Chapter 1028

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Matt's POV: As I sat in the back of the ambulance with Voight, I could tell he was worried. He moved to grab my hand and looked at me. "Matt, I get we have bad history...just do me a favor." I turned to look at him. "Voight, I am your paramedic right now. My job is to treat you to the best of my ability." I then went to check his stats. He grabbed my arm again. "Promise me that you will be there for Jay and Erin. They're going to need a friend." I then looked at him. "Hank, this is you were talking about! As much as I hate to say this, you've survived worse!" He nodded.

I then went to grab my phone. "Here, I am going to call Erin for you okay?" He nodded and smiled. Calling Erin, I put it on speakerphone so he could listen in. "Hey Matt, thought you were working today." I sighed. "I am. And I am calling to tell you that you need to get to Med ASAP. Voight's been shot. We're on our way right now. Which doctor to you want to treat him?" I then heard Jay in the background. "Get my brother to treat him." I nodded. "Okay, see you there." I was about to hang up when Hank spoke up. "Jay, take care of her. Love you Erin!" 

Erin then yelled. "Hank, don't go!" I then hung up and looked at Hank. "Hank, you shouldn't have done that. She's pregnant!" I then went to check his pulse and heartbeat. "You're not dying Hank. This is probably just a precaution. It hit your vest because I don't feel..." That's when I felt the entry shot but no exit room. "Okay Hank, I'm going to have to ask you to stay really still." I then went to tie him up. Hank looked at me and got worried. "What's wrong, be honest?"

I sighed. "There's entry wound but no exit wound. Stay still okay?" I then went to radio to Chicago Med. "Ambo 51 to Chicago Med." Chicago Med then responded. "Go ahead 51." I then went to let them know what was happening. "We have Sgt. Voight from CPD Intelligence. He's been shot. I feel an entry wound but no exit wound. Just thought I'd let you know ahead of time." Chicago Med then responded. "Okay. Thank you very much." I then looked at Hank.

Hank just sighed went he felt a bump. I then went to talk to Gabby over the radio. "Gabby, try and not to hit bumps. We have a bullet inside him!" Gabby then got worried and radioed me. "Okay, thanks. We're almost there Voight." I then went to look at Hank when I saw the hospital through the little window. Once we stopped, I went to tie Hank up and waited for Gabby. Opening the doors, Gabby then helped me. We then rushed him in. Quickly.

Walking into the hospital, I looked at Maggie who helped us. "Thanks for the extra info on his condition. I don't think Gabby's ever done that for us." Gabby then looked at her. "I'm going to do the paperwork." That's when I saw Will come over and grab Hank. "Hank, we're going to take care of you. I already texted Jay and Erin. Me and Natalie are going to be your doctors." Once Hank was in Med's hands, me and Gabby then walked over to the desk. 

"Gabby, how about you do the paperwork?" I nodded and smiled before looking at him. "Go restock for us?" I nodded and walked away.

Gabby's POV: Once Matt walked away to restock the ambulance, I felt Natalie walk up to me. "Who's the hunky new paramedic?" I turned to look at her and laughed a bit. "God, that reminds me of his first shift." Natalie smiled and nodded. "Was he even a full-time paramedic yet?" I shook my head. "No, this was at the start of Sylvie's pregnancy. She wasn't filling good so...he was a great husband and filled in for her so I wasn't stuck with a horrible reliever."

Natalie smiled when I said that. "That's sweet of him. He really loves you doesn't he?" I nodded and smiled. "Oh, by the was the drive back from the cabin? We haven't seen you since then." I nodded and laughed a bit. "It was good. However, Owen got cranky because we had to stop twice." That's when we heard another group come in. "You have to go Nat. Have a good day." Natalie nodded and walked away. I then finished my paperwork and smiled.

That's when Matt came back and smiled at me while carrying the new stuff. "Let me guess, you and Natalie were talking about 51's Hunky Paramedic again?" I chuckled when he said that and nodded. "You mean my hunky paramedic?" I nodded and smiled when we got radio'd again. "51, can you go to 8657 Paradise Blvd. You're the closest ambulance. Slip and fall, woman aged 81." I then nodded before radioing to them. "On our way." Me and Matt then both rushed out.

"I am doing this patient. You're driving. Older women are much more relaxed when they deal with female paramedics." Matt agreed as we ran out together, him getting in the driver's seat while I got into the back with the new supplies. I decided to get ready for the new patient rather than sit in the front to use our time more efficiently.

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