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Wei Wuxian walked into Mo Xuanyu's class while still thinking about so many things. He was almost there when he saw a group of girls were standing in front of him, blocking his way into the class. From the look of the girls, he was pretty sure that these girls were the 'mean girls' that often bullied Mo Xuanyu, probably even caused his death. 

Maybe the time was right to have some revenge after all.

"What can I do for you, ladies?" He acted nonchalant to see where this was going.

"I thought we already made it clear last time that you're not allowed to be near Second Young Master Lan ever, in any capacity."
So these girls were really the ones who killed Mo Xuanyu back then.
"And who are you to have that authority over another person?" He answered, still acting nonchalantly.

"Bitch, you know that I'm his future fiance and yet you're still chasing after him!" One of the girls, supposedly the prettiest one with long dyed hair named Meng Yiran, moved forward and lifted her hand up to slap Mo Xuanyu. 

But Wei Wuxian was adept in martial arts and he easily caught her hand and squeezed it hard in a way that would not leave any mark, until she screamed in pain.

"You crazy bitch! How dare you hurt me!" She was crying now after Wei Wuxian let her go. "Hit her! Teach her lesson she won't forget!" She gave an order to her minions, who came forward and surrounded Wei Wuxian.

"So this is how you're gonna play, huh?"

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes seeing the girls were starting to attack him. He easily dodged them and kicked their butts, literally, until they fell down on the floor. 

It all ended in a minute with five girls lying face down on the floor and Wei Wuxian walked over them to face Meng Yiran.

Meng Yiran was shaking so hard when she saw her minions were all defeated and the devil herself walked to her direction. This Mo Xuanyu was unlike the one she remembered from back then when she attacked her and she was just cowering in fear. 

This Mo Xuanyu was so scary with her killing intent. 
So when she stopped in front of her and grabbed her collar, she almost could not breathe from the fear.

"What do you want bitch? I will report you to my uncle! He's the high school headmaster! Prepare to be kicked out of school!" 

Strangely, Mo Xuanyu only snickered and moved her face closer.

"You do that, and I will make your life and your friends' life so miserable you're gonna wish you're dead instead."

Meng Yiran was trembling in fear from the malice in Mo Xuanyu's eyes, when she saw a familiar figure walking in their direction. Suddenly she felt full of vigor and shoved Mo Xuanyu aside and ran to the person while squeezing her tears out.

She would get her revenge. Just you wait and see, Mo Xuanyu.

Wei Wuxian was quite surprised when Meng Yiran pushed him, and he almost lost his balance, but then a strong arm held him steady.
"Why is it every time I see you, you're always in the middle of something unsavory?"
He turned around to see Lan Wangji with his steady gaze full of amusement, looking at him. But before he could answer, the bitch Meng Yiran held onto Lan Wangji's other arm and started to cry her heart out.

"Brother Wangji, she bullied me! Please do me justice and punish her!"

Lan Wangji turned his gaze to the crying girl who held onto his other arm, and he spoke to her coldly. 
"Who are you?"

Wei Wuxian almost choked when he heard Lan Wangji's words. 

After all that she had done in the name of Lan Wangji's fiance, the person in question did not even know her.

"She said she's your fiance, Wangji-gege… is that true?" Wei Wuxian played his damsel-in-distress card since Lan Wangji seemed to enjoy it every time he saved him.

Lan Wangji looked behind Meng Yiran and nodded. Suddenly two people in black came out, grabbed the girl, peeled her off Lan Wangji's arm and took her away.

"Brother! It's me, Meng Yiran! I'm one of the candidates for your fiance! Don't you remember me?" She screamed in desperation and it made everyone around them look at her in distaste.

"I have no idea that I have fiance candidates, let alone knowing her." He brushed his shirt with his gloved hands and his assistant came out bringing another shirt.

"Oh wow, a personal walking wardrobe." Wei Wuxian smiled at the assistant. "You want to go change now, laoshi? I can take you to the empty classroom if you want."

"No need, I'll get changed later." He signaled the assistant who then pulled out a small bento box and gave it to Lan Wangji. "You left this in the car, that's why I came here to give it to you."
Oh my god… 
"Laoshi, you don't have to… I-"

"Please call me gege like you just did."
Jesus, what's with these guys and the gege thing??? Did they have gege fetish or what???
He's going to kill Liu Qingge since he started it all first.
Meanwhile the assistant's face was turning red from second hand embarrassment. 

Did his Young Master really say he wanted to be called gege? That was shameless…!
"... thank you gege, but you don't have to…" Wei Wuxian was so confused with this ice sculpture's behaviour. He was cold as ice but his actions warmed his heart somehow. Although not this whole gege fiasco.

Damn you Liu Qingge for putting ideas in Lan Wangji's head.

"Mm, but I want to." Lan Wangji ruffled Wei Wuxian's hair. "What happened just now?"

"Nothing that I couldn't handle… gege ." He took the bento box from Lan Wangji's hand and proceeded to enter the class. "I have class now, I will see you later?"

"Mn. Be a good girl, A-Ying."

After Wei Wuxian entered the class, Lan Wangji snapped his fingers and one of his shadow guards came to walk beside him.

"Find out about that girl, the whole fiance candidates thing, and look out for Miss Mo. She is prone to… accidents." He thought for another second. "Just keep an eye on her at all times, and report only to me."

"Yes, Young Master."

The shadow guard was quite baffled with the second order of protecting Miss Mo. As long as he knew, the shadow guards' only job was to protect the Young Master and did whatever his order was.

This was the first time he got the order to protect another person besides his Young Master. And a girl on top of that. 

But an order was an order and he was bound to loyalty to his Young Master only. So he would do whatever it took to protect this mysterious Miss Mo.

This is getting too far already…
Meng Yiran, you should watch your back.
You shouldn't touch my precious property, let alone hurt her like that.
I'm going to get you for that.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now