𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖?

8K 397 854

[Warning: Idek what I have I write but please just proceed with caution. I think I was either too sleep deprived or high in tea when I write this. And no, I barely edit this. Idek how do I edit this.]

You were dragged by Venti to the counter as he began to pour you some more wine in your glass that you just finished. "The Dawn Winery's wine is every bit as delectable as always! This is a very rare opportunity for me to get drink some of these wine since I can't afford it. One more for the bard please!" He exclaimed.

You could sense him getting drunk by each of every glass he drank while Diluc just watched him drinking with the quite alarming amount of bottles. You two watched him spouting some nonesense before falling flat on his face. "There goes the almighty bard." You finished the glass of wine in your glass before turning to Diluc.

"That's the 37th glass..." He said as he cleaned up the empty bottles.

"You kept counting of how many glasses he drank?" You asked as he nodded.

"Only the Knights drink for free tonight. It seems he didn't get the message. When he sobers up, I will present him with the bill." He said as you thought of his reaction. After all, a glass of apple cider costed you like 2k Mora and you really don't expect him to work anyway.

"Oof... Well, R.I.P him. You sure have no mercy on him." You stated as you took out the bottle that you received from him. "Anyways, I have a question. Why you gave me a bottle of your newest concoction?" You questioned him as he turned his gaze to you.

"Simple, it's a gift. I hope it was to your liking." Your eyes widen which put a smile on your face. You were about to ask him what's the occassion but he answered before you could ask him. "Don't think too deeply on the gift. I just thought it might be a perfect one for you. Unlike the others, you have my respect for being able to get things done quickly and effortlessly."

"I appreciate it. Thank you." You poured it into your glass and took a sip of it. It tasted like that one drink you used to love drinking when you were just a child. He glanced as he made a note to himself that you seems to like anything that has to do with apple.

"Don't ever forget that if you ever need help, whether if it comes to intel or battle or even finances, I'm here for you. I'm here for you." He reminded you which made you feel at ease knowing someone could supply you some Mora. You were about to say thank you before Kaeya snatched you away from as he wrapped his hands on your waist.

Diluc frowned at the sight of his 'brother' hugging you tightly. "Kaeya, are you drunk or something? And aren't you supposed to be resting?" You asked as he placed his head on your shoulder.

"No, not drunk and I won't pass up the opportunity to get free drinks. After all, Dawn Winery's rarely give away free drink and I just want to hug you, is that wrong, pretty boy?" You could feel his breath tickling your ear while Kaeya gave Diluc a smug look while Diluc just grumbled.

You let out a sigh as you could feel the competitive aura surrounding you. "No, it isn't but please not in front of people and ask first. Also take a rest for fuck sake, you barely can walk." You began to push him away gently for the sake of you not start internally screaming.

"Aww.... but Y/N..." You immediately avert your eyes knowing he's going to use his charms to make you say yes and he can stay.

"Nope. Since you didn't ask first, so it's not happening and please get some rest after this." You continued drinking the drink in your hand as he huffed and tried to think off an idea to let things go his way. After all, he doesn't want you to be charmed by Diluc.

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