𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑺𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕

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You did follow the White Seelie but you didn't know it would go this far if you had to be honest because here you are standing at the entrance of Dragonspine, the broken bridge with ice barrels waiting to be exploded. It used to be the worst nightmare for the old player but still, it is the worst if you underestimate it. "...I have to go in there?" You asked the Seelie as it just speaks glitter which you take as a yes. "Dear Archons, please bless this soul with warmth." You prayed before entering Dragonspine, hoping that your Pyro ability managed to keep you warm.

You continued following it with you only thinking that if it's possible for you to meet Albedo. As for how you keep yourself warm, you ended up taking a stick and lit it on fire which is surprisingly effective. Until it asked you to climb the fucking mountain. "You... I... Why..." You stammered before letting out a sigh and kept the torch in your inventory before you started to pull out Venti's E to quickly climb the mountain, following the White Seelie. Putting some stepping stones for you to rest while letting your limited stamina up and also warming yourself up.

You weren't sure which part of the mountain was this but you continued climbing. After all, it's been forever you actually explored the whole Dragonspine, and the only time you came here was when you needed those Fatui Insignia. You don't know how long did you climb but you were surprised to see the Seelie stopped at the front of what you thought was a wall before suddenly entering inside.

Of course, you did hold out your hand to see to the wall that the Seelie went through, and surprisingly, the illusion of the wall faltered and revealed a well-decorated place with a bunch of shelves that filled with books, alchemy, and a bunch of stationeries, a study table with a warm Seelie statue next to it. You were speechless given that this was also not part of the game. "Whose place is this?" You questioned and it's not like the Seelie could answer you.

The Seelie stood in front of a book as you picked it up because it's not like you were fluent with Teyvat's language and though you didn't actually recognize what language was written this you were able to read it. You were actually weirded out before you opened the book to see what was special about this book for this Seelie pointed out.

This book belongs to Yves and can be only read by Yves. If you are able to read this, your actual name is Yves.

You stayed silent and looked at it, feeling weirded out by it. It's too out of character for you to see that your past self acts like this. You began to sit down at the study table and took your time to read the book in peace.



Paimon watched Aether looking at the pot in sadness as she floated towards somewhere else that it was hidden enough to hide. Aether had been extra quiet the moment you left and only accepted the commission that requires fighting. It does make Paimon worried but then again, under your circumstances, surrounded by people who adored you, see you in high expectation yet not a single person would actually know your actual past.

Not that she doubted Osial but rather, ever since that demon showed up, the moment you set your eyes to tame it, everything became shattered to you. The moment she saw his appearance, she already knows who he is and she couldn't bring herself to expose his real identity. She feared him the moment she saw those tattoos, blue hair, and those pretentious gold eyes because her history with him went deep back before she joined Aether or being cast aside and drown in the endless sea which she had wished that the suffering ended.

She couldn't even warn you or everyone to not trust him because she knew what happens if she told them about it. It would be the end of her if he went back in time to kill her. She wondered why out of all people, he was assigned to target you. He might have taken advantage of the fact you had a voice living in your head and pretended it was him all along. She looked at the starry night sky, already seeing the lies behind the beauty before curling herself up with all the guilt she had to hold.

Was it wrong of her to keep quiet for the sake of her own survival? Was it selfish of her to want to live knowing that you will also die in miserable death once he got what he was meant to do?

Though, what make her question was, what in the world does she need you for?

She just shrugged it off, not wanting to mess with Celestia before opening her tiny diary, writing what she had experienced today as per usual, and wished that you'll come back tomorrow.


You finished reading the book as you stared at it silently. Reading the book did gain your memory as you looked at the Seelie who had been sitting next to your shoulder. "So Guizhong made you lead me back here, huh?" You patted as it let out glittery sounds of happiness but you were having some sort of anger.

Lucian and Azzariella were supposed to be your parents but they were only using you to get their godly powers back after using all sorts of brainwashing to your past self and the other gods that had admired you to obey them, also ruling Vindagnyr before you started to wreak havoc with a voice inside your head controlling you and this was way back before Durin was created, another royal family stood at Vindagnyr. During the midst of the chaos that you've done, the Heavenly Principles had taken you back to Celestia with someone next to her. Someone who looked like Orochi.

Yet the past self of yours didn't state his name which made you wonder why. Your past self did warn you to not stay close to Osial or any Abyssal or Dark Seas resident since your body had grown weak to fight it. Despite you receiving this piece of memory about the Villarreal family, it still doesn't explain how they managed to find you or get you in control.

The voices were strange too, it seems like they had quieted themselves down ever since you made Orochi appear. Orochi doesn't seem to react nastily towards Archon as he used to. You recalled that the voices would always be hyping you up to fight Childe as he had high bloodlust but screech whenever Zhongli is near because they hated Archon.

You let out a sigh as you looked out at the horizon. "I want apple cider and maybe Albedo's Woodland Dream. I want to see him but it would be weird of me to suddenly appear at his lab and know him. Sucrose too because she's nice and I want to visit her lab. Playing with Klee doesn't sound bad at all after years maining her. A reincarnated story like this is always so confusing but the thing is I reincarnated as myself but I was somehow transported here. How did I transport here? Ugh... I wish that past could disappear so that I could enjoy my harem or something. Being a side character would sound much nicer than being the main." You ranted out loud with Seelie only snuggling at your neck may be out of comfort.

The warmth coming from the Warm Seelie statue with cold air blowing into the cave made you sleepy which sooner or later made you dozed off right on the table while the White Seelie disappeared. Little did you know, someone who also found out about this place had listened to your story in silence and decided to leave and reported their finds about you to the Tsaritsa.


Author Note:

I spend half an hour, sitting on a public toilet to write this because I got inspiration. Thankfully for me, the toilets were empty except for a cleaner who was waiting for me to come out because I think she thought I was giving birth or something. Well, in any case, I have other things to tell you guys.

You might know about this and it is what you are thinking, a shameless promotion :)

On this 31st October, I will release my own original story very soon since I technically made a promise to my past self that if one of my fanfic blows up, I should post my original story that I have since ten years old but I refined it ofc so it isn't too weird.

You probably could've guessed it, it's a reincarnation story about a guy who only knows how to fight in his past life became a cursed princess with complex history herself. He had to survive by living past the age of 21 from the assassination attempts of countless people. I made a lot of the changes from my original one because the original one was definitely like a fucking Gacha phase story and the mc is too op for his own sake.

This original story is inspired by Who Made Me A Princess, Death is the only ending for a Villainess and Beware of the Villainess. If you are interested in reading please follow me and make sure to keep a look out for an announcement of its release.

Anyways, that's all from me, thank you for reading and supporting this story! I wish you all a great day/night <3

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