𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒊

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"Alright, you get what I told you to get, right?" He asked as you nodded before you handed him some Dandelions seeds and Cecilias. He looked at it in satisfied before he took it away from you. "I haven't done this since... 1000? 2000? So the smell isn't going to be as strong." He said as you watched him doing, whatever he was going to do with those.

You were going to ask him something but he beat you to it. "You're trying to start a conversation with me?" He asked as you sighed. It is annoying that you couldn't even say anything without him answering.

"Well, it's not like I have other people to talk to. Entertain me, won't you?" You asked as he raised his eyebrow before smirking.

"Instead of talking, what about we do something else that is entertaining." You saw a picture flashed of you two make out in your head as you blushed and frowned.

"Why does everything have to be sex to you?" You asked as you crossed your arms. He just chuckled at the reaction as he began to pour the ingredients into the boiling water before turning to you.

He cupped your cheeks as his thumb grazed on your lips. "I wonder why to. Something about you just make me want to wreck that pretty face or just me purely craving for you to do a mess out of me." He said as you looked at his eyes that was clouded with lust. The worst thing is that you began to blur him out as Sukuna.

Once again, you managed to get a glimpse of his true form. Beautiful blue hair with golden yellow eyes, well built body. You weren't sure what you should tell to him to stop or let him do whatever he wanted on you. You were too flustered as he smirked and giggled. "Too much for you? I wonder because of the voice that you gave me coming from one of your voice actor or because my look overwhelm you."

You pushed him away before covering your face. "No, wait. I can't handle that much." You stated as you tried to regain your cool as Orochi huffed.

"And here I thought we get to fuck. Guess my charms aren't that strong." He said as he looked at you being flustered. Even though, he was stuck in your mind, your body for 500 years, and still being chained up that time. As much as he hated you, he found himself slowly falling for you. He remember the last childhood you being too corrupted for a child you to handle.

As you slowly getting distracted by the crabs suddenly running on the beach, still having that childish side of you is enough for him to feel glad that he took over most of your childhood suffering. After all, you never had parents that actually cares for you but yet here you always found a way to forgive, to overthrow them.

He thanked and cursed that god. For making him and letting him protect, Y/N. He wondered if... "Wonder what?" You asked him, a reminder that you two shared the same mind.

"Nothing." He answered though he does wonder about it but he can't say or think about it. It was too early for you to know. You just blinked at him in confusion before seeing another crab and continued to catch. He just let out and looking at you endearingly. Now he gets why the Unknown God seems to be fond of you.

"So that's why... Stupid goddess can't do things right." Maybe as a demon, he probably the softest one yet.


"Here, take this." He handed you something called Magical perfume, giving you an unbreakable shield until the scent of the perfume faded away. You kept it in his perfume as you looked at him who seems to be staring endlessly at the starry sky. "Your scent is too strong for fuck sake..." He stated as you just clicked your tongue.

"Who cares. I like the smell of QIngxin." You stated as you sat next to him as he glanced at you.

"You smell like a dead person..." He commented as you furrowed your eyebrows. "Better look out or Hu Tao might come after you." He said as you rolled your eyes.

"You know, you become less like Sukuna now..."

"Told you I ain't him. Even if I was a fragments of him, I will be the better version." He said proudly as you looked at him who seems to even more and more human like. "The fuck you staring at me, brat?" He asked as you shook your head and turned back to the sky.

"Nothing, just admiring this version of you instead you being a horndog or a total asshole." He was surprised to hear that before he covered his face and turned away.

"You are an idiot." He said before he smiled to himself.


Author Note:

Short chapter because the king (Bwaap) has uploaded a new video but I hope you enjoy. Also, I want to do a self-promo again. My Genshin Impact but Idol AU fanfic is up. I have to say that book might give you a hint about whatever plot coming here. Think it as Y/N continued to live on as he watched his harem and friends died before learning about their incarnation.

That's all from me and I hope you have a great day.

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