Chapter 1023

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Jay's POV: After going to make us some lunch, I came back upstairs with the plate and some drinks to see Erin sitting in bed while looking outside. She looked gorgeous the way the light was shining on her and I didn't want to disturb how gorgeous she looked. However, I wanted to make sure that we had the conversation that we said we were going to have before I went downstairs. I felt like she deserved to know how broken I was when she left. Might make her realize just how much I truly love her. I mean, I was going to propose when she left.

Once I was ready to sit down, I went for it because we needed to talk. Erin then rolled over and looked at me, smiling. "You sure you want to talk about this Jay?" I nodded as I went to give her a plate. "I want you to know this because then, you can know what I went through when you left the first time. I want you to know that I really mean it when I say that I will go anywhere with you if you need to leave Chicago just to avoid this pain again." Erin nodded and let me talk.

"Erin, you already know that I was going to propose the night you left right?" Erin nodded as she went to grab my hand. "That's why you texted me to meet you at Molly's." I nodded and smiled. "So, to go from being in the mindset that I am going to spend the rest of my life with you to you being gone was a shock. I mean, I had the ring in my pocket and I almost threw it out. My mind was spinning. What if I had left home an hour earlier, a minute earlier? Maybe I would've caught you before you left Chicago." 

Erin nodded and moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around me to give me comfort. "I wanted to go after you. I wanted to find out why you left. But, Hank wouldn't tell me where you went. Instead, he told me to move on and just ignore that you left. That was never going to happen. You are my one and only." Erin smiled and nodded when I said that. "I am so sorry you had to go through that Jay. I just hope you can forgive me." I nodded and smiled at her.

"I've already forgiven you Erin. We are married now, that's all that matters. Maybe it was all part of the plan. Maybe you had to go so that we could make our way back to one another." Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "I am glad we are back together. Sure, it was only after a one night stand when you were in New York once. But still, I wouldn't change a thing because now...I am home with the man I love. And I get to fall asleep in his arms every night."

I smiled when she said that and nodded while leaning down to kiss her softly. I was about to kiss her when my phone rang. I then sighed and groaned when I went to check who it was. It was my brother. Answering it, I sat up more and went to talk to him. "What's up Will?" Will then sighed. "Listen, I need a big favor. There was a huge pileup on I-290. Me and Natalie just got called in to work a shift since they need people. Owen has nowhere to go...." I stopped him right there.

"Say no more. I will meet you guys at the hospital and get him for you." Will was happy about that. "Thank you so much Jay. Think he can sleep over? This might be an overnight thing. They only call us in on our days off when it's a bad day." I agreed and turned to look at Erin. "Of course we can take him overnight. You need to do your job." Will was happy. "Thanks. See you at the hospital in 30?" I agreed. "See you then." I then hung up and looked at Erin. She looked confused and a little angry. "Seriously, you don't even ask if we can watch Owen?"

I sighed and looked at her. "There's a huge pileup on I-290. They need extra doctors at the hospital. They've been called in an have nowhere to send Owen. Erin, I'm sorry but...I can't just not do nothing. I don't want to have to console my brother if something bad happens." Erin was confused. "What could happen?" I sighed and looked at her. "If Natalie gets too stressed, she might miscarry. Imagine what that would do to them. Will wants the baby so bad now." Erin nodded and agreed. "Of course. Listen, go get him and I will set up the guest room."

I smiled before getting up and going to grab a shirt to wear. I then went to grab my wallet and phone before walking out. "If you need me okay?" Erin agreed. "Sure thing. Be safe out there if it's bad!" I agreed and then ran downstairs so that I could go meet Will and Erin at the hospital so that I could get Owen.

One Chicago: Health First Part 3Where stories live. Discover now