𝑻𝒉𝒖𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏

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You teleported to Dawn Winery and the first thing you did was catching some crystalflies and kept them inside your inventory. The sight of the Manor never failed to catch your breath before you felt someone's aura at the back. You immediately turned around before you saw Diluc who had his hand reaching for you.

"Oh, Diluc! I was looking for you." You smiled as you waved your hand to him. He immediately retracted his hand and cleared his throat, averting his eyes away.

"You were looking for me?" He asked as you nodded.

"Was wondering if I could rent the whole Angel's Share for tomorrow. I planned to throw a party for the meteorite event. It's just as a form of my gratitude towards the people who help me with it. So can I?" You asked as he raised his eyebrows and thought for awhile.

"How about this? I'll let you have the Angel's Share for free as for the favor that you have done for me." He stated as you looked at him in surprise. You only barely done much for him and yet he's giving you so much item.

"I- You sure?" You felt like that was a bit too much for someone who only help translate a letter. You really don't mind paying for it given you can now create Mora out of thin air.

"Yes, I am sure... After all, not only you help me with my own little mission, you also managed to save Mondstadt from impending doom. You deserve it." You stayed silence as you sighed. You felt like you really didn't deserve it but you'll take it anyway.

"Thanks. Do you want to come to the party as well or are you going to be busy tomorrow?" You asked as he sighed.

"As much as I would love to accept your invitation... I have other business to attend tomorrow. I'm afraid we'll see each other some other time." He said, seems to be quite sad by the fact he can't spend time with you.

You were disappointed but the Darknight Hero has to save Mondstadt from it's doom. "Well, I should get preparing, thank you once again and I hope I'll see you again!" You waved goodbye to him with a smile before you ran off towards the next crystalfly you see before he smiled warmly and made his way to the Dawn Winery.


After minutes of you catching the crystalflies, you began to borrow Good Hunter's kitchen to make the food and you tried to make all of their favorite food as you were cooking you suddenly feel someone suddenly hugged you from behind. Out of instinct, you elbowed them and tripped them before you heard the sound of them falling to the ground.

"How rude! What was that for, Y/N?" You heard the familiar voice before you turned around and saw Venti who was on the floor hugging his stomach. You looked down at him in a while and remember the statue incident.

"Hmph, you deserve it." He looked at you in confusion given he had any recollection he did a mean thing to you. "Anyways, how come you appeared when I almost leaving to Liyue?" You asked him as he just giggled.

"Haha, I'm here because Lisa  has been making some exciting new contraptions." You raised your eyebrows, trying to recall why this line sounded so familiar to you.

"What kind of contraptions you speak of?" You asked him as he took out a monocle before looking at you. He stayed silence for a moment before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Who is that imaginary friend? Why is he really good-looking for an imaginary friend? And why is he shirtless?" You wanted to answer his question but you were too shock to hear the shirtless part.

"I- Wha-"

"You are mistaken, bard. I ain't his imaginary friend." You heard the recognizable voice as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked behind you to be surprised that your face were cupped by another hand making you look at Orochi as Venti immediately flinched before he glared.

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