Chapter 1013

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Gabby's POV: When Matt asked me to cheer for him during the boxing tournament, I decided to tease him a bit. "I don't know. I don't know whether or not I want to root for someone I already know is going to loose the tournament." Matt looked at me and walked up to me. He then wrapped his arms around me. "Take that back. Or else I can reassure you that I am going to make sure that he doesn't get any naps." I then shook my head. "Your loss, that means you don't get any pleasure." Matt sighed and realized that.

I then smiled at him and moved to kiss him. "Matt, I was joking. Of course I am going to root for you. We are a team. I am always going to be in your corner. This time, I'm literally going to be in your corner. Make sure you bring a water bottle." Matt nodded and agreed before walking back over to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. "Now, breakfast is almost ready. I made eggs and toast. Didn't know whether you wanted bacon or not."

I smiled at him. "It's okay for today Matt. I don't need bacon." Matt smiled and nodded before going to grab some plates. But, before he did that he remembered Matteo's bottle he made. "Here, you want to feed him while you eat?" Matt then passed me the bottle and I Smiled, nodding. "How about you make a couple extra? We can back the cooler and bring his baby blanket. Sylvie is going to be there so we can watch him together."

Matt nodded and smiled before going to grab a few of the extra bottles we have as well as the formula and milk. Once it was on the counter, he turned his attention back to the eggs and toast when we saw the eggs were ready. "Here, the eggs are ready which means that we can eat." I nodded and smiled when he walked over and gave me a plate. "Thanks, these look delicious."

Matt smiled and nodded when I said that before taking a bite of his food and starting to make some bottles. "I was just going to make 2 if that's okay? Or should I make three?" I thought about it and smiled. "I think two is great. That way Matteo can sleep there. We are going to bring his basinet if that's okay? Not the one that is next to our bed but the little basket one. I already took it out and it's sitting next to the diaper bag."

Matt smiled and nodded before taking another bite of his food. He then went to make the 2 bottles of milk and formula for Matteo, smiling the entire time. "Can I ask what's got that big smile all over your face?" Matt nodded. "This is going to be something different. We have gotten into a routine. That's why I wanted to go to Antonio's gym." I smiled and nodded and then got quiet. Matt knew right away that something was wrong.

"Gabby, you promised to talk to me. What's up?" I sighed and looked at him. "What if we get into a routine and then it leads us to go right back to where we were when we ended the last time?" Matt walked up to me and turned the bar stool I was sitting on. He then moved his hands to my neck and stared at me. "That's impossible Gabby. We have Matteo and he is never going to make life boring. Plus, we are paramedics. That means we are going to have the best life."

I chuckled and smiled. "I keep forgetting that I'm a paramedic again. I mean, yes...I've worked maybe 1 or 2 shifts but, not that many's still strange." Matt smiled and agreed. "Here's one way you can remember." I looked at Matt confused. "How?" He then smiled at me. "Just remember who your paramedic partner is now. How handsome he is, how great of a father he is and how much he loves you." I chuckled and smiled, bringing him close before kissing him.

Matt smiled as he kissed me when we both heard Matteo laugh. Turning our heads and looking at him, I smiled as I looked at Matt. "You're so right. He is going to make life one of the best journeys ever. For 2 important reasons." Matt turned to look at me and smiled as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Care to share what those 2 reasons are?" I smiled and nodded. "Well first, I never expected to experience parenthood with my own biological child."

Matt smiled and nodded. "What's the other reason?" I smiled at him. "I get to experience it with you, the man I am crazy about and the only man I would ever want to raise kids with. And let me emphasize the word KIDS. Matt, we both know that someday, we are going to adopt or have another kid using a surrogate. Promise me that we will do that someday soon? Well, at least look into it. I don't want the kids to be too far apart in age." Matt nodded and agreed.

"First of all, I want to do surrogacy. If Matteo is that cute, imagine what our daughter would look like." I smiled and nodded. "What if it's another boy?" Matt then bit his lip. "Then lord help us. However, I really want a girl. I want her to be as beautiful as you." I smiled when he said that and nodded. "You would be the best dad to a girl. So protective, yet still very relaxed when it came to them dating." Matt glared at me and shook his head. "No daughter of mine dates until they are at least 16 years old and have already gone to a self defense class with their uncle Antonio."

I chuckled and nodded. "Trust me, all of our kids are going to go to a self-defence class with Antonio when they are old enough. I want them to get the proper training from a cop. That way, they know that they are protecting themselves with moves that are legal and won't get them in trouble." Matt sighed and nodded. "This related to the worry you have about them being arrested?" I nodded and agreed. "Listen, we can talk about this later. Right now we need to get to the gym so you can box Jay and Antonio." Matt nodded and agreed, kissing me softly.

"Promise we will talk about it later when Matteo is asleep?" I nodded and smiled before going back to my food so that I could eat breakfast. Matt smiled and nodded after I agreed to talk about it later before going back to his food as well so that we could meet Antonio at his gym in an hour.

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