Chapter 996

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Jay's POV: After spending the past 30 minutes in the bath, I smiled as I finished getting dressed. I was now just wearing my jogging pants as I walked back into the washroom where Erin was drying her hair with the hair dryer. Walking up behind her, I smiled as I went to grab my hair brush to brush my hair back. Erin then turned to look at me. "Stop acting like you need to even brush your hair. It didn't get very wet. However, use the dry shampoo. It's sweaty." She then moved to run her fingers through my hair and smiled at me. "This can stay though."

Running her finger down my chest, she smiled when I went to grab the dry shampoo to wash my hair. Quickly washing it, I then grabbed my towel and moved to wipe my hair. "Think I need to shave or am I okay? I normally shave each day in the shower." Erin looked at my face and smiled. "You look fine Jay. Actually, more than fine...extremely handsome." I smiled when she said that before moving to stand behind her. Putting my hands on her hips, I then moved to kiss her shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Want to just stay in bed?"

Erin nodded and smiled as she moved to rub my arms. "I want to check my work e-mails though. Need to make sure the FBI doesn't need me to help them." I sighed and decided to turn Erin around. Stepping close to her, I grabbed her hands and then intertwined our fingers. "Erin, you are still on your personal leave. Please don't rush back into it. I am still worried for you. Don't think I don't hear you cry every night in the middle of the night."

Erin just looked at me and was shocked. "You hear me cry in the middle of the night? Then why didn't you say anything until now?" I sighed and looked at her. "Erin, if you wanted me to would've told me. Or, I hope you would have. We all deal with grief in our own way. We haven't really talked about what you want me to do for you. However, you need to tell me Erin so that I know what I can do as your husband. Erin, you're not alone anymore. Please remember that. We're in this together."

Erin nodded and sighed as she moved to step close to me. I then went to grab her hips and leaned my forehead against hers. "Erin, remember that I am not just your boyfriend...I am your husband and I care just as much if not more about you than Hank. Erin, you are my wife and I want to do whatever I can to help you." Erin then moved to hug me. Picking her up in my arms, I then grabbed the back of her head as I prepared to take her to bed. "Want to just go lay down right now and have me hold you in bed?"

Erin nodded and smiled. "I am fine with my mom's death. We never really had a relationship. However, I will never say no to us getting in bed and holding each other close." I then chuckled as I set her down on her feet. Looking at her, I moved my hand to her stomach and then kissed her softly before grabbing her hand. I then moved to intertwine our fingers as I prepared to lead her out to our bedroom where we could relax. "Want to watch TV at all?"

Erin nodded as we talked towards the bed before turning around to look at me. "However, I want something else first." She smirked and then moved her hands to my arms. "What's that?" Stepping close to her, I put my hands on her stomach once again before kissing her softly. "Babe, we can't go that far. I'm sore from the Zumba class." She understood and smiled as she let me go. "Then I'm going to get in bed, you can get in next to me and then wrap your arm around me. That sound like a good idea?"

"It sounds amazing and exactly what we need right now. Enough stress for a little while and nothing but a whole bunch of love and relaxation today." I then moved to grab the TV remote from my side table and gave it to her. "You pick the tv show." She nodded and agreed while getting in bed. Once she was comfortable in bed, I sat down next to her before wrapping my arm around her back and feeling her put her head on my shoulder.

Once her head was on my shoulder, I felt her put her hand on my chest before turning on the TV and changing it to TLC. I saw that Say Yes to the Dress was on and sighed, realizing that I was going to watch it with her because she would never let me get out of that. Grabbing my hand before intertwining our fingers, she looked up at me and then smiled. "I am watching it to get ideas for our vow renewal. Remember, we owe Hank a real wedding when COVID is done. So, this is my way of shopping." I nodded and then saw the price. "Okay, that's too much."

Turning to look at the dress, Erin was shocked when she saw that it cost $15,000. "Okay, that girl is crazy is she is going to spend $15K on a dress she is going to wear once." I smiled and agreed when she said that before moving her hand (and wedding ring to my lips). "You could always get a dress that looks just as nice as a wedding dress but that you can wear again on our anniversary dates." Erin then smiled. "We going to celebrate on our actual anniversary or the anniversary of our vow renewal?" I thought about it and smiled. "Actual anniversary. Vow renewal is really just for Hank. Honestly, I don't need a big wedding to be your husband."

Erin agreed and smiled when I said that. "Good, because I don't want to have a wedding. It'll be hard much as my relationship with Bunny was strained, I would've still wanted her to be there at our wedding." I then sighed and moved to rub her back. Pressing my lips to her forehead, I sighed and looked at her. "You still regret not talking to her one last time before she died? We both know she called either the day before or two days before we learned she died."

Erin sighed and nodded. "I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, I would've liked to talk to her one last time but, what would we have talked about Jay? We haven't really had the best relationship since I got back because I resented her." I didn't know that. "You resented her?" Erin sighed and nodded. "Jay, she was the reason why I had to leave my friends....the job I love...and most importantly, the man I love. You do know that even though we were broken up when I left, I still loved you." I nodded and agreed before kissing her forehead.

"Erin, of course I know that because I felt the same way. Remember, I was going to propose to you the night you left even though we weren't together. I mean, what kind of guy does that?" Erin smiled when I said that. "A guy who's crazy in love with his ex-girlfriend and wants to show her that he really meant it when he said he wants to spent the rest of his life with me. I am just sorry that you never got to go through with that proposal." I nodded and agreed.

"However, I still got to use part of the original plan for our engagement." Erin looked up at me confused. "What part?" I then went to play with her ring and smiled. "This is the engagement ring that I originally bought all those years ago." Erin was shocked when I said that and looked at me. "You kept the ring the entire time I was gone?"

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