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Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxian close and murmured sweet encouraging words, all through his explosive orgasm. As for Wei Wuxian, he was so high that he unconsciously bit Lan Wangji's right shoulder, hard. But the latter didn't even flinch, only held the youngster tighter and kissed his sweaty temple, while his free hand caressed the hair that tickled him everywhere. 

The youngster looked so debauched, like a siren that had just been deflowered, and Lan Wangji had never felt this kind of very intense emotion that he felt inside at that moment. It was almost like some kind of awe, and adoration, and finally the realization that he would do anything and give the youngster whatever he wanted. Even if he dumped him later, he would still do it. And had no regret.

Lan Wangji pulled his fingers off with every intention of finishing solo in the bathroom, but Wei Wuxian clamped it tight and glared at him, while still breathing hard from the after effect of the orgasm. His pupils were still dilated and his expression was downright hostile.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Wei Wuxian spoke breathily from the overexertion. "You haven't finished what you promised me, and now you're going to run away? Finish it by yourself? Nu-uh, mister." With surprising strength, Wei Wuxian turned Lan Wangji over, and straddled him. Wei Wuxian's long hair fell down to Lan Wangji's chest and he had never seen such a picturesque scene.

Then he smirked, and with a devilish expression, he pulled the back of Wei Wuxian's head toward him. 

"If that's what you wish, my liege." Then he kissed Wei Wuxian hard, with all the pent up frustration, teeth's clacking, biting, and it felt raw, just like their passion.
Wei Wuxian retaliated with the same passion, moving his hips to tease the hardness that had been poking him for a while now. After he calmed his erratic heartbeat and readied his heart, he took the bottle of lube and poured it on the place where their bodies almost connected and poured it a lot.  

"Now, where were we? Oh right, I was… incapacitated, when you tried to run away from me and finished the… job by yourself. Just like you always do." Wei Wuxian moved closer to watch the golden iris had almost disappeared in lieu of the dilated pupils from all the pent up desire. "Don't do that, please. Don't be so… considerate. Be selfish. Use me. I'm really fine with it." Wei Wuxian's tone suddenly went soft as he caressed Lan Wangji's face, and kissed him tenderly. "Use me."

"I just don't want to hurt you…" Lan Wanji started to feel like he was tortured by a demoness, with all the looks, the rubbing of his hips, it all took him closer to the edge like it never did  before.

"I command you to use me, Second Young Master Lan." Wei Wuxian was so pissed of this man's selflessness, so he took charge and took the man's enormous family jewel in his hand, lined it with his entrance, said a prayer, and plunged it down with all his might.

Although in movies, or any theories he ever read, it should be entering him smoothly, the reality was… not. Wei Wuxian almost screamed from the sheer size of it, and it also did not enter fully. Instead it was stuck a quarter way in, because he instinctively clamped down on it and refused to relax and opened up.
Lan Wangji was torn between laughing, seeing the awed expression on the trembling youngster's face, or following his instinct and doing the deed. But he chose to ease him first, before doing any of the previously thought action.

"Sweetheart, relax. You're going to hurt yourself if you tighten up like that." Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian close and started to pepper him with kisses. His left hand caressed Wei Wuxian's hardened member, and his right hand started to play with the pink nubs on his chest. Not long after, he could feel that the youngster had relaxed enough to lessen the clamp on his family jewel, and it made him suddenly filled with raging desire. His kisses grew more impatient and demanding, and finally when he heard the moans, he thrusted his member deep inside the person that he loved so much to the point of sacrificing his needs for him. Even his life if he had to. And there's no going back.

Wei Wuxian was frozen from the sudden intrusion, and he instinctively clamped down again, after it was almost all the way in. He felt full, and it almost blew his mind, how this man's presence was filling him up, in every nook and cranny, in every fiber of his being. It's almost like… it felt like he was coming home.

But unfortunately, due to the sudden intrusion, which didn't hurt him, but it made him tremble so much he could do nothing else. Lan Wangji seemed to sense that, so he gently turned their position over so that he was on top now.
"Breathe, baby." 
Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian softly, lapping his lips until he felt that he became more relaxed. Then he lifted one of Wei Wuxian's legs, and started to move, slowly at first, with shallow thrusts. He was afraid that the youngster would somehow get hurt if he forced himself to go in, in one go. But judging from his expression, his lewd response, and the sound he made, it seemed that he was starting to enjoy this. So he moved more confidently, and pulled back further to thrust deeper into Wei Wuxian again, and again, and again, until the pressure started to build in his gut.

After a while, he started to lose control. From the tightness, and mostly from the lewd French words that the youngster spoke, which made his ears burn. He didn't know that the boy would have that kind of vocabulary for a young and pampered young lady, if you thought about his upbringing. Even a young master would not have that kind of… explicit French slang. And judging from his expression, he was also already on the edge of losing control. So Lan Wangji hastened his movement, let go of his control, and finally he reached the peak, together with the youngster under him. Wei Wuxian muffled his scream by biting on Lan Wangji's shoulder, again. But the pain let Lan Wangji maintained his focus and finally finished himself with a bang.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now