Chapter 1073

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Jay's POV: After hanging up with Hank, I went to call Antonio. I needed to let him know that Erin was out since she was sick. I was glad he answered when I called because then I wouldn't have to leave a message. "Hey Jay, what's up?" I chuckled. "What's got you so peppy today?" He laughed and smiled. "Oh, I just got off from talking to my sister. My nephew is pretty adorable." I laughed and agreed. "Can't disagree with you there. I just hope my daughter is as easy as he is." Antonio chuckled and agreed. "Dude, remember who her mom is."

I knew exactly what he meant by that. Erin was quite stubborn at times. God, I hoped that Olivia wouldn't be as stubborn as her mother because that would be overwhelming. I mean, I wouldn't love her any less would make my life much harder. After all, that would mean I am basically dealing with Erin twice. However, I should probably not say that if I want some action to ring in the new year. Well, if she's feeling better. That's when I stopped drifting away from the conversation and went back to the reason I called Antonio in the first place.

"So listen, I wanted to let you know that Erin is under the weather so...she is off for the day." Antonio understood what I meant. "Of course. So, you only want me to contact you if I need anything when it comes to the intelligence unit?" I agreed and nodded. "Yes." I then walked over to the kitchen once I was downstairs to get what I was coming down here for, a snack bar. I then decided to grab some water and went to sit down in the living room. "By the way, how's Sylvie doing with the morning sickness?"

Antonio sighed. "Let's just say that even if I wanted to sleep in...I can't. It's worse because she's pregnant with twins. Haven't ever seen it this bad." I understood what he meant. "Seems like this pandemic is a blessing in disguise for you Antonio." Antonio was confused when I said that. "Okay, why's that?" I chuckled when he asked. "You really think that...if we weren't in a pandemic right now, that you would be home this much? Hell no. Hank would probably have us on an undercover mission right now." Antonio chuckled and agreed. "Oh, definitely."

I smiled when he said that. "Oh, and think about how much time you are getting with your teenage kids. There is no doubt in my mind that they are getting ready for this to be over. They are probably going to beg you to go to a college far away from you." Antonio sighed when I said that. "I don't want to think about that right now okay? That's what I'm scared of. Eva is really into the Black Lives Matter movement and I am sure that she wants to go protest sometime."

I agreed and understood what he meant. "Antonio, we both know that you can't stop her. You may be her dad're also a cop. It could get really ugly for you if you tried to stop her while she was protesting and you were in uniform, regardless of whether you are her dad or not. Just think of the optics. A cop dragging a girl away from a protest...thereby violating her first amendment rights to protest?" Antonio sighed and understood. "However, I wouldn't do that. If my kids want to protest, I am going to let them. Heck, I would join them. F*** the union bosses."

I laughed and agreed. "Oh, I would do the same. Remember what happened to me over our brief trip to the cabin? I was arrested for trying to stop a cop from killing a black man. The union wanted to ding me. Hank took them on for me so that I wouldn't be suspended. However, if they did suspend me...I was ready to quit. By the way, have you talked to your sister about this at all? Or even Matt? He must have some views that may be a bit mixed." Antonio sighed. "I haven't talked to him about it because it's awkward. I mean, I'm a cop."

I agreed with him. "Listen, I am not going to tell you what to do but...I would maybe talk to your sister about your views so that they can know ahead of time what they can expect from you if they ever decide to protest. Matt used to be a politician and I know he is just itching to help somehow." Antonio agreed and sighed. "It's hard for all of us though. We have a union. For us, our union respects the blue wall and we can be dinged." I sighed and agreed. "We could put a petition around and force the CPD Union to recognize what that officer did was wrong."

Antonio thought about it and agreed. "I think we should. However, I want to have a biracial group of police officers to do it. Think you would be a co-sponsor of the petition if I decided to start one? I want to get the CPD on record." I agreed and smiled. "Of course Antonio, I would gladly sponsor it and promote it." Antonio smiled when he said that. "Listen, you have more time than me. How about you get one ready and we can try and circulate it around the district?"

I then thought about it and sighed. "Actually, maybe we shouldn't. We technically are going to be part of the higher ups. We aren't just cops anymore so..." Antonio then realized that. "Shit. However, that gives us an opportunity to update what we do in the intelligence unit." I smiled and agreed. "You going to stop the intimidation tactics that Hank started?" Antonio sighed and agreed. "We have to. We mostly use those on marginalized groups and I can't be a part of that anymore. Not when my kids and nephew are part of those groups."

I agreed and sighed. "Listen, I am going to let you go. Just let me know if you need help on a case." Antonio agreed. "Just watch your e-mail. I think I might send you something you can analyze. Maybe you can tell me whether our suspect has military background. The military weapons seem very similar to what they carry in the US army." I agreed. "Send it over and I can tell you right now." That's when Antonio sent me a picture of the weapon.

It was a high capacity AR-15. "Yep, that's army. But, they can also get them at gun shows." Antonio sighed. "The types of guns people carry. I mean, what reasonable person needs to carry this type of gun?" I sighed and agreed. "These shouldn't be sold domestically. They should only be sold to the US government and delivered directly to Afghanistan or Iraq where they can be used." Antonio agreed with that. "Exactly! Now listen, I will send you stuff on the ballistics."

I agreed. "Okay, I will check it out and then e-mail you with a report on it. Want me to call you after?" Antonio thought about it and then replied. "Your choice. I prefer e-mail right now. I have a headache for some reason." I understood. "Then take some Tylenol and take a break. Set up call forwarding to my phone. I'll take control of intelligence for now okay?" Antonio agreed. "Thanks. I will take a couple hours then we can talk again." I agreed and smiled. "Talk later."

We then both hung up the call and I got to work on our latest intelligence case.

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