𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝑩𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓

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You guys snuck back in Liyue Harbor just to meet up with Childe at Northland Bank. Upon arriving, you saw him to be pacing back and forth before noticing you and immediately smiled.

"You've finally returned. How was your journey to Jueyun Karst?" He asked, seems to be thrilled to hear your journey.

Aether just told how you guys managed to convince all the adeptus and the location of the adeptus' abode. He was very interested and seems to be listening everything in details.

"Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Cloud Retainer, Conqueror of Demons. Some of these names have never come up in the intel the Fatui gets hold of." He said as he smiled so friendly.

"As a returning gift, I too have information for you." He said as he explained about how Qixing's action towards Rex Lapis' death.

"This makes things diffucult for me too." Aether huffed and crossed his arm as Paimon remembered the sole reason why you guys are in Liyue at the first place.

"Oh? You're trying to find The Seven? And just why might that be, pray tell?" Childe asked as Aether just gave him a very cold look.

"Nothing to do with you." Aether commented as Childe chuckled and gave him a smirk.

You just listening in as you just admiring the view of the streets from up here. Strangely enough, ever since your trip to Jueyun Karst, you could feel aura emitting from people and creatures.

It made you felt quite uncomfortable if you have to be honest. You sighed before you felt a very strong aura presence. You caught sight of Zhongli walking passed which surprised you to see him.

The voice in your head shrieked in fear as they begged you to get away from him. You simply just give zero shit but they cause you a really bad headache.

He glanced at your direction but you couldn't help but think that he was looking at you before walking away. "Y/N... Are you okay? You looked quite red and pale." Paimon gave you a worry look.

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit hungry." You said as you turned to her with a smile. Well, the voices demanding for blood in hunger but you just do not want to fight anything or anyone right now.

Now this made you realized something. The voices in your head only react to people who have high bloodlust but you still have yet to know why.


After cooking some snacks and stop by to buy some drinks, you guys began to find this person called Ekaterina. "Welcome, Travelers, friends of Childe. And congratulations on the first day of your illustrious career with the Fatui."

"Thank you- ow." You felt Paimon nudging at you and glared at you. You were too confused and tired to even know what you did.

"I don't consider myself a friend of Childe." Aether said in a very cold tone. Ekaterina just shot a cunning smirk at him.

"You sound remarkably sure of yourself... Remember, we are mere mortals — our ideas are fluid like water. Only the Tsaritsa truly has a will as solid as the permafrost." She said before she just shrugged it off.

"But back to the matter at hand. Childe tells me that he has upheld his end of your agreement." She said which piqued Paimon's interest and confusion.

"What agreement? Oh, the thing about him helping us find a guy?" Paimon recalled as Ekaterina nodded.

"Correct. Childe promised he would find someone to break the stalemate. And the Harbingers do not break their promises lightly." Ekaterina explained.

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