A Major Flex

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"Go get dressed." He said then some women grabbed my hand and escorted me to a room. After an hour, we're both dressed and making our way down the road in the sprinter. "You look, phenomenal babe,"  Jonathan said with a huge smile on his face and I chuckled. "You don't look too bad yourself." I rebuttal and he smirked as he scooted closer toward me. "We're here." the driver said and Jonathan looked at me.

"You ready?" he asked and I noticed he was holding my hand. "I'm sorry of course," I said, and he smiled but all I could think about is what everyone would say. Jonathan got out first then he proceeded to help me out. All I could hear was everyone screaming his name and once they saw me it got quiet. The cameras continued to flash. Then they began screaming our names. Jonathan grabbed my hand and we started walking.

We were taking photos and before I knew it Jonathan stepped in front of me. "Baby you're dress is about to cause a wardrobe malfunction." He said then  I quickly fixed myself and kissed him. "Thank you for being so attentive," I said and Jonathan nodded as he stepped back in position. We took a few more photos, left the carpet, and went to the blogs.

"World's sexiest man and woman have become a beautiful black couple. Can I say black love at its finest?" The lady said and we smiled. "Thank you," I said and Jonathan chuckled. "Come on manifestation." "Wassup y'all it's nye so eccentric and I'm here With Jonathan Majors and Lovely Maraj. I have a few questions for you two." She said and we nodded. "Ok, Lovely when was your first date with Jonathan?" Nye asked and I looked at Jonathan.

He nodded and I understood we are both on the same page. "Sometime during filming, we don't exactly remember the day because it was on a whim." I said and Nye nodded. "The best date I've ever had." he said and I smirked. "Soo are you all public or is this just yall having fun and seeing where it goes?" Nye asked and I smiled. "If the lord is willing we will be public soon but until then we are enjoying each others company," He said as I chuckled then he looked at me.

"Soo maybe like next week cause it's giving you all seem really happy?" Nye asked and I looked around. "No comment. Ya'll be trying to get people caught up." I said and he agreed. Eventually we made our way into the event and was quickly sat next to Pop, Ken, and Nicki.

"Oop, ain't this something." Nicki said in her most shadiest voice and I looked at her as Jonathan placed his hand on my lap. I nodded then I leaned in closer to him. "It's going to be a long and dangerous night." Ken said and Jonathan spoke. "We're all adults who can control ourselves out in public. I doubt anyone wants any unnecessary headlines in the morning. Plus we all love Lovely and that should keep us happy."

"Thank you babe." I said then I kissed Jonathan's cheek and intertwined our fingers so I could hold his hand.

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