Chapter 1000

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Matt's POV: After making our way to the kitchen, I looked at Gabby and sighed. "Gabby, about what you said out there. I think we need to change our plans. Last time I checked, we didn't bring a bottle for Matteo and he's going to be due soon." Gabby sighed as she turned to look at me because I was right. "Right, just got excited to be back and helping." I nodded while walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her. "Listen, maybe we can do this another day when we are more prepared?" Gabby agreed and smiled while rubbing my arms.

That's when I heard Hermann come back. "Oh, sorry." Gabby then sighed and looked at Hermann. "Hermann, we are actually going to have to rain check on helping out in the kitchen. Matt just reminded me that we don't have any bottles for Matteo. That means, we need to go home if we need to feed him. Unless of course Matt wants to stay and help while I got make us some bottles? Then we can stay." I thought about it and smiled. "Maybe you can bring the crib?"

Gabby thought about it and smiled. "Sure, I will do that. Hermann, can you teach him some of the recipes?" Hermann nodded and smiled. Gabby then tugged our masks down and leaned up to kiss me softly. "Give me an hour and I will be back to help you." I nodded and smiled before letting her go. Gabby then walked away and went to bring Matteo home so that she could get a crib for him as well as some bottles. I then looked at Hermann and smiled. "Captain."

Hermann smiled when I said that. "So weird hearing you say that to me." I nodded and smiled. "No, show me the most popular order now a days so that I can make it easily." Hermann nodded and then went to grab some wings. "It's our wings." He then went to open the sauce area. "Keep this tray closed at all times. This is a heated compartment which keeps the hot sauce warm. From left to right, it goes not spicy, mild, medium, hot and extreme. Gloves are required 24/7." I nodded and went to grab some gloves.

Hermann then did the same and went to grab some wings. "Okay, let's pretend I give you an order. I'll say med wings with fries. What do you think it is?" I thought about it and it was easy. "Medium wings with fries." Hermann nodded. "Fries take 5 minutes to cook and are in the fridge next to the fryer. A new batch is due to go down. Grab a brown bag in there." I nodded and went to open the fridge to grab one.

Carrying it over to the fryer, Hermann then showed me where to fill it up to. I nodded and did as I was told before setting the fries back down in the fridge. "Okay, so you push this button here. Puts it on an automatic fries setting. You then put it down. There's already one cooking. It just finished. Take it out of the oil." I did and was about to move it right to the heat lamps when Hermann stopped me. "Not so fast, hang it up and let the oil drip for a bit." I nodded and did. 

Once it was done dripping, I carried it over to the heat lamps and put them down. I then put the basket back and went to grab the salt and vinegar, putting it on. "Set the timer here for 5 minutes. Then, they go bad. You can eat them too." I nodded and smiled. "Since we own it, we might as well." Hermann chuckled and smiled. "Okay, you can do that easily? It's also written up here if you forget. Now, you can do this whenever you want. Since schools are closed, all the kids are learning from home and my mother-in-law is there to help." 

I nodded. "Must be fun." Hermann smiled. "Gives us an opportunity to keep making money. When I'm on shift, Cindy comes in and works. We also ask for off-duty firemen to help. We've decided to provide the CFD with free food if they order. We also have a deal with med where they pay us but we have to donate 50% of the profits to COVID research." I liked that idea and smiled. "That sounds perfect, the faster we get more treatments the better. My uncle Jake has COVID."

Hermann sighed. "Sorry about that Matt. Listen, if you ever think this is too much of a risk...I understand if you would rather be home." I smiled at him. "Hermann, it's just us. Heck, we are not even that close and we are wearing masks. Now listen, let's get to work. When we have another order...we can be ready." That's when we heard the phone ring. Hermann went to answer it. "Spicy wings with salt and vinegar." 

I nodded and went to grab the wings to start them. Hermann then hung up after writing the information down. "Okay for the no salt, you need to put a fresh batch of fries down and then grab them without putting them down." I nodded. "Actually, one is just coming up." Hermann smiled. "Okay, grab the tongs and put it up to drip." I agreed and put it up to drip before grabbing the tongs. "Grab a container and then take the fries directly from the basket."

I agreed and then did just that before putting them in the box. I then smiled as I started to get the hang of this. I then went to put it under the heat lamp before checking the wings. "How many per meal?" Hermann smiled. "We give them 10 per meal." I nodded and saw the wings come up. "Can you give me the wings?" Hermann nodded and got me them from the fridge. I then went to put the wings under the heat lamp and smiled before going to set it down. Once they were down, I started a new batch before making the wings. 

I then grabbed a bag and set it up. "Lee Henry!" Hermann then let me back up. "What's the address?" Hermann smiled. "1975 Lower Wacker." Lee Henry then walked over when I spoke to him. "1975 Lower Wacker. Price?" Hermann then finished. "It's on the receipt he has. Get to it." Hermann then passed Lee Henry the keys to his car when he walked away. I chuckled and smiled at Hermann. "You helping?" Hermann shook his head. "You work this part of the kitchen. I am doing the other food. When Gabby gets here, she can do the wraps and salads." I nodded and smiled.

"Just to let you know, I plan on making Matteo work here too. So, we better not sell this place anytime soon." Hermann nodded and smiled. "Trust me, this place is staying here for the long run." I agreed and smiled as I kept working with Hermann in the restaurant as I waited for Gabby to come back.

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