Chapter 1039

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Meanwhile at Gaffney's University Campus

Will's POV: As I walk around the ER to do my night rounds, I walk by Voight's room and decide to do a more thorough check up on him considering I know how worried Erin is. Walking in, I see he is resting and think about not waking him up but, I decided to do it before Erin went to bed. Rubbing his arm with my glove, I looked at him. "Sgt. Voight?" Hank then woke up and looked at me. "Will, call me Hank. We're basically family." I nodded and smiled. "I am just going to check on you okay? Erin's a little worried about you." 

That got Voight agitated and I saw his blood pressure rise. "Why isn't your brother calling you about that! She shouldn't hide this from him." I then went to grab his hand. "Hank, he's the one that called. They wanted you to make a quick appearance at the meeting tomorrow." Hank then nodded and relaxed. "Sorry." I nodded and went to grab my stethoscope to check his heart. He then groaned when I did that. "My ticker is fine Halstead." I looked at him. "And I am just being thorough. Sorry if I don't want to be yelled at by my brother and sister-in-law."

Hank then nodded and understood. "Oh, I get it. You're scared of baby brother and Erin." I sighed and nodded. "Plus, I know about Bunny. I would rather not have my sister-in-law loose both of her 'parents' this year." Hank smiled and liked that response before finally letting me take a listen to his heart. "You're thinking about work aren't you?" He sighed and nodded. "Well stop it or else you are going to be in here for more than just a bullet. It already went pretty close to your heart. Don't want you to have a heart attack when you're this weak."

Hank didn't like that. "I'm not weak!" I sighed. "Fine, not weak but not your full self. Sgt. Voight, you're in the hospital for a reason. If we could've released you...we would have. Believe me, I don't want you here just as much as you don't want to be here. If I could release you right now to your home, I would. While this may not be where we are treating COVID patients, we do still test them while we are here. It's why you need to keep that mask on. Not only for your safety but for mine. I already got a threat from my brother when it comes to you."

Hank was confused when I said that. "Something I have to charge him for?" I shook my head. "Nope, you do not arrest him for this. He just said that I'm dead if I let you die before you get to meet your granddaughter. And preferably, I would like to survive so that I can meet my son or daughter this year." Hank smiled. "Congratulations." I smiled and nodded. "That's the highlight of my year. Getting married and learning we're expecting. Other than that, it sucks."

He agreed and smiled. "Listen, you have other patients. So just give me a clean bill of health and then let me go to sleep. I am taking advantage of this time to sleep. Then, I can work more." I looked at him and sighed. "You do realize that when you are released, you are on bedrest and home confinement for at least 2 weeks right? 1 for recovery, 2 for COVID watch." Hank sighed but understood. "You're lucky that I have a reason to do this. I want to meet little Olivia."

I nodded and smiled at him. "I'll come check on you in the morning okay? Do not grab that phone and call Erin okay? You are not cleared to do that until tomorrow. Is that understood?" He nodded and agreed. "You tell that to Jay?" I nodded. "So, even if you did try and call...he wouldn't answer. By the way, I am only talking to you like this because we are basically family. So, don't go reporting me to Mrs. Goodwin for this." He nodded and agreed. "You got it Will."

I smiled and then went to rub his shoulder. "You need to be more careful okay Hank? Or at least start training my brother. I heard that you are letting them take over when you retire." He nodded and smiled. "Your brother's going to be a great at his job. I trust him with my life. Well, Erin's life and mine." Will smiled and nodded. "Trust me, he's been ready to be a husband for a long time. And he's a damn good one. You hear how bad our dad was?" Hank shook his head.

I then looked at him. "Let's just say compared to him, even you look like a saint. He was a complete SOAB who would rather spend his money getting drunk than putting it towards his family. So Hank, I can vouch for my brother and guarantee you that Jay will never be that time of father. He hated living that way, and I can 100% guarantee....and that's something a doctor is never supposed to say so you need to listen to me when I say this....Jay will never hurt Erin or Olivia for the rest of their life. You can trust him." Hank nodded and smiled when I said that.

"By the way, sorry your Christmas break got cut short. And sorry your brother almost got arrested." I sighed and nodded. "It's fine, he was doing the right thing and that's all that matters. But listen, you deserve to get some rest." He was about to say something when I heard Natalie come in. "Hopefully not before I can say a quick hello before we head home?" I nodded and turned to look at Natalie, smiling. "You go ahead. Have a good night Hank." I then walked up to Natalie. "I will get our stuff okay? Then we can head home." Natalie nodded and smiled as I walked out before walking up to Hank's beside. "How you feeling Hank?" 

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