Macardle Hakim Levingstone

52 3 5

August 10th, 2022

"Nic, I gotta try," Mac said, and I looked at him, lost and confused. "She's married. Mac, why are you trying to mess this up for her?" I questioned, and he glared at me. "This Nigga got her looking stupid. He's out here cheating and putting her in a predicament she doesn't have to be in, then wanna snap when anyone points it out. I know she's not purely happy, nor does she wanna be in that relationship." He said, and I quickly spoke.

"Marriage, not a relationship, and also, weren't you the one who disappeared off the face of the earth and just popped back up last year. Mac, Lovely went looking for you everywhere, even hired a private investigator later when she got her money up, but still couldn't find you. She cried herself to sleep at night, hoping and praying you weren't dead, and eventually gave up. So if we're pointing fingers at men who had her looking stupid, don't forget there are there pointing back at you, baby." I said, getting upset at the thought of what my sister went through.

"I know Nicki, and I explained to Lovely last year that my Dads side of the family is from Scotland, and my mom's side of the family is from Ireland. Somewhere way back in both sides of my family tree, they made a deal that each firstborn son was to be sent back home, trained, and prepared to take on the family business. Somehow the women on both sides of the family eventually stopped having boys. Until My cousins and I were born, and when we came along, our mothers and fathers stopped going back home to visit. One day a large black van pulled up to a family gathering took all of us boys, but our parents explained only a little of what we later found to be much larger than all of us." Mac said, sounding like some shit black widow ass would say in an Avengers movie.

"Did she believe you?" I asked curiously, and he looked me in the eyes. "Once I showed her some paperwork, yea, she did." He said confidently, and since I know Mac, I know he's telling me the truth about this story. The look in his eyes is settling and calm.

"I want my chance to get the life I was building with her. I know her, and I know that the kids, the public, and in her words, the fact that he needs a real chance is the only reason she's still there. But you're right, they are married, so I will wait till he messes up again." Mac said with a calm look on his face.

"Mac?" I questioned, and he looked at me curiously. "Has Lovely ever brought either set of twins to see you?" I asked, and he looked at me inquisitively. "Either set?" He asked, and my eyes bulked at the fact that I had now just told him too much information. "I meant either of the twins," I said, trying to fix what I had now messed up, but he wasn't buying.

"Have a great day, sis." He said. Then we hugged, and Mac left me standing there looking stupid.

Seven hours later

"Do you still love him?" Bashar asked me, and I inhaled as I really thought about it. "FUCK!" He yelled, and I slightly jumped. "The fact that you have to think about it means yes. No matter if it's buried away somewhere or not." He said, and I looked down at my hand.

"I don't know the full story play by play, but I do know I will fight for you till I die." Bash said, and I just kept looking at the rock on my finger.

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