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December 8th

Lovely is kicking it with Nicki for her birthday enjoying herself and I'm working. Well, technically they're at the house recovering from a long-lit ass day before they leave for Praslin tomorrow morning. Lovely woke Nicki up at five this morning with different birthday surprises and it just now ended at one the next morning. I leave this club at two and I'm going home to make sure they're good and don't need anything. Kenny is watching the kids most likely down the hall with Nicki and Lovely's mother. All our bags are packed so at 5 were able to heat to the private airstrip for the trip. I ended up leaving the show early and I headed home to my baby.

I was walking into the house from the studio and it's pitch black again. "Guess everyone is sleeping off their day huh?" I asked myself out loud as I began walking upstairs. I began hoping and praying that Nicki is in bed with Kenny. The kids are in their room and her mother is in her room. I heard Thunder, Rain, and Ocean sounds as I walked towards the bedroom. I opened the door and Lovely was knocked out in the bed in lingerie with her leg on top of the over. I smirked and put my stuff up then I walked to the bed and put the covers on Lovely.

I kissed her cheek then I went to get in the shower to wash my day off and wind down. When I was completely clean I got out then dried off in the restroom. I handled the rest of my hygiene then proceeded to my closet to get dressed. once I was dressed I put on the houseshoes Lovely got me and walked into the bedroom. I got into the bed and like always her psyche knew I was in the bed. Lovely's body moved closer towards mine and I finished the job. Her arm slowly wrapped itself around me and I relaxed in her embrace.

December 9th

4: 28Am

Lovely's P.O.V

I was in bed asleep when I was awakened by kisses. I moaned and that's when I realized a hand is rubbing my pussy from outside my panties. I opened my eyes and a finger slipped inside. "Morning baby, how'd you sleep?" he asked looking at me with a smirk on his face. Then Bashar gently removed my underwear and went down on me. I moaned and that's when I felt him start making love to my clit. "B...Babe, we gotta get dressed," I said and Bashar continued like he had a mission to finish.

6:00 Am

All the adults Nicki, Bashar, Kenny and I are on the airplane headed out of town for Nicki's birthday. I'm on the plane in my room with the door closed changing clothes. I just had put on my shorts when Bashar walked in I looked at him and he winked at me. So I started back getting dressed he walked up to me then Bash kissed my cheek.

"Good Morning beautiful." He said and I smiled at him. "Good Morning baby you scared me for a second. I thought something was wrong." I said in my sum what whiny voice. "I'm sorry baby." He said with a chuckle. "The captain said to get strapped in we're about to take off," Bashar said and it seems like .1 seconds later the plane was taking off. We quickly grabbed onto the handles making our way into the bed strapping in. "Looks like you should've walked and talked a little fast," I said then both Bashar and myself began laughing.

"I guess it's time to go to sleep and wait till we land to wake up," Bashar said and I kissed him and got very comfortable smiling at the fact that he's not perfect but he's worth some of the hard times. Then I laid there and allowed him to make me the little spoon. 

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