Chapter 1030

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2 Hours Later - Chicago Med
Jay's POV: After arresting Pulpo's Associate and bringing him to jail, me and Antonio decided to go visit Hank. Walking in, I smiled at my brother. "Can you direct me to Hank's room?" Will then turned to look at me and smiled. "Surprised that you were here so much later than Erin." I then looked at him. "Excuse me?" Will looked at me. "Erin's been here for the past hour in his room. She said that you said it was okay." I looked at him and shook my head. Natalie then walked up to me. "Be calm and remember that she's pregnant." I sighed and nodded.

"Where's his room?" Will then went to check. "He's in 206." I nodded. That's when I head Antonio walk up to me. "We going up to his room?" I then sighed and looked at him. "I am going to need a minute before you come in." Antonio looked at me confused. I then sighed. "Erin's here." He nodded and then we started to walk towards the elevators. "I totally get it. You are going to want to scorn her for being here when it's COVID. Trust me, I would do the same if it were Sylvie."

I sighed and nodded. "I am just scared that Hank is going to take her side." Antonio nodded and then went to push the button. "You going to talk to them in the room or take her out to the hallway?" I thought about it and sighed. "Out in the hallway. Maybe while I'm here...we might ask Natalie to give us an ultrasound. We haven't come in regularly because of COVID." Antonio nodded and agreed. "I need to book an at home appointment for Sylvie too." I smiled when he said that before walking onto the floor. "Maybe you can get us some drinks?" 

Antonio nodded and then walked away to get us drinks in one of the soda machines they have there. Meanwhile, I walked towards room 206 and saw Erin sitting next to Hank on the bed. "I am just glad it was some of our friends that took care of you." Hank laughed a bit. "I was actually shocked at how well Matt took care of me since our relationship isn't the best." Erin nodded. "He's a professional Hank. He won't put personal before his work. Just like you and Jay at times." I smiled when she said that before walking in.

"Except when it comes to my pregnant wife's health." Erin then turned to look at me and got nervous because she knew I probably wasn't happy. "Jay." I then walked over to her and then helped her up. I then wrapped my arms around her and whispered to her. "Why didn't you call me? I would've tried to talk you out of this. We both know this isn't a good idea. You're pregnant baby." Erin sighed and nodded as she backed up. I then went to look at Hank and grabbed his hand. "How you feeling Sarg?" He chuckled and smiled. "Could be better. How's the Unit?"

I looked at him and smiled. "In safe hands. Just like this one. I just want to clarify something...I did not sanction this. So I don't want you yelling at me for being here." I then rubbed Erin's back and sighed. "However, I am glad that Erin came. I know how scared she's been to loose you. She doesn't want to loose another parent this year." Erin nodded and agreed. "Glad you understand." I smiled and nodded at her before wrapping my arms around her. That's when I heard Antonio walk in. "Awh, you guys already made up."

I laughed and nodded as I put my hands on Erin's stomach. "I have an idea how she can make it up to me." Erin then put her hands on mine and was confused. "How?" I smiled when she asked. "When we're done...we can meet up with Will and Natalie. They can give us a look at little Olivia here. Maybe we can do that while Antonio speaks with Hank. Then, we can come back and give you a copy of the ultrasound to make you feel better?" Hank smiled and liked the idea.

Erin agreed and then rubbed my arm. "We'll be back soon okay Hank?" Me and Erin then walked out of his room. Once we were in the hallway, I turned Erin around because I wanted to talk to her before we went anywhere. "Erin, look at me quickly okay?" Erin then stepped close to me as we leaned against the wall. Putting her hands on my chest, I held her close. "Listen, I get you wanted to come see Hank should've called me. I would've had Will or Natalie come with you. When I heard you were here, I was scared. Erin, I can't loose you or Olivia."

Erin nodded and understood while putting her hand on my neck. She then leaned her forehead against mine. "I wasn't thinking and I'm sorry. All I thought was that I needed to be with Hank. Other than you, he's my only other family. Please understand that I really wasn't thinking. And put yourself in Hank's place. Let's say that was you in there. Wouldn't you want me by your side? Wouldn't you want me to be able to be by your side regardless of the pregnancy?"

I nodded and understood where she was coming from. I would want her by my side all the time. I then brought her closer to my chest and moved to kiss her again. "I love you Erin and I am sorry for freaking out in there." Erin then went to hug me and we just held each other close when I heard Antonio come out. "Jay, you going to come back to the unit today?" I sighed and thought about it. "Maybe not today. Since we are here and I know Erin isn't going to want to leave. I might stay to support my girl. In fact, I probably should've done this in the first place."

Erin sighed. "I meant to say something but, I also knew that you were needed at the unit." I then looked at Erin and sighed. "Antonio, can we still be co-Interim Heads? But you work from the District and I can work from home?" Erin liked that idea and smiled at Antonio. Antonio nodded and agreed. "Sounds good. I'll get Mouse to set up a video screen and we can do video chats." I agreed and smiled when he said that. "I'll talk to you later." He agreed and then walked away.

Once Antonio left, I looked at Erin and smiled. "Want to be with Hank or do you want to do the ultrasound?" Erin thought about it and smiled. "Let's go do the ultrasound and then we can surprise Hank with a copy." I nodded and agreed. I then moved to grab her hand and smiled as we both walked away to the ER so that we could ask Will or Natalie to get us an updated ultrasound.

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