Chapter 1001

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Gabby's POV: After spending the past 45 minutes driving to and from the house (and letting Matteo take a 30 minute nap at home), I was finally back at Molly's to help with the take out orders. Walking in before taking off my mask, I was confused when I felt my phone vibrate. Grabbing it, I saw it was Matt. I decided not to answer it because I was here. "Babe, I'm here!" Matt then came out of the kitchen and smiled. "Sorry, I was just getting worried because of how long you were gone compared to how far the apartment is from here."

I nodded and smiled when I saw that Matt put some tables together. I then went to put the bag I brought down before stepping close to Matt. "I let him take a 30 minute nap while I packed up some of his toys and making a couple bottles." I then went to set the cooler down before smiling at him. "I guess you were worried?" Matt nodded and smiled as he moved his hands to my hips. He then went to kiss me softly when we heard Hermann. "Okay, we need to work...not smooch." I sighed and looked at him. "You're killing the mood Hermann."

Hermann sighed and then walked away when he heard the door open. I turned around to say we were closed when I noticed that it was my nephew. "You bring your dad's car?" He nodded and smiled. Matt was confused as to why Diego was there. "What he doing here?" I smiled and looked at him. "He's the other delivery driver. Just need to run it by Hermann whether we can hire my nephew." Diego looked at me. "Wait, I'm here to work...not bring Matteo to my dad's?" I turned to look at him. "Diego, you want a job or not? I am giving you one."

He sighed and nodded. "Luckily my dad let me take the car. Let's just hope he doesn't need it." I nodded and looked at him. "Diego, who do you think I talked to about you coming to work here. Now, come give your aunt a hug and say thank you for giving me a job aunt Gabby." He chuckled and nodded before walking over to me, hugging me. "Thanks." I then let him go and smiled when I heard Cruz come in. "God, is there any way we can ban people from ordering from us?"

I sighed and looked at him. "How bad was the delivery?" He sighed. "They are COVID deniers." I sighed and nodded again. "Sure. Now, how about you take a break and get some lunch. Matt, I sent you a text did you make us lunch by any chance? Oh, and did you eat yet Diego?" Diego nodded and smiled. "My dad made me eat before I left. He said that I can stay until supper. I have to be back home at 6 pm. So, right now it's 12:30, you have my until probably 5:30."

Matt nodded and smiled when he heard Hermann yell. "Matt, the nachos!" He chuckled and smiled. "Luckily for you, I already made us all lunch. Let's eat and then we can get back to work." Matt then walked away to the kitchen to grab the nachos he made for us. I smiled when he did that before walking away to check on Matteo. "Hi buddy, this is the bar me and your dad own. Daddy built it for us." Diego was shocked when I said that. "Wait, Matt built this place?"

I nodded and smiled. "He's a contractor remember Diego? I brought you to one of his worksites before. I also convinced him to give you a summer job." Diego nodded and agreed, remembering that. Matt then came out with the nachos and I smiled. "Diego, you did great work for me at the can work there anytime. However, during the winter you can work here." He agreed and smiled. "Do I get paid?" I nodded and smiled. "Minimum wage. However, you don't get the gas credit, that goes to your dad because it's his car." Diego sighed and nodded.

"No! I may be your aunt but, I'm also your boss. So don't give attitude! Diego, your parents have taught you better than that. And I would know, remember...I'm your aunt." He nodded and agreed. "Listen, is there a uniform or something?" I shook my head. "See, one of the perks already exists. No uniform. Can't say that about other places you might work." Diego chuckled and nodded when he heard Hermann walk out. "Okay, quick training. COVID protocols."

I turned around to look at him and nodded. I then went to set Matteo down on his play mat before smiling as I went to walk behind the bar. "Hermann, we serving alcohol with the take out meals or just pops?" Hermann looked at me and nodded. "Starting at 4, we are serving alcohol. Right now, we have the pop machine there." I nodded and agreed, getting some cups out for when the orders came in. Getting a call, I then took an order.

"Hi, you've reached Molly's. Thank you for supporting your local neighborhood bar and small businesses. My name is Gabby. What can I get for you?" That's when I heard Ethan's voice on the other line of the phone. "Hi, this is Dr. Choi with...." I sighed. "Ethan, I know who you are. You at the McCormick site?" Ethan laughed. "Yes, I am ordering for me and April." I agreed and smiled. "What can I get for you?" 

Ethan then made his order. "Two medium burger meals with Pepsis." I agreed and wrote that down. I then went to grab a calculator and checked the price. "That will be $9.96." Ethan was shocked at the price. "Okay, why so cheap?" I smiled. "COVID doctors get 50% off." Ethan chuckled and like the sound of that. "You can bring it to the main doors." I agreed. "Okay, it will be my nephew who delivers it. It should be 15 minutes max." I then went to hang up and yelled.

"2 medium burgers and fries!" Matt then yelled out. "Got it." I smiled when he said that and went to grab some drinks. Pouring the drinks, I then looked at Diego. "Diego, do you know where McCormick place is?" Diego then walked over and nodded. "I've been to Chicago Comic-Con before." I nodded and agreed. "Well, it's a hospital right now and they just ordered. This is for Dr. Ethan Choi. He's the Head Doctor there. Give it to either him or the head nurse."

Diego nodded and agreed when the food was up. "Food's up Gabby!" Diego then walked over and went to grab the meal. "I'm going to deliver it uncle Matt." Matt smiled at us both and nodded before giving Diego the food. "Good luck on your first delivery. Don't forget the debit machine!" I nodded when he said that before grabbing it from behind the bar. I then entered the price for him ahead of time. "Here you go, be careful." Diego nodded and walked away.

I smiled as I watched him leave before looking at Matteo and smiling at him. "God, you are such a good baby boy. And adorable." Matteo just smiled at me and nodded as we got another order. I then smiled as we prepared to work that afternoon. I just hoped at one point we would get a break so that we could either sit together or even have a meal together.

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