𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎

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You opened your eyes and found yourself in unfamiliar place and you noticed that your clothes were different from what you worn before. It was rather fancier than what would you usually wear. You wondered around the place to learn more of this new place before you noticed that you walked past by a mirror. Your hair weren't your usual color. It was silver and your eyes were similar to what you've seen in the Heavenly Principles' eyes. Bright orange which was not the natural color you would've seen.

You were surprised and in confusion before your head began to hurts so badly. You collapsed on the ground, trying to fight against this sudden pain in your head. Something in your head trying to gain some sort of control and some sort of familiar feeling began to wash over you. Hatred, towards something you weren't sure of what exactly.

It's definitely eating you up. You heard a familiar deep voice came from behind you. "Yves, you alright?" Your vision was too blurry to see his face but he felt familiar to you. You reached out for his hand as he helped you up. "Did you drink again... You are a king and you shouldn't drink... It's okay, I'm here for you." He sounded so gentle but you couldn't pinpoint who is he exactly.

You couldn't utter a word to ask him but suddenly everything turn dark. It changed to a scenery of Khaenri'ah's destruction. "Yves!" Someone from behind you called you out before slapping your face. Tears suddenly streamed down to your eyes as you saw Lumine in front of you crying as well. "Look what happened! I tried to warn you, Dainsleif tried to warn you that this will happen but you... You ignored us." Her voice cracks as she fall to the ground and crying.

"You promised me, that if I follow you, if I fought with you, my brother and I could finally have a home to live here. The place that we yearned for but... what happened to you?" She asked as you were in confusion but yet something inside you were mourning, regretting. You didn't even answered but your head started to hurt you even more. It was unbearable for you as she looked down on you and looked forward. "I guess because you were still a god's creation you weren't be able to free yourself from the shackles... This is my promise to you, Yves. You may be incapable to fight against your own master but I will fight them for you. I'll engulf the thrones and I will fight against the Celestia so that we could build Teyvat as the world where human's ambitions wouldn't limited." She said as she brought you in for a hug.

You just hugged her back as you could see all sorts of visions coming to you. A vision where you, her and Dainsleif went around Teyvat and explore the other nations, learning about things from other nations. It felt nostalgic for you. "You should rest, your brain is probably spazzing out from trying to free yourself from her control just now. I'll go around the city to find any survivors. Goodnight, Yves." She smiled as your eyes began to become heavy. You began to shut your eyes as you felt yourself falling down in some sort of hole.

You had lost the ability to think or to say things. Though, everything that you are watching, burns you so much. It hurts you so much for you, yourself to endure. You just prayed that this pain ended.  You were starting to lose all sort of senses, your body became numb and made you wondered to yourself what might just happen to you.

You felt a gentle, warm touch on your forehead. Rubbing them which made you able to open your eyes. Still falling in the void but you saw Xiao next to you. "So you too has been enduring the karma from the previous gods as well... I misjudged you. You are much stronger than you appeared." He said sounded so gentle as he grabbed your hand.

"Xiao?" The words you first uttered after that whole thing.

"It appeared that you are regaining your controls back. That's good and keep focusing on me until you feel better. Talk to me more." He said but you were confused and yet you are scared of this new things you experienced. You were scared of this endless falling, making you think that no one will be there to catch your fall.

"What's happening?" You asked, with clear fear in your shaky voice as he held your hand close.

"This is probably the first time you experienced such things like this. Your body is slowly corrupting because there's nothing else could feed on to your corruption but you can fight it. It's really going to hurt but if it's someone like you, I'm sure that you could fight it really well." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

Your body is corrupting? How is it corrupting you? Why now? And how exactly are you supposed to fight it? Those questions lingered in your head as you could see Xiao's appearance were fading. "Calm down, you are loosing yourself. These karma can affect whenever you felt negativity so try to concentrate on the positivity." He said as you looked at him.

The word of positivity reminded you of the Lantern Rite experience. The moment where you watched fireworks with him. The void that surrounded you are now filled the colorful fireworks being blasted off in the sky as he was surprised that this moment you treasure so much. "I didn't know you really love this moment even though it lasted a minute..." He stated as a smile crept on your face.

"Because, I feel happy that you were willing to watch it with me despite you said that you didn't see the reason to watch it. It's special, you know." Xiao was only here to help you recover from the corruption you were facing but he didn't know why did he start to feel this sort of excitement feeling when he heard you say that.

"You are... very peculiar for a human being..." He said as he felt some sort of warmth on his cheeks as you chuckled. Your surrounding began to turn to white as you woke up and immediately greeted by a... lot of people in your room with Xiao sat next to you.

"I've done my work, so I shall take my leave. You should take the medicine instead also, you guys made sure not to upset him for a week." He said before disappearing and you were going to say something but abruptly interrupted by Paimon and Aether hugged you tightly.

Osial and Orochi seems to discuss about something while Cora and Astra was froze on their spot. "Y/N, that was scary, please don't ever do that happen." You looked at her in confusion.

"I did something?" You asked as you noticed that your hand that was with your skin color now turn partially black as Orochi glanced at you and felt the need to look at you even more close than ever while carrying out her orders.


Author Note:

When I originally planned to make the story as reader to be nothing more than Aether's sidekick but look what we have here, some sort of thing here. Thanks to the theory videos I actually had an inspiration on what to write. Speaking of theory, I have a theory. You can skip and ignore because this is just me bullshitting.

I can't help but think that Pierro or the First Harbinger could be Dainsleif. The stories between these two aligned y'know? Like in the Mocking Mask lore, he failed to gain favor with the past ruler of an unknown country due to the other sages. This did not stop them from doing something that tore away "the veil of sins" which led to the destruction to this country and because of this reason, he became embittered with the divine and joined the Tsaritsa.

What other country could it be if not Khaenri'ah? As the Abyss twin say, Dainsleif failed to protect his people but what if he tried to warn that the whole cataclysm will happen towards the nation but was shut out by the ruler? He also had some sort of vengeance towards the divine and to the Abyss. This makes sense if he sided with Tsaritsa who was trying to fight against the divine (Celestia) that he despised very badly. And the Abyss Twin clearly warned our twin that we should not trust him which makes it seem even more possible for him to be the first Harbinger and the one that founded Fatui.

As much as it contradicts what I said to the personality we saw of him and what we know of him, it would make sense that Dainsleif would try to do a cover up as nothing more than someone who knew a lot and usually worked alone because his travel partner left. Maybe, Abyss' twin witnessed him do a deal with the Tsaritsa and immediately called him a traitor towards his own nation. A nation that was destroyed by one man's ambitions and greeds that passed the limitations of the Heavenly Principle only.

It's fitting, isn't it? Or am I just going crazy with the theory and overlooked a part? Maybe but well, give me your thoughts.

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