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Wei Wuxian liked Madam Yuwen. A lot.
True, he was kinda overwhelmed by her sudden change of topics, like one minute she was talking about the object in front of them, the next minute she asked about how he and her son met, and so on.

But Wei Wuxian was used to this kind of conversation with his father, so he didn't have much difficulty following Madam Yuwen's train of thoughts. Although the similarities were making him miss his own parents more.

"So, Momo, which ones of those 'chintzy accoutrements' that you think were better than the others?" Madam Yuwen pulled him around the ballroom, while her eyes sneaked a peek at her son who followed them with his death glare from the corner of the room. She chuckled. That boy was still as possessive as ever, and that would make teasing him all the more exciting.

"Well, I'm pretty interested in that black onyx dizi. " Wei Wuxian was so absorbed in examining the dizi he did not see the death glare Lan Wangji sent to his mother, while Madam Yuwen held her laugh.

"You have good eyes, Momo, that one is a pretty interesting item. It said that the dizi was a magical object that could call upon the undead and control them. The previous owner was someone called The Undead Whisperer, Yiling Patriarch. I don't know if this is authentic or just to get the buyer's interest, but the dizi is an antique, and it's valuable. You should get it."
Wei Wuxian had the same thought.
He was adept at playing quite a few musical instruments. Dizi was just one of them. He thought about maybe playing a song for the Lan's anniversary party. Although he wasn't sure if it would really call the dead or not, should it be the authentic Yiling Patriarch's dizi. He was so torn. On one hand, he would love it if it turned out to be the real one, but on the other hand, that would be a disaster if so many zombies attended the anniversary party. Although he probably would have some fun, with his zombie-killing skill finally put to use after so many years of training for the zombie apocalypse. Now he missed his double katana. He probably should look for something similar here.

"Do you play dizi, Momo? If so, play a song for me later, okay? I'd love to hear you play."

"Sure, Madam Yuwen. I want to test the dizi too, to see if it really could call the dead and control them. Don't you think it would be fun? You know, zombie apocalypse and all that?."

He was half joking about that, although his obsession with the zombie apocalypse was true. His father was also an avid fan of all things zombie and they never missed watching Walking Dead together if they had time. They also collected all the weapons from the series, the real ones, not the prop. His father went and got them specifically made for their collections to his mother's frustration.

"Guys, you know I love you both so much, but please, enough with the strange weapons… There is no zombie apocalypse in this universe. I don't know about the alternate universe though, but Xianxian, you messed with my new carpet the last time you got that barbed baseball bat thingy."
Wei Wuxian and his father gasped. The audacity!
"Her name is Lucille mom, and Negan is one of my favorites along with Daryl. Hey dad, when will the crossbow arrive? I want to play with it." He threw a look at his mother, for daring to say that there was no zombie apocalypse in this world. Well, better be prepared than regret it later.

"No, you go play with your katana and bat, that crossbow is mine."

"That is not fair, and you know it, old man!" They would then scuffle right there and then, ruining the carpets of Madam Wei again for the nth time. Only this time, she made sure to keep the breakable items away from the zombie-obsessed father-son duo.

And that was the typical life of the Weis when they were in the same location at once.

"Momo, you should call me Mother, after all I'm your godmother." Madam Yuwen pinched her cheek. She was getting excessively fond of this young girl, who was witty and smart and beautiful, just like everything she ever wished for a daughter. Or daughter-in-law. She's just perfect for Wangji.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now