Chapter 1072

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Meanwhile, with Jay & Erin
Jay's POV: As I walked into the bedroom after taking my second shower of the day, I looked at Erin as she laid down in bed. I could tell she felt a bit guilty after throwing up all over my shirt. However, I couldn't be mad. She's pregnant. Being sick every once and a while comes with being pregnant. I then went to walk over to the bed and smiled at her. "Still feeling guilty?" Erin turned to look at me and sighed. "How can I not feel guilty Jay? I mean, I threw up all over you."

I then sighed and moved to join her in bed before wrapping my arm around her. Erin then moved to cuddle up to me before kissing my chest and trying to make me feel better. "Jay, you must've been disgusted." I nodded and then kissed her forehead softly. "I was but, not as much as I felt guilty." Erin then looked up at her. "Hey, you have nothing to feel guilty about. I was the one that threw up on your shirt babe, not the other way around." I nodded and sighed as I moved to grab her hand.

"Erin, you aren't feeling good because you are pregnant. Either that or something upset your stomach. And since I've been doing all the cooking recently, it's partially my fault." She nodded and agreed as she moved to intertwine our fingers. That's when I decided to grab my water bottle to give her something to drink. "Here, you need to keep hydrated." She nodded and smiled before taking a drink of water. I then smiled as I kissed her forehead.

Erin then blushed when I did that before cuddling up to me more. "Just curious, what are we doing on New Year's Eve?" I turned to look at her and smiled. "This. We are not leaving our bed on New Year's Eve night." Erin smiled and liked the idea. "Honestly, I don't know whether I even could move. I am starting to think that this is not just morning sickness. I have a head ache. I might be coming down with something." I then kissed her forehead before nodding.

"Want me to get the thermometer?" Erin shook her head because she was comfortable. "Not a chance, I am comfortable right now and wouldn't mind taking a nap." I agreed and smiled when she said that. "You want to sleep in my arms?" Erin nodded and then leaned up to kiss me softly. "Can you lay down more? I am not sleeping while sitting up. Not comfortable when I am pregnant." I understood and smiled as I went to lay down some more.

Erin then moved to lay down against me. Wrapping my arm around her, I moved my hand to her stomach and started to rub her baby bump. Erin smiled when I did that and just closed her eyes as she tried to fall asleep in my arms. Meanwhile, I went to grab my iPad and headphones to watch some TV when I saw my brother was calling me. I then sighed and looked at Erin. "I'll be right back okay? Will's calling." Erin nodded and rolled over.

I then went to get up and moved to grab my iPhone before walking out of the bedroom while answering. "Sorry, Erin is just going down for a nap." Will chuckled when I said that. "We are going to have to take one too. We are actually headed home from the hospital. We wanted to stop by but...we could always just head home?" I sighed when he asked that. "Erin is tired and I think she has a bit of a cold so, I am just going to let her sleep."

I then decided to go downstairs to grab myself a snack bar. I then heard Natalie speak up. "That's not good. Let's hope she feels better soon." I nodded and sighed. "I am just putting it to a flue. She used to get sick quite a bit even when she wasn't pregnant so...I am not too worried. However, if it goes on for a few days...I wouldn't mind a check up and ultrasound update." Natalie chuckled when I said that. "Of course you would. I have the machine."

I nodded and smiled when she said that. "So Natalie, I wanted to know when you are going on maternity leave. I've been meaning to ask in case we need to find a new doctor." Natalie chuckled. "I'm going to be there when Erin is due. Her due date is 2 weeks before I go on maternity leave." That was perfect. "Perfect. And when do you go on paternity leave Will?" Will chuckled. "I go on paternity leave the minute I learn that Natalie is in labor."

Natalie then sighed. "Let me guess, Natalie doesn't like that?" Will sighed. "No but, we have no choice. COVID requires a full staff in the emergency room. But, here's the good thing...I am going to be at the hospital and I am going to see her come into the ER when she has to give birth. Once I see her come in, the hospital already has plans to transfer all my cases to other doctors so I can be with Natalie. And I am not kidding when I say that. The minute I see her, I am just going to set my tablet down on the desk and walk away."

Natalie chuckled when he said that. "Either that or Maggie is going to get me before going to help Natalie. She's going to be our dedicated nurse just like she is for Matt and Gabby." I agreed when he said that. "Too bad you can't give birth your own kid. Who's doing it anyways?" Natalie sighed. "We haven't figured it out yet because the schedules aren't out. However, I already told Goodwin that I want to know soon so that I can work with them. Also, in May I get a shadow doctor on all of my neonatal cases in order to make sure that they're is continuance."

I understood (somewhat) and then made my way down to the living room and sat on the couch. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Owen then spoke up. "Can we finally assemble some of the gifts I got from grandma and Santa?" Will laughed. "I think that's exactly what me and Owen are going to do Natalie. You can rest in bed." Natalie agreed. "That sounds like the perfect thing for you guys to do." I chuckled when he asked.

"Make sure you do your gift from uncle Jay first. Right Owen?" Owen then chuckled. "Nope, I want my Lego Star Wars first!" Will agreed. "Oh definitely, we need to save Princess Lea!" We all laughed when he said that because it was the one thing me and Will had in common. We were both huge star wars fans. "Still can't believe Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds have died." Will agreed. "I know, such a tragedy for all Star Wars fans."

I sighed and then thought about it. "You know, this summer...once we're vaccinated, we should do a Star Wars movie marathon. It's been so long since we've done that." Natalie however, didn't like that idea. "Okay, I am going to speak on Erin's behalf here so this is coming from her. Uhm, I think you already have plans for this summer. I don't know but, aren't you going to have a month old daughter when Owen is on summer break?"

I sighed and understood. "Looks like our plan is going to have to be adjusted. Maybe we can do it at night when Erin needs her rest and the baby is sleeping." Will agreed. "That works. But, it also depends on how Natalie is feeling. Remember that she is going to be in her third trimester when your daughter is born." Natalie then added on. "Erin is literally due 2 months before I am due. So, right after Erin gives birth...I am going on maternity leave. So, yeah."

I agreed and chuckled. "So, I wanted to bring this up so you can think about about. What do you guys want to do with regards to New Year's Eve? You want to do a virtual get together?" I could tell I caught them off guard when I asked that. Natalie then replied. "Uhm, how about we talk about it and we can get back to you." I agreed and smiled when I saw Hank was calling me. I then groaned. "Listen, I need to go. Hank is calling me. I thought I heard Erin's phone ring twice while I was talking to you guys so...I need to go."

Will understood and then sighed. "Good luck." I chuckled. "I'll need it." I then went to hang up with my brother before answering Hank's call. "Yes Hank?" Hank was not happy. "I just talked to Antonio. What's this about Erin being sick?" I sighed and then went to give him reassurance. "Hank, she has a fever. It's nothing. It literally just started and I am monitoring it. I got it okay?" Hank agreed and sighed. "Fine, keep me updated?"

I agreed. "I promise. Now listen, I am going to go relax while Erin sleeps. I'll check on her in an hour." Hank agreed with that and sighed. "Fine, tell her that I say feel better. And take a few days off until she feels better. I will talk to Antonio and tell him that you need time to take care of her." I then shook my head. "Not happening Hank. I will do that. You are on leave, not working. Now, I am going to let you go so that I can call Antonio and let him know that Erin is out. However, I will still help. I can multitask since I am working from home."

He agreed and sighed. "Okay, this will be good practice anyways for when you have Olivia." I chuckled and agreed. "Exactly. Now listen, I am going to let you go so I can call Antonio." I then went to hung up and looked for Antonio's cell number in my phone so I could call him.

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