Chapter 1058

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10 Minutes Later, after getting a bit too sexual for the District:
Jay's POV: As I sit down at the table in Erin's office, I chuckle as I watch her put her shirt back on. I took it off while I was kissing her neck, giving her the right amount of pleasure. And all I can say is thank god we stopped when we did because I keep finding myself not wanting to stop. Something about having a gorgeous pregnant wife just makes me want her more and more. That's when I saw Erin grab her phone to check something. "Babe, stop working and eat."

Erin then turned to look at me. "I am not working, I am making sure that you didn't give me a permanent marking that I will have to hide with makeup for the rest of the day." I smirked when she said that because I knew exactly what she was talking about, a good old hickey. I've given her a few while we were at home but...never at work. Based on what she just said though, I am not sure if me giving her a hickey here at work is a good idea based on how much trouble I might be in later tonight.

"Hey, you're the one that tugged at my clothes and started wanting me more." She sighed and nodded before putting her makeup back down on the desk before walking over to me. "I am assuming that was not just because you are hormonal. Because believe me, I was not the one in control of that." I chuckled and nodded. "No, it was because of other reasons. I know you keep saying that I'm going over the top but...I can't help but want to because I'm making up for lost time. You know, from when you were gone in New York."

Erin nodded and understood. "And you are positive that you never dated anyone from the unit while I was gone?" I bit my lip and sighed. "Okay, I had a couple relationships. I rebounded with this girl I met at a bar while drinking my sorrows away. And I also dated Upton." Erin looked at me. "You dated Upton? And I am just learning about this now! Now I get why she's being so tough around me. She's probably pissed that I am back. I took her man and I'm having his kid!"

I chuckled when she said that. "Believe me when I say this, I was never her man. I've always been yours. Erin, we got back together the moment you came back to town. You're the only one for me because we are made from the same cloth. We both come from broken homes, we have parents with addictions and we both have problems with our siblings." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that because it was true. "I am just glad your relationship with Will is getting better. I Know it hasn't always been easy between you two." I sighed and knew what she meant.

"The lowest point was definitely around the time of our father's passing. I was a complete jack ass and really took it out on him when it wasn't really his fault." Erin sighed and went to grab my hand. "You go to therapy after his death?" I nodded and rubbed her hand. "It was mandatory. Voight really looked out for me at that time because he saw that I was starting to act like I acted when you left town. Stuff was just hitting the wall and I needed to get away. I took time off and just went away. I even thought of re-deploying but...I didn't pass my mental evaluation."

Erin seemed shocked when I said that. "You really thought of going back to Iraq?" I nodded. "I didn't feel like I was home here anymore because of everything I lost. That's when me and Hailey started hanging out and I felt better. However, it didn't last long because I wasn't over you. Learned that the hard way on a date." Erin looked at me, chuckling. "What did you do...and don't tell me that..." I nodded and smiled. "Moaned 'Er' while she was kissing my neck." Erin laughed and smiled when I said that. "You were dreaming of me while having sex with another woman. Seems like true love to me."

I nodded and smiled when I heard a knock at the door. Turning to look at the door, Erin was shocked to see who it was. "Olive." Olive sighed and looked at her. "Based on the fact that Voight isn't here...I am assume that what I heard was true. Has Hank been shot?" I nodded and sighed. "I'm so sorry I haven't called. We've been preoccupied." Olive sighed and looked at us. "Mind if I sit down? Daniel is getting heavy." Erin nodded. And went to get up, going to hug her. "Oh, I forgot. Olive...I want you to meet my husband, Detective Jay Halstead." 

I then got up and smiled at her. Olive nodded and smiled when she noticed Erin was pregnant. "Another grandchild for Voight. Nice. How far along and do you know the gender?" Erin smiled when she said that. "I'm halfway, due at the end of May and it's a girl. Her name is going to be Olivia Marie Halstead." Olive nodded and smiled. "God, now that your having a kid...Hank is going to press me to move back to Chicago even more."

I sighed and looked at her. "Don't feel any pressure. I know that it's hard for you to be here. How are you doing otherwise?" Olive sighed. "Just need to go see Hank. He's all Daniel has left of Justin." I nodded and agreed but, knew it would be hard. "Listen, let me talk to my sister-in-law at the hospital. Maybe she can help you get in to see him. Voight would love it." Olive nodded and agreed. "Mind if I sit?" I shook my head. "Go ahead, I am going to call Natalie okay Jay or do you want to?" Jay smiled at me.

"You stay and talk to Olive, catch up. I am going to talk to Natalie. Would you be okay with doing it virtually Olive?" Olive turned to look at me and nodded. "Yes. Oh, and don't worry about caring for him while he recovers. I am going to do that. I've been laid off. Honestly, I am here because I need support anyways. Is that wrong?" Erin then turned her head and sighed. "No, it's fine. We're family Olive. Always will be. Now Jay, go call your brother or sister."

Jay nodded and agreed, walking away to go call Natalie.

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