𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆... 𝑨𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑰 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆.

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"Why are your clothes so tight..." You commented and frowned the clothes since you dressed as Treasure Hoarder Marksman. You noticed that your Primodial shape that was on your hand disappeared which made you wondered why. You just sighed and there you saw Xiao waiting for you which surprised you.

"Well, the safety of Liyue is in your hands now. Good luck — even the Treasure Hoarders don't want to see the city burned to the ground." The Treasure Hoarder patted your shoulder before making for a run. Thank god that they didn't actually take any your valuable items. You doubt that they dare to.

Xiao let out a sigh of relief before he kept his spear back. "Then it is settled." You immediately remembered something.

"Wait, Xiao!" You called his name out before he stopped his steps and turned to you and let out a sigh.

"What is it?" He asked as you took a deep breath.

"Next time we meet... Let's make it somewhere with a view of the Mingxiao Lantern." You said before he frowned. He really didn't think that you still held on to that.

"...I am not partial to crowded areas. Especially at this time of the year. When this matter is resolved... come to Wangshu Inn. In previous years, the Mingxiao Lantern has been visible even from there." He said before vanishing in front of your eyes while your hand reached out for him.

You sighed as you just wiped your nonexistent tears. "Man... Never mind... I'll talk to you later." You really can't move around with the clothes they gave you so you changed back to the original clothes and abandoned the mask since Liyue is incredibly humid.

Maybe you don't have to wear such disguises after all.


Now that you arrived at the area, there you saw the masked man looking all excited when he saw you. He approached towards you as he said, "Alright, you folks from the Treasure Hoarders, yeah? I thought I insinuated in my letter there that you should have done like I done and put on a mask and a costume and so forth... But seems you didn't all get the memo. Hehehe... it's pretty cool though... gutsy." You sighed.

"Alright, explain. Rumors said that someone loitering around the highly flammable materials. Are you trying to burn down the whole city?" You asked before he began to ramble on his perfect plan in just stealing some plausterite and seems to be proud before you raised your eyebrows. "Kid, your plan has a lot of flaws in it and you are incredibly stupid." You crossed your arms.

"I know- Wait, what you mean by stupid?" He asked before realizing you. "Wait a second now... You ain't no Treasure Hoarders!" He immediately took out a knife before pointing it at you in nervous and you sighed. "What games are you playing?" He began to swing his knife as you put on your shield to avoid yourself from getting any of the scratches before you grabbed his hand and twisted his arm, making him drop the knife.

You kicked it away as you just looked at him who still trying to escape. "Don't even try to fight it. You're going to the Millileth." You dragged him along to Liyue Harbor to turn him in to the Millelith.


"Thank you for assisting us, Y/N. Here the compensation for making you deal the whole situation." The Millelith said and handed you a bag of Mora and primogems. You just smiled and were about to make your way back to the group but well, they found you first.

"Oh, hey guys." You greeted them while keeping away the items. Paimon immediately huffed as she crossed her arms.

"You always sneaked off doing something without Paimon knows. How unfair." She stated before you just smiled at her. She immediately recalled about something as her expression changed to serious. "Paimon almost forgets... Mr. Zhongli had to go back early and he had something to discuss with you. He'll meet you up at the Third Round Knockout. The place we ate with him." She said as you immediately remembered that you did a prayer to him not long ago.

You just hope that he did not going to mention about your brain went autopilot and accidentally pray something else. "I do recall that I owe him an explanation... Also, I still have one last request to fulfil so I won't be there with you guys for the Lantern released... Sorry." Aether frowned but if you promise for this then, he should let you fulfil.

"It's okay, just take care alright? As for the three guys here, I'll take care of them." Aether said in worry while you smiled but you are worried a bit but if he says so. You immediately made your way to where Zhongli wanted to meet.


Author Note:

My brain is fried so have this short chapter and if I have to be honest I'm not ready to turn into one year older soon. My birthday is catching up with me soon. I'm trying to negotiate with my mother if I could spend $100 in Genshin for Thoma but that's quite the stretch. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a nice day :D

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