𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔

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You teleported back to Mondstadt and this place is much more cooler than Liyue. Probably because this literally being ruled under by the Anemo Archon. Though you have to remember the reason why you came here. You were about to go on and find Kaeya but instead, he found you when you were looking for him.

You approached to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and saw you who seems to be rather hesitant about something. "Hello, Captain Kaeya." You greeted him almost sounded so shy as he smirked.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Honorary Knight. You looked like you need something from me?" He asked as his hand brushed against your cheeks. You could feel your cheeks became red before you pushed his hand away.

He was a bit surprised to see you flustered before you cleared your throats. "Well... I was visiting Liyue for the Lantern Rite and there's this suspicious person has been rummaging through the Lantern supplies filled with woods, oil and flammable stuff. He also left this symbol, do you recognize it?" You asked as he thought for a while.

" Hmm... Lantern supplies... Stockpile of wood, paper, and oil... At the very least, it sounds like an accident waiting to happen." He chuckled before looking at you with a smirk. "How very amusing. What makes you think I would recognize this symbol?" He questioned you before you thought for awhile.

"Because you seems to flirt with the dark side so I thought you would know." You said truthfully that came to your mind.

"Uh-ah! You should watch what you say, Honorary Knight." You... Totally forgot he responded like this. Why does he sounded really hot when he said like that? "What do you mean, flirt with the dark side? The Knights of Favonius certainly does not have dealings with its enemies. That has to do with a certain knightly virtue called "integrity." He explained as you shrugged.

"Though, with your looks and that voice, I would say that if you were to flirt with anyone you would have them fallen for you in no time." You stated before he looked at you in amusement.

"Does that include you in the list, pretty boy?" He asked as he cupped your face. His eyes seems to be really need of the attention and not only that, you are in public and there's many eyes on you two when he pulled that move. You really find this is embarrassing.

You pushed him away before looking away. "Kaeya. Not here..." You said as you heard him chuckle.

"Alright, alright. I digress. This is the symbol of the cross-border criminal organization you know as the Treasure Hoarders. If you are curious to know more, I can put you in touch with an informant on the inside. A little later, make your way over to Windrise. I'll arrange for the informant to meet you there." He said as you noted it down.

Your memory about this whole Lantern Rite thing started to freshen up a bit. After this you believed that you'll meet up with Nimrod and he gave some info before you make it back to Liyue. "Thank you, Kaeya." You said to him as he smiled.

"No need for your thanks. I'm happy to help whenever. Oh and don't forget, 'wine begets wisdom.'" He said before you nodded and made your way to Windrise.


You did meet up with Nimrod at Windrise and he told you all sort of info and you have to grab the letter from one of the Treasure Hoarders' branches. So here you are standing in front of their leader. "Sorry pal, wrong way. Wherever you think you're going, it's that way." He pointed at the direction of the main road towards the Liyue Harbor. Probably... You don't know, you rely too much on the Teleport Waypoint.

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