Chapter 1056

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Meanwhile, at Chicago Med
Will's POV: As I made my way into the staff lounge, I smiled as I took off my mask to eat lunch. I was just glad that we could eat. I needed it considering I was up a few times last night. Natalie is not feeling the best during her pregnancy and I promised her that I would be just as tired as her. We were in this together. After grabbing my food out of my locker, I went to sit down and grabbed my phone. I was going to call Matt and Gabby to ask them about when they wanted to schedule his 4 month shots. I was going to offer to do them at their place again due to COVID. 

Once I had my phone out, I was about to call when Erin called me instead. I then went to answer, scared that something was wrong. "Erin, you okay?" Erin then groaned. "I'm fine. But, I'm not happy with you! How dare you ask my husband if it's okay for me to check on my father! I don't care if you think it's too stressful for me to check on Hank while I'm pregnant, he's MY father!"

I sighed when she said that and understood. "Sorry, just wanted to make sure that you weren't putting too much stress on yourself. Erin, you're pregnant." Erin didn't like that I said that. "I know I'm pregnant Will! That's why I asked for you to be on his case. So that I could get information and trust the doctor on his case. I don't need to have you be the filter. I'm not a kid. I can take the truth when it comes to his case!"

I sighed and understood. "Well, then. I will give you the update. But, you talk to Jay and tell him that you asked." I could tell by what Erin said next that she was mad at Jay too. "Oh, he's next on my list of people to talk to after your wife! Where is she? I want to talk to her too." That's when I heard Natalie come in. We planned to eat lunch together and I smiled. "She just walked in." Natalie then looked at me. "Owen?" I shook my head. "Erin."

Natalie nodded. "What did I tell you guys? Women are not dumb! Of course she would find out." Natalie then grabbed her lunch box and walked over to eat with me. Taking off her mask, she grabbed my phone and put her on speaker. "Hi Erin." That's when Erin got mad at Natalie too. "Did you know about this? The whole, don't tell Erin about Hank's status?" Natalie sighed and nodded. "Yes, unfortunately." Erin was not happy. "And you let them go along with it. C'mon Natalie, you're supposed to be on my side when it comes to these dumbos."

I took offence to that. "Hey!" Erin then continued. "Oh shut up Will, you have nothing to say when it comes to not being an idiot. You may have that fancy degree but when it comes to women you couldn't even stick up to your brother and say that you weren't going to do anything that would risk your first relationship with Natalie! So don't go off on me for calling you dumb when that just proves my case right there. What type of guy gives up his happiness?"

I sighed and looked at Natalie before grabbing my hand. "Sorry Erin and Natalie, you're both right." Natalie smiled and nodded before listening to Erin. "Now Natalie, why would you let our husbands go along with this plan. You of all people should understand what it's like to be pregnant and worrying about someone you love either being sick or in the hospital. Well, just replace hospital and war for you. If you could've known every day what Jeff's status was when it came to him being alive or dead at the end of the night...wouldn't you have wanted that?"

Natalie nodded and looked at me. "Oh, she's good." Erin chuckled. "What do you expect? I'm a detective. We need to talk like this to get the good information out from our witnesses. Now, I'm done the preliminary conversation. I want an update. I asked for you to be his doctor for a reason Will. Because you know what I need to hear to make me happy. So, make me happy before I decide to give all of our daughter's baby clothes to Antonio instead of you and Natalie." 

Natalie chuckled again. "Dang, that's a good threat too. Clothes are a lot of money. They are great to come by. So, better update her." I nodded and sighed. "We've put him on pain meds and we've put him under light sedation. But, he can still talk. He just keeps moving so much that he's going to rip the temporary stitches we have. We're limited on OR time now so we can't do the surgery all at once. So, we're going slower. Plus, it's better for his heart. His heart can't take all the stress at once. He needs a few more operations."

Erin sighed and didn't like the sound of that. "When's his next operation?" I thought about it and sighed. "Not until at least January 4th or 5th. Since he's in the hospital...we do the surgeries for him on weekdays. Weekend surgeries are reserved for emergency surgeries since our surgeons normally get weekends off during COVID times. They come in during the week because it seems to be slower around that time." Erin understood. "Okay, then can I come in this weekend?"

Natalie sighed. "No, because I am not even allowed to be here. Weekends are when COVID cases may come in. We have to do a lot of transfers to McCormick Place. So, me and Will are home on the weekends. Not that I'm complaining. We get time with Owen." I smiled and nodded as I grabbed her hand. I then looked at the time. "Natalie, we should probably eat." Natalie nodded and agreed. "Erin, we need to..." Erin then interrupted me. "I need to go guys...I need to talk to the other Halstead who's in trouble too." She then hung up.

I sighed when she did that and looked at Natalie. "On a scale of 1-10. How much trouble is Jay in?" Natalie looked at me and sighed. "He might be sleeping on the couch tonight." I sighed and nodded, feeling bad for my brother. But then again, it is his fault. Once I finished thinking about that, I went back to eating since we were probably going to have to get back to work soon.

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