Chapter 1005

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Jay's POV: As I come downstairs from grabbing a shirt, I walk into the living room to see that I am all alone. "Erin?" That's when I see Erin in the kitchen...passed out on the floor. "Erin!" I then rushed over to her and see she fell over. "Shit, I knew I waited too long to get us lunch." She only said she was hungry now and didn't want to upset her but...I should've known better. I then moved to grab my phone and called Voight. He answered right away. "What's up...." I interrupted him. "Erin just passed out. I was upstairs getting a shirt, we just ordered lunch. I don...."

Voight just calmed me down. "Okay, at least you called to get lunch. Good idea, now call the ambulance and hang up with me. I'll meet you at the hospital okay?" I nodded and agreed, rolling Erin over before calling 911. "911, what's your emergency?" I then told them, scared. "My pregnant wife is out cold on the ground. She needed to eat and we ordered food, she has a pulse. Can you get me to Gaffney Medical? My brother and sister-in-law work there as ER doctors." The dispatch the said. "Okay, can you please tell me y...." I then just said my name, they had my address on record. "This is Detective Halstead, CPD Intelligence."

The 911 operator then understood. "I'll bring up your file and send an ambulance right away. Do you need help?" I then thought about it. "Can you alert doctors Halstead and Manning about me coming? I would like them to work on her. They are my brother and sister-in-law." The 911 operator agreed. "Of course, Ambulance 51 is en route. Want me to stay on the line?" I shook my head. "I got it, and I'll call Voight." She agreed. "Good luck sir."

I then hung up and went to call Hank.

Meanwhile, at the District

Voight's POV: As I sat at my desk eating lunch, I saw that I was currently being called by my favorite (well only) son-in-law and hopefully, Erin. Answering it, I went to speak to him. "Well, if it isn't my favorite fu...." Jay interrupted me and just spoke up. "Hank, I just ordered me and Erin some lunch. I was getting a shirt upstairs to get it...but when I came down she was passed out on the floor. I knew I sho...." I just shut him up. "Jay, did you call 911?"

"Yes, they are on their way. We are going to Chicago Med. I already told them to get Will and Natalie on the case. I wanted to let you know." I agreed and nodded. "Listen, let me just get some stuff in order here and I will meet you at the hospital. Jay, you did everything right. I am not mad. Thanks for letting me know. Now, concentrate on Erin!" I then hung up and went to grab my jacket. Walking out of my office, I saw Ruzek sitting at his desk. I looked at him, shocked that he was here at work rather than at home.

"What are you doing here? What did you do to get sent here by Burgess?" He sighed and looked at me. "They are doing virtual wedding dress shopping. I can't be there and I'm on call so...I thought I'd come work here. I'm wearing a mask after all that okay?" I then looked at him and nodded. "Yes, when you come back. Right now, you're coming with me to Chicago Med." Ruzek got worried. "Voight, you okay? If you have COVID..." I interrupted him. "Not me, Jay just called. Erin passed out. She's going to the hospital right now."

Ruzek then got up and went to grab his jacket. "Then I'm coming. Jay is going to need someone who isn't Erin's father figure to lean on!" I nodded and understood what he meant. We then started to walk out together. "And you are going to need someone to hold you back from asking questions. Voight, remember that Jay is Erin's husband and the father of her child. Yes, we all know that you are her dad's his job right now to be the one to ask questions. You need to let him do that. I know what I'm talking about because....we just found out we're pregnant."

I was shocked when he said that. "Burgess let you get her pregnant?" Ruzek chuckled. "We are due in August next year. So, you are going to have 3 dads on paternity leave this summer." I sighed and didn't like the sound of that. "Just great, now I have to hire more people." Ruzek sighed. "If you hire more people now, I can help train them until we have to go on paternity leaves." I actually liked that idea. "You know, sometimes you have really good ideas Ruzek."

Ruzek just looked at me and was a bit insulted but, I shut him up by reminding him that I'm his boss. "Ruzek, remember that I am your boss and hold the key as to whether you are undercover or not around Kim's due date." Ruzek nodded and agreed. "Actually, isn't that Jay's job now?" Just great, I thought to myself, everybody knows that I've delegated that power. "I still have the role as head of intelligence. But yes, Jay is now the Deputy Head of Intelligence for Undercover Operations. Meanwhile, Antonio is now the Deputy Head of Intelligence for Drug and Gang-Related Crimes."

Ruzek agreed and nodded. "Wow, talk about long titles. How are you going to put those on their vests?" I hadn't thought of that. "Not sure yet." I smiled as we walked down the steps and I turned to look at Trudy. "Trudy, we are out. I have my phone and car." Trudy then looked at me. "Voight, you know what the commissioner said. No undercover unless mandatory." I sighed and looked at her. "Ruzek, go to Chicago Med and wait for me at the doors." He nodded and agreed.

I then walked over to Trudy's desk and looked at her. "Erin passed out at home. I am not going on an undercover mission." Trudy nodded and was shocked. "Okay, send her and Jay my best. Let's hope the baby is okay." I nodded and agreed. "Yes. I love Jay like my own son. I know for a fact that it would kill him if something happened to their baby. Or worse, to Erin." We both nodded and agreed. I then went to grab Trudy's hand and rubbed it. "I'll call you okay?"

Trudy nodded and agreed as I walked out of the district to see Ruzek already waiting for me in his car. "You are not driving Voight, this is Erin we're talking about. You concentrate on her. Let me concentrate on the driving. We still need our leader until she's better and has actually given birth. We can't loose you anytime soon." I nodded and agreed, smiling at him. Closing my door and buckling up, I turned to look at him. "I was wrong about you Ruzek."

Ruzek didn't understand what I meant by that as he pulled away from the district to drive me to Chicago Med. "What do you mean by that?" I smiled at him. "When I first heard that you are going to be a dad, I didn't think you were ready. But, you insisting on driving me just proves to me that you are ready to be a dad. You've made me proud Adam." Ruzek smiled when I said that. "Proud enough to make me Deputy Head of Intelligence?" I looked at him and shook my head.

"Not a chance bub. We all know that's Jay's and Antonio's jobs. Didn't we just go over this inside?" Adam smirked when I asked. "Just making sure that your head's on straight Voight, relax. This is Jay and Erin we're talking about. We both know that you get extra worried when it comes to your family's health during COVID. However, this is not just her health but also the health of your granddaughter. I know where your head is at as a future dad."

I agreed with him and smiled. "Okay, enough with the gushy stuff and make sure you stay tough. I need that in my unit with all the hormones in there. I mean, we have 2 pregnant women and another one who is just waiting to get pregnant." Ruzek turned to look at me and laughed. "About that, you going to bring in a new detective?" I sighed and nodded. "I'm looking at Detective Hailey Upton. I want her to come join us permanently until all the maternity and paternity leaves are over. If she works good, then I will give her Erin's job."

Ruzek was shocked when I said that. "Then what's going to happen to Erin?" I looked at him. "I am going to move her up to my deputy ahead of time. Once she's my deputy, then there's an opening in the unit so that I can hire Upton." Ruzek nodded and understood. "Right, that makes sense." I laughed and nodded as we drove to Chicago Med.

One Chicago: Health First Part 3Where stories live. Discover now