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Lan Wangji ended the call with a weary heart.
He knew Mo Xuanyu only for a few days, but it felt a lot more longer than that. The way she got into trouble was faster than he could say gesundheit and it was not a compliment.
That girl was a magnet for troubles. Literally.
He wondered how she survived before they met, but from the brief information he got from Nie Huaisang, she barely made a ripple. It was like she didn't have any existence at all. And she was trying hard to get attention by changing her appearance every so often, and confessing to any boy who expressed some kindness to her.

It was pathetic, really.

As a psychologist, he would have a field day if he made the old Mo Xuanyu as his case study of the relation between abandonment and the yearning for love by using material possession. But he was not really interested in useless emotions such as love, that's why he took criminology as his subject. The mind of the criminals fascinated him more than any other emotions.

But now, he might have to rethink everything.

Why were there sudden changes in personalities in a human being? And not just a little, it was like the polar opposites.

He wanted to observe Mo Xuanyu from a closer distance by being his teacher. But then the stars seemed to be aligned and he got thrown into every monkey business Mo Xuanyu had ever got involved in. If he didn't know any better, he would think that the girl did it all on purpose to attract his attention.

Well, it worked. He was definitely intrigued.

She was so different from what he remembered. Not that he remembered much since the first contact they made was when she confessed to him. By then the only thing he vaguely remembered was the pink-haired girl and the indecent proposal she shouted to him in front of all his bodyguards.

Lan Wangji still did not even understand why she confessed to him, he didn't remember if he ever was in contact with her, accidentally or not.

Well, anyway, he just ended yesterday's confrontation with the unknown girl who said she was his fiance candidate, which he had no knowledge of, when she was already tangled in a new problem. And 24 hours had not even passed yet.

But as much as she gave him a never ending headache, she also gave him something that he had been missing in his life.
A challenge.
And Lan Wangji was never one to shy away from any challenge.

The next thing he did was call the Chief of Police and explained the situation to him. He also called his friend from the Homicide Squad and told him that he would be consulting this case, in which he accepted with glee since Lan Wangji's service was not something that could be attained if the case was just an ordinary one. The case had to be very complicated or intriguing for Hanguang Jun himself to get involved. So either way, he should have an easy one with the case that he hadn't even heard of… yet.

"I owe you one." Lan Wangji said to the Captain of the Homicide Division, Wen Zhuliu.

"It's more like I owe you one, Wangji."

"Mm, I'll be heading to the crime scene now. It's on the Cloud Recess University park, near the pond. My little student found the body."
Student? Since when you're willing to take any student?
But Lan Wangji had already hung up the phone.

Waiting was boring. 
But at least Wei Wuxian stood rather close to the dead body, so while he was waiting for Lan Wangji, he crouched down and examined the dead girl.
The hair unfortunately covered most part of the face so he could not identify the girl. From the closer observation, Wei Wuxian could see that the girl's whole naked body was covered in thousands of small cuts that looked like paper cuts. 
That was a very painful way to die. 
There was no trace of blood, so the body was likely moved from the original crime scene. The body also had shown signs of rigor mortis when he poked it with a branch he found on the ground. He also noticed the missing fingernails.
It had been a while since she'd died.  
Judging from the way the unsub chose to kill the girl, it was more likely he or she was some kind of a sadist.
Wei Wuxian continued to poke the body with the branch for a few moments when he realized that someone was standing behind him.
"Didn't I tell you not to move?"
He was so absorbed in what he was doing, he didn't hear him coming at all.
"Gege, I did not move at all. You see here, the soil is still wet and if I moved I'd be leaving footprints. See? No prints." Wei Wuxian smiled so bright just like a proud kindergarten kid, and it was making Lan Wangji sighed in disbelief.

"Come here." He offered his gloved hand to Wei Wuxian and when he took it, Lan Wangji pulled him away from the body. 

The force was quite hard so Wei Wuxian ended in Lan Wangji's embrace instead. 
The smell of the familiar citrus and sandalwood quickly enveloped all his senses, he subconsciously inhaled the comforting aroma and buried his face in Lan Wangji's shoulder.

Wei Wuxian was prepared to be pushed away since he knew that the Ice Prince didn't like to be touched, but to his surprise, Lan Wangji let him be in his position before he felt the gloved hand patted his head and the other put his trademark trench coat to cover him.

"Are you cold? You're shivering." Lan Wangji hugged Wei Wuxian through the coat and led him away from the body to let the incoming CSI do their work. 

"I'm fine now that you're here, gege." Wei Wuxian smiled sweetly at Lan Wangji. He did not lie, he was really glad that Lan Wangji was there since he knew it would be a pain if he was going to be interrogated by the police. 
With the Hanguang Jun here, who dared to touch his beloved student?

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now