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May 3rd

During the pregnancy, Lovely and I both couldn't eat certain foods. So we were now enjoying everything we once couldn't like eggs. Lovely and eggs dont mix, but I like eggs, and for some reason, I couldn't keep them down.

Lovely couldn't eat rice, fried or regular. So many of her favorite foods either weren't allowed, or the twins didn't let her eat'em. "Oh my gosh, this is amazing," Lovely said, moaning with her mouth full.

Lovely's P.O.V

Nicki looked over at me like she did when we were kids, and I would get in trouble. I swallowed my food and glared at her like I did when we were kids, and I would get in trouble. "Alright, mom," I said, and she chuckled. "How do you have kids and remain childish?" Nicki asked, then Kenny chimed in. " I was thinking the same thing."

"First you pop the babies out, then you keep some of their youth for yourself, and thats how all-powerful women become immortal. Stealing part of their children's soul and youth. " I said. Then all of us began to laugh. "Why does everything have to get dark with you?" Kenny asked, smiling, and I chuckled cause I knew either Nicki or Bashar was about to speak before I could.

"Demons raised her in a cornfield. We didn't officially get her till she was five but don't tell anyone," Nicki said jokingly, and everyone laughed except me. "Actually, life is dark, but if you can appreciate the light, you find and keep it to shine in the dark, you become a Lovely," I said, and everyone smiled trying to hold back the laugh we all wanted to let explode cause although it was cute and enlightening it was also corny as hell. 

40 Minutes Later

I was still eating, and Bashar was staring me down. "Why are you watching me?" I asked without looking up at him. I heard Nicki make her little noise that she always makes when we're about to start talking nasty. I chuckled.

"Because I'm watching my meal eat her. Also, I love how sexual you eat. You really be making love to the food." He said, and I smirked. Then Nicki looked over at Kenny like, here we go again.

I looked up at Bashar, and he smirked. "It's just amazing how beautiful you are, and I love admiring your beauty," Bashar said, and I continued to eat. "Stop being cute. Your still not getting any till the time is up." I said after I sipped my water.

Everyone at the table laughed, and I smirked. "Shiddd, all I could do was try, but I did mean everything I just said," Bashar said, then Nicki chimed in. "We know stalker."  I laughed cause this was so cute, and our family dinners were now not just at home.

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