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Lan Wangji was in the middle of reading the new personnels' files that his brother had sent, when his phone rang. He glanced at the caller's ID, and picked it up.

"Wangji," the caller, Wen Zhuliu, sounded wary. "I have bad news and good news."

"Did you find the killer?"

"Not yet, but Detective Jiang is done with interviewing the victim's friends and family, and you're not gonna like what they all have to say."

Although Lan Wangji already had his suspicions, he wanted to hear the facts from Wen Zhuliu.

"Tell me."

"Most of Meng Yiran's friends told Detective Jiang that she had beef with Mo Xuanyu. They often gave Mo Xuanyu, 'a lesson', if you catch the drift, and before yesterday, Mo Xuanyu had never retaliated."

"And the good news?"

"That was actually the good news." Wen Zhuliu paused. "Dr. Xue found a located bruise on Meng Yiran's hand, a result from someone grabbing her tight and squeezing it hard. But it didn't leave any mark on the skin. Also, there were many witnesses, Meng Yiran's friends and a few random schoolmates, who said that she threatened Mo Xuanyu, and got her ass kicked by your girlfriend, unlike the other times before."

"This is the bad news?"

"Well, one of them. The other bad news is, someone hacked into our network last night and got ahold of all the information. We suspect that someone hired a hacker to get it, since there were no traces left. I call to warn you that Mo Xuanyu's life may be in danger if someone decides to get revenge for Meng Yiran based on the witnesses' statements alone. And also, Detective Jiang is probably gonna call her to do another interview soon."

Lan Wangji knew that Wen Zhuliu meant that the victim's sister was the one that probably hired the hacker to get the confidential information, since she was the only one with any motive to do so. But since he had no proof, he told him to warn him about it.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to her. Let me know when exactly Detective Jiang is going to call Mo Xuanyu to the precinct. And I appreciate the head off, Zhuliu."

"I'm sorry but this is all I can do."

"It's fine."

After he ended the call, Lan Wangji called Nie Huaisang.

"Huaisang. I need you to find out who hacked the police server last night. They left no traces but you should be able to find them."

"On it, Boss. I'll get back to you as soon as I have news."
Then Lan Wangji called Xue Qing and told her about the situation. Xue Qing agreed to keep an eye on Mo Xuanyu as long as she was not with Lan Wangji. To make sure that Xue Qing was not alone, he sent two of his shadow guards to follow them, and engaged only if necessary. He also told Song Lan to send a man to follow Meng Airan. Eyes and ears only.

After giving tasks to his people, Lan Wangji sighed. This was the first time his shadow guards were busy tailing and eavesdropping on people. He chuckled. It was just funny that right now he was reduced to becoming Mo Xuanyu's so-called guardian. He, the Almighty Hanguang Jun, was busy taking care of a seventeen years old girl instead of roaming around the world solving bizarre and gruesome murders.

If Hua Cheng, or even his brother ever found out, he would be their laughingstock for years to come. He suspected that Hua Cheng was halfway there since he also had eyes and ears everywhere. He expected him to come and laughed in his face in a couple of days, top. But he would gladly lend a hand after. That's the kind of friend Hua Cheng is.

In his defense, Mo Xuanyu's case was also a very bizarre one. He still could not connect the puzzle pieces to see the whole picture. It probably still needed more pieces, hopefully no more life-threatening situation. 

But right now, the most important thing was keeping Mo Xuanyu alive, because she seemed to be the center of this random peculiar show. And it sounded easier than it looked, since apparently Mo Xuanyu had a lot of hidden enemies, old and new. 

It was not her fault really, she was just a very obvious manifestation of what normal people desired; rich, beautiful, smart, and now, the girlfriend of the most eligible bachelor in the country; and with all of that, envy was always one step behind.
And now, although he had a lot of work to do, he suddenly missed the silver-haired girl. He just had to endure it until she came home later tonight, so he started to look at the information Nie Huaisang gave him this morning.

Wei Wuxian entered the Mo's house and was warmly welcomed by Butler Zhao. He asked him if he wanted to eat anything and Wei Wuxian didn't have a heart to decline, so told Butler Zhao to let the chef do his best.
The best in the chef's mind today was a bird fest. 
He prepared a succulent whole roast duck with all the condiments, high nutrition pigeon soup, and deep fried mini quails that could be eaten whole. 

Wei Wuxian loved those crunchy quails. He ate five of them and asked for the rest to be wrapped to be gifted to BingQiu. The roast duck and pigeon soup too.
Then he asked Butler Zhao for his time, then they entered the office that was located on the first floor.
"Will you sleep at home tonight, Young Miss?" 

"No, I'm just here to ask you something actually, uncle Zhao." He did feel a little bit guilty for not coming home, but he never felt that this was his home. In fact he felt more at home at BingQiu's house, with those people that he loved dearly.

He felt suffocated in this house, and he was pretty sure that was Mo Xuanyu's leftover feelings, not his. He didn't care enough to feel anything significant for this house and the people inside, although they seemed nice.

"Yes? What can I help you, Young Miss?"

"Did you happen to know where my mother kept all the family medical records?"

Butler Zhao looked surprised. And Wei Wuxian caught a flash of fear in his eyes, but he composed himself fast. Worthy of his position as a butler of a rich family.

"I have no idea, Miss. Mrs. Mo always kept important things close to her heart. Why don't you ask her yourself? I'm sure she will gladly tell you."

The thing was, that was the first thing Wei Wuxian did after he vomited all the blood. He tried to call Mo Xuanyu's mother to ask her but her numbers were all not available. He left messages and still no reply. He had some thoughts about that. Why would a mother, who was said to be doting on her child, cease all communication with her only blood relative?

It did not make sense at all, unless…
Unless she was no longer in this world.
And that would make sense actually.

The Mo's family looked all calm on the surface, with barely a ripple. But underneath the calm exterior, Wei Wuxian could feel the telltale sign of an incoming storm. And it was not good at all. 
He had to make haste on his plan.
"It's fine, uncle Zhao, I will just do that." He smiled and went back outside. "So, I'll be leaving then, I have a lot of difficult homework to do, so I will stay over with my friend for a couple of days maybe. Just let mother know if she calls."

He then took all the food and went out the house. After walking a safe distance away, he called a cab to go to BingQiu's house. He didn't want to involve Chen Yu, as he didn't know if he's a friend or a foe yet.

From now on, he decided that he would treat anyone from the Jins and their extended families as enemies. There were too many secrets and lies in this fucked up, so-called family, he couldn't afford to let his guard down anymore.
Time to make plans.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now