You Kept the Ring?

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Erin's POV: When Jay told me that he kept the engagement ring he bought for me all those years ago and used the exact same one when he proposed to me when he found out I was pregnant, I was shocked. I mean, what type of guy does that? "I never knew that your feelings for me were so strong that you actually would keep a ring that you bought for me all those years ago just in case. Jay, what were you thinking?" Jay smiled. "It was a way of holding onto the hope that someday, you would be my girl again." I smiled when she said that and then sat up to look at him. I then bent down and kissed him softly. "Well, your plan worked because not only am I your girl, but I am your wife."

Jay chuckled as he went to grab my hand while looking up at me. He then tugged me down onto his chest again and grabbed my neck so that he could kiss me. "I love you Erin and I promise, we are forever. That's one of the things you are guaranteed this time. No running, no leaving each other and I promise to always be by your side for the rest of your life." I smiled and nodded, knowing that was completely true. I mean, he kept my engagement ring for years.

Running my hand down his chest as we held each other close, I pulled away from the kiss before laying my head down on his shoulder. Jay then moved to wrap his arm around my back and smiled while kissing my head. "I think that ring was my good luck charm. Led me to getting you pregnant and making you my wife." I chuckled and nodded, agreeing with that. 

However, there was a question that I wanted to ask him that's always been in the back of my mind but that I've been too scared to ask. I didn't look at Jay when I asked him because I didn't want to see his face when I asked him this. "Jay?" He then looked at me. "Yeah?" I sighed and went to ask him what I was scared to ask. "When you asked me to give us a second chance, it was because you loved me right? Not because I was pregnant with your daughter?"

Jay was shocked when I asked him that before running his hand up my back. "Erin, I promise that the reason I asked you for another chance was definitely because I love you. Erin, our daughter is just another blessing that led to us getting married much sooner than the original plan. Erin, this was always going to be our future. We would be married and have kids. However, I never imagined that it would happen this soon. Nor did I expect to get Hank's blessing."

I laughed a bit when Jay said that and nodded. "Not like he really had a choice when it came to give us his blessing. I mean, I am pregnant. But, you asking him for his blessing was a much better choice because it proved to him how much you really love me and our daughter. It also meant a lot to me because not many guys do that anymore. It's very attractive. One of the main reasons I was completely okay with saying yes. And of course, because Hank nodded yes."

Jay looked down at me. "So, while I was on one knee...that was what you were looking at behind me? Hank nodding yes?" I sighed and nodded. "Jay, I know I shouldn't have but...this was all so fast. I was scared to go that far with you. So, the nod was a reassurance that....if I said yes, Hank would make sure that I could stay here and nothing like what happened the first time around would happen to us. I couldn't loose you again Jay."

Jay understood and nodded. "If you ever have to leave, just know that I am coming with you. We are a package deal now. That's what marriage is. I don't care if the case says that only you need to go into witness protection or need to transfer for your safety. I am coming with you forever and so is Olivia. We are a package deal." I smiled and liked that.

"The best package deal in the world considering how good we work together." Jay nodded and smiled as he kissed my forehead. "You know, when all this is over...I am going to take you on a honeymoon okay? I want to take you to Los Angeles and we can visit the ocean." I liked the sound of that and smiled, nodding because it sounded amazing. "The first time our daughter will put her feet in the ocean." Jay chuckled and nodded.

"You ever put your feet in the ocean?" I sighed and nodded. "Have you?" I chuckled and nodded. "I've swam in it while I was in Afghanistan. Had time off so I went to visit a friend who's in the US Navy. God, that was a fun trip. They literally jump off the side of the ships and dive into the ocean. It's such a thrill." I smiled when he said that. "Promise our kids do not join the military."

Jay then bit his lip and sighed. "Erin, I'll make you a deal. I won't push them towards the military. I won't pressure them to enlist. However, if they do want to go and enlist...I am not going to say no. Instead, I am going to prepare them to the best ability I can. I'm sorry Erin but, I am going to be that dad. If my kids want to serve just like I did, then they will."

I sighed when he said that but understood. "And if our kids didn't want to follow us into intelligence but instead wanted to be police patrolmen? Would you support that when we are literally right upstairs working in intelligence?" Jay looked at me and nodded. "Erin, I just said that I would support them going overseas where we can't see them everyday. If they are here on patrol, we would still see them everyday. In fact, I would try and get them at District 21."

I smiled when he said that. "By the way, I am going to tell Olivia about the nickname Platt gave you." Jay chuckled when I said that. "Detective Chuckles?" I nodded. "Oh, admit chuckle all the time." Jay nodded and smiled. "It's because my wife is so hilarious." I smiled when he said that and then leaned up to kiss him softly. "God, I love you so much."

Jay smiled when I said that before going to kiss me again. "I love you too." I then laid my head down on his chest when I started to hear my stomach gurgle. I then looked at Jay. "Can you go make me a snack? I guess the workout made me hungry." Jay nodded and smiled. "How does a grilled cheese sound?" I nodded and smiled. "Delicious. I'm staying here though." Jay then nodded as he moved out from under me. However, before he left...he leaned over me and gave me a kiss. "Be back soon." I smiled and nodded, watching him walk away to make me food.

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