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"It's not me!" I said, upset, pulling up to the hospital. Lovely began panicking and started to check herself.

I could tell it was her adrenaline rush causing her not to focus? Once I stopped the car in the front, I parked and got out. Lovely was still sitting down in her seat, panicking. "I can't feel anything," I heard her say in a whisper.

Once I opened the door, and her seat was bloody. "Baby, get out for me," I said, and as she went to get out, she screamed. "It's my thigh," Lovely said, and I nodded as I looked at her. "Wrap your arm around my neck. I will get you out." I said, then I looked at her bloody shirt.

I quickly realized she'd been shot twice. Once Lovely did as told, I began carrying her into the hospital as nurses ran to us, rolling a gurney. "She's been shot twice," I said, trying to stay calm for the both of us. "TWICE?!?!" Lovely questioned as I laid her on the gurney. "Lower stomach and her thigh," I said as we entered the hospital.

"She's lost a lot of blood." The nurse said. "I...I have sickle cell SS." Lovely said in a faint voice. "That's good. Lovely, talk to us." The nurse said. "Lovely look at me! LOVELY! Lovely stay with me." The doctor yelled as I sped walked with them down the hall. Once we made it to a door, they stopped me from entering.

Hours later

"Do you know anyone that would want y'all hurt or killed?" The police asked, and I looked at them. "We famous plus niggas get mad when you got the girl they want or when the girl they want, turned them down. So it's hella people that want both for us." I said, and the officer nodded.

"If we have any more questions, we'll be in touch." The officer said, and as I was about to speak, Nicki and Zoo ran into the lobby. She ran up to the front desk. "I'm looking for Lovely Maraj room!" She said in a panic. "Sis over here!" I said, and they came over to where I was sitting.

"What happened?" Nicki asked, standing over me highly upset. "We were at the video shoot, and all we heard were gunshots. I rushed Lovely to the car, and we rushed here. The doctors say she was shot twice. Both bullets went straight through. She also lost a lot of blood and still is in surgery." I said, then Nicki sat down next to me, and Zoo sat next to her.

"Maybe she shouldn't have started fucking with you. I think I was wrong for pushing her and telling her to give you a shot." Nicki said, sounding like someone's depressed mom. I quickly looked at her, sad. "No, you weren't wrong, Nic, I swear," I said, and she glared at me.

Nicki's P.O.V

"How when you can't even protect her. You let my little sister get shot, Bashar." I was about to speak when Zoo placed his hand on my shoulder. So I quickly got up and stormed off. "FUCK!" I yelled walking down the hallway.

Two days later

This shit is unacceptable. The mother of my children and my fiancé got shot at my video set. I'm heated, and I got all the luh homies checking to see who did it. These niggas will not go uncheck cause all smoke is coming their way. All I remember was the doctors yelling Lovely's name and Nicki being mad at me for allowing this to happen.

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