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On the way to the mall, Wei Wuxian noticed that Chenyu was an exquisite example of a man. Tall, fair skinned and with dimples in both cheeks. Aside from the man’s handsome face and looming silhouette, based on his understanding and observation of the human anatomy, he believed that Chenyu was ripped. Lean, yet strong. A perfect body for a bodyguard.

Of course the original Wei Wuxian was more dashing, but that’s not the point. The point now was that he didn't have time for anything resembling infatuation. He needed to settle down and familiarize himself with his new body first, before he had to do something else. Something like finding out what were the last wishes of Mo Xuanyu. Not to forget the revenge for those who killed the boy.

The first thing he did, when they arrived at the mall, was heading to the high-end underwear store. That was the most time-sensitive task in today’s to-do list .

He had been enlightened, reached a shocking revelation and thus, from his new point of view, he had more respect towards women, who wore the kind of torture device called thong. Anyone, who was able to wear that shit for more than a few hours, really deserved that respect.

That and his balls were getting squished so hard he was afraid his junior would wither in their captivity.

He looked at the attending lady and pointed to the black Calvin Klein male boxer and told the sales lady to get a dozen of them in medium size.

The sales lady looked at him sweetly and inquired if the Young Miss was buying them for her boyfriend. Wei Wuxian just nodded politely. He just didn't want to bother to explain.

Then, she pointed to the rows of cute bras and told him that those were new models and that they would look good on him.

Which reminded him to buy a couple of plain black bras.

To his surprise, he found a few heavily padded push up bras that he actually liked and were comfy, so he didn't have to wear those stuffy silicone boobs all the time.

He chuckled lightly and bought a dozen in all black.

In his previous life, never in a million years would he have thought he would one day do something like that, but then shit happened and now here he was. 

In the mall.

Buying bras.

Life was sometimes weird.

More importantly, he had finally finished the task of buying his usual brand of underwear which he knew would be comfy and would let his balls breathe. If in doubt, stick with what’s familiar. 

They were his balls, after all. Well, Mo Xuanyu's, but since the original owner had already entrusted them to Wei Wuxian, he would definitely take good care of them.

After he paid, he took the shopping bag and left the underwear shop to purchase some clothes from the shop next door.

Since his body was quite skinny for a man, he purchased a couple of dark colored skinny jeans, half a dozen fitted black shirts, the same amount of turtlenecks and hoodies and, to top it all off, he even got a biker jacket made of black leather. 

He was very satisfied with his purchases and after a quick check, he walked towards the shoe store to buy some boots and sneakers. He could not live the rest of his life in high heels. 

Mo Xuanyu could dress as a girl all he wanted, but he couldn't. He didn't have anything against other people's choices, but it was just simply not who he was. Although he would gladly wear a dress, make up and heels for the sake of disguise, he would have never gone around gallivanting like a woman in his free time before.  Unfortunately, due to his current situation, he still needed to wear the silicone boobs to cover his real gender in order to save his life by preventing Madam Jin ever finding out the truth.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now