Chapter 1067

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"So, what do you think about sharing a midnight kiss under the stars?"

Matt's POV: When Gabby asked me about sharing a midnight kiss under the stars to start the new year, I couldn't help but smile because that sounds perfect. I then moved my hand to her hip and decided to lean down so I could kiss her. "That sounds perfect. Let's just hope the nobody needs to go to the hospital around that time." Gabby sighed and nodded. I then moved to kiss her forehead before whispering to her. "Gabby, we have been really lucky this year. I feel like luck is on our side when it comes to this."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. I then smiled as I moved to rub her hip. "However, I am going to talk to Antonio about bringing Matteo to us at the firehouse instead of us having to go there to pick him up." Gabby was confused when I said that. "Why exactly?" I sighed and looked at her. "Because I have a feeling that we are going to have a busy night. People are going to be doing stupid stuff so, that means that ambulances are going to be needed very often. At least, in my opinion they will be. But, you are the expert on it."

Gabby seemed to be confused when I said that. "Okay, why exactly would I be the expert when it comes to that?" I smiled and then moved to push a strand of hair behind her ear. "You've worked Ambo on New Year's Eve before. I've only worked Fire. So, you tell me. How busy would an ambulance company normally be on New Year's Eve?" Gabby then bit her lip and thought about it. "We are pretty busy. So busy that, Med literally has to have all staff working that night." I nodded and smiled at her when I heard my phone ring.

"Did you expect someone to call?" Gabby shook her head and moved away a bit to let me grab my phone. Rolling over, I saw it was Natalie. "Hey Natalie, what's up?" I heard her sigh and could tell something was wrong. "Oh god, please don't tell me that my sister is in the hospital!" Natalie then spoke up. "Oh no, she's not here. I am just getting ready to ask you this because I just learned that me and Will are working on New Year's Eve and my mother-in-law has a cold."

I sighed when she asked and knew what she wanted to ask us. "Natalie, I'm so sorry that your mother-in-law has a cold. But, we can't take Owen on New Year's Eve. We are working that night because each firehouse is going to have 2 ambulances this year. So, unfortunately...we may not be seeing you when it comes to watching Owen but, we will be seeing you when we are dropping off at the hospital." Natalie sighed and understood. "I knew it was going to be a longshot. But, you have to try right?" I chuckled and smiled. "Have you already tried Jay and Erin?" 

Natalie sighed. "Yes, Jay is working with patrol that night to enforce the stay at home order." I sighed and knew what she meant. That's when I thought of someone that might be able to help. "Have you tried to talk to Hermann?" Natalie seemed to be a little confused. "You mean your co-worker? Why would I have asked him?" I sighed and thought about it. "His wife doesn't work. She has 5 kids. I don't know if she would be up to it but, that's my best bet. Listen, how about I call them for you. You keep calling your friends okay and I'll call you back?" 

Natalie agreed and let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks Matt, I'll wait until I hear back from you before continuing my calls." I nodded and understood. Gabby then looked up at me and sighed. "What did Natalie want and why exactly are you going to call Hermann?" I looked at her. "Natalie is working on New Year's Eve and her ex-mother-in-law, Helen, just cancelled on babysitting Owen. She asked if we could take him but, we are working that night." Gabby nodded and sighed. "Then, how does Hermann come into this?"

I sighed and looked at her. "I thought, Cindy always volunteers to watch Matteo if we need it so...why wouldn't she offer the same to someone who really needs it? More specifically, a doctor at the hospital. Is it too far of a stretch to think that maybe she would help?" Gabby shrugged. "And they already talked to Jay and Erin?" I nodded. "He's working patrol to enforce the stay at home order." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Okay, then call them. Tell them about the situation but, let them talk to Natalie before they make a decision."

I nodded and agreed before going to grab my phone to call Hermann. Finding his home number, I smiled when I went to call. Waiting for someone to answer, I smiled when I heard Cindy. "Well, if this isn't a surprise. How are you and Gabby doing Matt?" I chuckled and smiled. "We are going good. Just had a great first Christmas with Matteo." I could tell Cindy liked that. "So, how can we help you? You want another one of those meals I made for you when Gabby gave birth?"

I was shocked she offered. "Oh, we would never say no to that. However, I am actually calling on behalf of a friend. You know Natalie Manning from Gaffney Medical?" Cindy didn't know where this was going but, she said yes. "Yes, I know most of the doctor's there. I have 5 kids remember Matt?" I nodded and sighed. "Well, she's working New Year's Eve and her son's grandmother can't watch him because he's sick. His aunt and uncle are cops and are working on New Year's Eve to enforce the stay-at-home order. So, she's in a bit of a bind. They need all hands on deck at Gaffney because they are thinking they are going to be overrun with COVID."

Cindy understood where I was going. "They need someone to watch their son don't they?" I sighed and nodded. "You were the only one who I knew that would actually not be working that night. Honestly, you are my only friend that isn't a first responder." She laughed and agreed. "Well then, how about you give me their number...I will talk to Christopher and then call her." I agreed and smiled. "Okay, their number is XXX-XXX-XXX." Cindy agreed. "Thanks Matt, want me to let you know what we decide to do?"

I thought about it and shook my head. "No, you don't need to. I am sure that Hermann is going to tell me when we get to work tomorrow anyways." She agreed and smiled. "Happy New Year to the both of you. Be safe tomorrow oh, and do you need me to watch Matteo?" I shook my head. "No, Gabby's brother is watching him. You know Sylvie right?" Cindy agreed. "Yes, I know everybody at the firehouse Matt." I smiled and agreed. "Well, her and Gabby's brother are engaged now. They're having twins together."

Cindy was shocked to hear that. "Wow, that's news. Send my congrats to them." I chuckled and smiled. "Of course. Tell Hermann that we'll see him at the firehouse tomorrow." Cindy agreed and then hung up. I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled. "Let's see how that goes." Gabby agreed and smiled as she grabbed my hand, hoping that the Hermanns can watch him. 

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