms and thought of killing you the most painful way as possible for making him like this.

"Yeah, sure... Do you want to be out in the sun or you want to be inside my head?" You asked him given that he is similar as Sukuna and probably wanted to be basked under the sunlight. He thought for awhile before looking at the sun.

"Would you let me if I ripped off this kimono?" You gave him a bewildered look.

Does this man does not have any sense of shame? "No. What are you trying to do? Showing off your chesticle to local in heat?" You stated as he glared at you, knowing exactly what are you trying to call him.

"I ain't Joe to do that. Sun feel much more better when it's being exposed to the skin. You should know." He stated as you shook your head.

"No. I have no idea because all I get is sunburn. Alright, in you go to my head. Stop thinking about what happened." He grumbled before disappearing  right in front of your eyes. You headed back towards the others and just to see that Mona began to create water dome to escape while Scaramouche looked quite frustrated before he noticed you.

He turned to you with a smirk on his face before slowly approaching you. You also approached to him with not a single fear was on your face but rather a friendly face. "Hello Scara, fancy meeting you her-"

You instantly put up your shield the moment you saw he lifted his hand and so he began to summon a lightning to you. He just wore an annoyed look in his expression just to see you were untouched. "Damn and here I thought I was on a good term with you." You sighed in disappointment. "But I guess all the Harbingers always be the heartbreaker."

Scara looked at you in surprised that you actually recognized him. "How do you know I was a Harbinger?" You turned to him before smirking.

"Well, I can see through people just by looking through their eyes or body language. I already know what you tried to do with the meteorite but I let it pass anyway." You said as he looked at you in confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to be the Mondstadt and Liyue Hero? Shouldn't you be stopping us?" He asked as you thought for awhile. You really don't want to be pretentious to call yourself a hero given the only reason you saved was for the sake of how the story goes.

"Don't get me wrong, I only saved those two nations because I was dragged by the problem and I did it while I'm on my way. If I have to be completely honest, I would only save one certain person even if it would cost many lives." Your words definitely interested Scara. You were absolutely honest with your feelings unlike the other self-proclaimed hero that have some sort of savior-complex.

Scara smiled as he laughed which took you off by surprise. "You are definitely are interesting, Y/N. It's a shame that I had to capture you." He said as he took out his weapon.

"That ain't happening maybe when we meet in the future, you could do that. Bye-bye, Scara." You waved goodbye to him before you teleported away to the nearest place where Mona has escaped with the others to meet up with them.


[While you were encountering with Scara....]

"I feel like Y/N in danger." Aether suddenly stated as he gave some food to the patient who just wake from their slumber.

"Huh?" Osial looked at him confusion while feeding the old lady who was unable to move. "What do you have some sort of mother danger sense?" He asked as Aether glared at him.

"I miss Y/N. I can't wait to see him everyday." Aether said as he looked at the grass longingly.


Author Note:

Well, sorry for the short chapter- Also for those who don't know, I have done a specific book where I will write special chapter or whatever that came to my mind with my Y/N and other Genshin Character involved with first chapter with Y/N x Reader. Head to my profile and you should see another book and read there :D

Anyways, I hope you have a good day and I shall see you next time!

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