Maraj Twins

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Nicki is recording mom as she sits in front of us. "Mom, tell us something about Lovely and Myself. Something we don't know." Nicki said, and I looked at her because I don't think there are too many things we don't know. Nicki and I tend to find all the information we need.

"We don't talk about it, but Micaiah and Lovely were supposed to be twins. Technically they are, but Micaiah decided to come six days later. That's just something for the people to know. Okay, umm, something you guys don't know. Let me think,  got it. When Lovely was younger, and we would be looking for Nicki, she would know exactly where you were to the T without anyone telling her." Mama said, and both Nicki and I looked at each other.

"How?" Nicki asked, and Ma chuckled as I smirked. "Around the time when  Lovely began to learn how to use her words properly. You were going out a lot. One day you had left the house with friends but forgot to tell me where you all were going. I asked your brother where you were, and he didn't know, so I asked your father. He also told me he didn't know, so I would wait it out till Lovely walked up to me. She grabbed my dress and tugged at it. Then she told me where you were. The first time she did it, I ignored her till you told me exactly where you went. Once she did it again, I grabbed her, got into the car, and headed to the location, and she was right every time." Ma explained, and I chuckled as Nicki glared at me.

"She still has those powers cause I can't escape when she wants me now." Nicki glared at me, and I did the most sinister laugh ever. She kept the camera on me, and I winked. "We got this from every angle," I said, pointing at the cameras around the room.

"Okay, well, since this is a family interview. Lovely, how does it feel being a mother of two sets of twins? And how does it feel having two-three-year-olds and two 6-month-old babies?" Mommy asked me, and I inhaled. "Eventful and hard. I am really learning how to juggle everything. Mommy, you made this all look so easy. They are teaching me more about myself every day." I said, and they nodded as they looked at me.

"What about you and papa? How is it over there?" I asked Nicki then she chuckled. "I feel I got it easy between the two of us. I only have him and his attitude. You have four with four different personalities." Nicki said, and I nodded in agreement.

"True, but I still feel it is hard for mothers of one. Little ones, no matter how big or small, know how to fuck some shit up!" I said, and she agreed as well as mommy. "What is one way you think people can remember your family?" Mommy asked, looking right at me.

"We'll I always call us Be (for) Four I learned two (to) Love. The Be four are Bhanavi, Barakah, Bashar, and Bashir. The love is Lovie and me. I also like it cause before I had all of them, I didn't know the kind of love I have learned I have for them." I said, and they both awwwd. "That's the cutest thing ever," Nicki said, and I smiled cause it felt like I was doing something right.

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