Chapter 1017

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Meanwhile, across town with Matt as he walks out of the washroom:

Matt's POV: As I walk out of the shower with a towel around my waist, I see Gabby relaxing on the couch after putting Matteo to bed. I then sigh as I feel quite sore. "Gabby, mind getting me an ice pack out?" Gabby then turned to look at me. "You okay?" I sighed and looked at her. "I think I might have pulled something while I was sparring with the guys. Haven't done that much physical activity in a while. Even the Zumba class wasn't this bad." Gabby nodded.

"Then just lay down in bed and I will come give you a massage." I smiled when she said that and then walked over to her. I then leaned over her and kissed her softly. "That sounds perfect. I've given you how many now?" Gabby smiled and moved to rub my cheek. "Shut up, you are making up for all the massages I've missed while I was pregnant." I then helped her up and sighed. "Gabby, that's not fair. I don't want to talk about it but...we both know it's not fair."

I then stepped close to her and moved my hand to her hip. "You know that, had I known...I would've given you massages whenever you needed it even if it was in the middle of the night." Gabby nodded and sighed as she moved to step close to me. She then moved to hug me and sighed. "Sorry, just hard to talk about stuff like that because then it leads to us getting in a fight like this. And it scares me. I can't loose you Matt." I then backed up and looked at her.

"Gabby, I am not going anywhere so you can relax okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Listen, go get dressed and I will get you the ice pack. Then, I will come join you in bed with Matteo so I can give you a massage." I then nodded and looked at Matteo. "I got him, you concentrate on just getting the ice pack for me." I then went to grab Matteo from the couch and smiled as I carried him to the bedroom with me, kissing his forehead. "Lets go relax buddy." 

I then made my way to the bedroom before setting him down on the bed. "Just let me get changed and then I'll come cuddle up to you okay buddy?" I then moved to tickle Matteo and smiled as I bent down to kiss him softly. "You are so cute buddy. Now, I need to get changed." I then walked over to my dresser and smiled as I grabbed some boxers before taking off my towel when I had them on. I then thought about what to put on. I then decided to just put a t-shirt on. If I needed to get up and get the door, I would put pants on. But, not if we are just staying in bed.

Once I was dressed, I went to grab my phone from the side table and saw a text from Antonio 'I had a great time. Thanks.' I smiled when he said that and then texted him back. 'I liked the workout but, should've stretched first.' Antonio texted back pretty quick. 'Just relax then and put ice on it.' Quickly texting back, I nodded. 'Gabby's getting me an ice pack. Talk later.' That's when I heard Gabby walk in and I smiled at her. "Thanks for the ice pack."

Gabby then looked at me and nodded before giving it to me. However, I could tell something was wrong. "Gabby, what's wrong? Talk to me." She sighed. "It's about what we mentioned out there." Gabby then opened the covers and got it with me. Moving the ice back to my shoulder, I then turned to look at her. "Gabby, it's okay. We are past it. We are together and that's all that matters. Let's please not make a bigger deal than it has to me." Gabby sighed and nodded.

"I am just going to get changed. I'll be right back." Gabby then got up and went to grab her comfy clothes before walking out to the washroom. I could tell that Gabby was stressed. We were going to talk when we get back because I needed to make sure we were okay. 

One Chicago: Health First Part 3Where stories live. Discover now