Chapter 999

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Matt's POV: After spending the past 20 minutes helping Hermann board up the bar, me and Gabby were now standing at the car as I was attaching Matteo to my chest. "So yeah, I just learned from Hermann that Cruz is getting a percentage of each delivery he makes." Gabby was shocked. "And why were we not consulted on this?? We are the majority owners! 50%. Hermann and Mouch only own 25% of the bar each!" I nodded and sighed. "It's why we're having this meeting." Gabby sighed and nodded. "Sorry for yelling." I understood and nodded before grabbing her hand so that we could make our way into the bar to talk.

After making our way inside, I saw Hermann and Cruz sitting at a table. I sighed and looked at them. "Just to let you both know...Gabby is not happy." They both looked at her face and could tell that right away. Moving to sit down at a table further away from them, Gabby spoke up. "Okay, I get that I've only been back in Chicago for 4 months but....I am a majority owner of Molly's again and...I want to be consulted on all business decisions that we make for Molly's. By the way, still not impressed on how much we lost on Molly's North."

Hermann sighed. "It was recovered when Ottis died. He left part of his savings to go back to Molly's North in case the bar went under to cover the closing costs." Gabby nodded. "Okay, then you need to edit the financial books to reflect that. I couldn't find it anywhere." Hermann nodded and agreed. "Sorry Gabby, I promise to work harder and make sure that we keep the books organized." That's when I heard a timer go off. "Oh, the nachos I made for lunch!" Cruz then got up and went to get them. "We still have a bit of food here?"

Hermann nodded. "We have a lot of food here. And the chef too. We are doing take out remember?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "That's a great idea by the way, keeps a source of income coming in." That's when I saw Cruz come back from the kitchen when we heard someone walk in. Cruz smiled when he saw the person so I decided to turn around and saw it was Chloe. "Good, you had me worried it was a stranger." Chloe then looked at us. "Nope, just a wife."

Cruz then went to set the nachos down before walking over to Chloe. He then put his hands on her stomach before taking off his mask and moving to kiss her. "I am so glad you are here. You can finally meet Gabby." Chloe then looked at Gabby and smiled. Deciding to get up, Gabby walked over to her. "I've been tested recently Cruz, I'm negative for COVID so don't worry." Cruz then nodded and smiled as he let Gabby hug Chloe.

Chloe smiled as she hugged Gabby. "Nice to finally meet you. And late congratulations to you and Matt on getting married again and you giving birth to Matteo. And let me just say...damn girl, you already lost the weight!" Gabby chuckled and smiled. "We've been working out a lot recently." Cruz and Hermann then both looked at me and smirked, knowing exactly what I meant. However, Gabby glared at me and was not happy. "Cold shower tonight mister!"

I gulped and understood. Chloe then looked at me and smirked. "Let me just remind all of you boys that the women control the sex in the, you guys really need to shut up when it comes to that. Oh and Joey...have you talked to these two yet about information on a vasectomy? I am sorry but...we are done. Especially when we are having 3 boys! I mean c'mon, not even 1 girl!" Gabby sighed. "Trust me girl, you are not going to have time for a girl."

Chloe nodded and agreed before walking away to go sit down. "Now, for some nachos." Chloe then started to eat some of the nachos they made. Hermann however was not having any. But before he could take the plate away, Chloe slapped his hand. "I'm pregnant and putting me and the baby's life at risk to be here. So, you are going to give me food so that I can bring Joe home!" Hermann then looked at her and nodded, giving her the plate of nachos.

I laughed when he did that and smiled. "God, the things men will do not to mess with pregnant women. Also Hermann, you should know better. I mean Cindy's been pregnant 5 times and you still didn't learn your lesson when it comes to always respecting a pregnant woman when it comes to food! C'mon Hermann, I know that Cindy taught you better than that." That's when I heard Cindy walk in with Lee Henry. "I told you Lee Henry, COVID means're working. I don't care if it's after Christmas. This is your job!"

Lee Henry then sighed as he walked in and looked at his dad. "Sorry for being late dad." Hermann then stared at him, not happy. "You're 30 minutes late. You owe me 30 minutes of unpaid overtime!" He then nodded and went to look at his mom. "Who's car and I using?" Hermann then looked at his son. "Mine, I'm working here in the kitchen to get take out orders ready. You guys want to stay and help for a while Matt and Gabby?" Gabby smiled and looked at Matt. "Have we all tested negative recently?" Hermann nodded. "Yes and we have also been preparing the meals out here more. We go in the kitchen only to cook them."

I liked that idea. "That sounds great. What do you think Matt?" Matt smiled when I said that. "That sounds great. How about my trainer and I get to the kitchen to work on some of the recipes. Hermann, can you co-ordinate the delivery orders with Lee Henry and watch Matteo for us?" Gabby nodded and looked at him. "I think we can trust Hermann to be the safest. And he's been tested lately I bet." Hermann nodded. "Couldn't go home for Christmas without being tested. I'm actually on vacation until the New Year so that I can be with the family."

I smiled when he said that. "I'm happy for you Hermann, you deserve the break after being relied on so much in this time. And moving up to Captain because of Matt's sudden change in status is just a lot of work. However, we are going to get to work so...let's do it until Matteo has to go home and take a nap." Hermann nodded and smiled while me and Matt made our way to the kitchen to work on some orders.

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