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Wei Wuxian was having a nice dream where he was back at his childhood home, and his princess was still there at the house beside his. He knew it was his fault that they had to leave in a hurry, in the middle of the night, without saying goodbye to his princess, the one he's going to marry, he regretted it til this day. His parents assured him that that wasn't the case but the guilt still lingered on. So, when a few years later he ran away and went back to see his princess just to find the house was empty, he was broken-hearted, and then he tried to find solace by becoming The Grim Reaper. Aside from looking for his princess, he wanted to be the light that gave people hope, just like his princess gave him hope until this day. Strangely, the image of his princess somehow morphed into Lan Wangji's face. He wondered how the man looked with long hair. He would surely be very beautiful.

Wei Wuxian felt something was poking his cheek, and he frowned. Who dared to bother his sweet dream like this? He opened his eyes to see a woman sitting in front of him and observing him with menacing eyes. He knew exactly who this woman was, the question is why was she here? He shook the heavy sleep off his head and started to observe his surroundings.
"Where am I?"
"Oh? Sleeping beauty has woken up. Quite a long nap you took there, princess." She laughed and stood up to fix something on Wei Wuxian's far left. He tried to move his heavy head in a sluggish movement, and saw that he was injected by an intravenous needle in his left hand that connected to the infusion pump with clear liquid.

"What is this? Why did you kidnap me? Where is Wen Qing?" Wei Wuxian tried to pull his arm but it was bound tightly to the chair, so did his other arm and legs. He was wondering what drug that was being injected to him, and did she know that it was futile since his organs were already dead anyway.

"Well, someone paid me to keep you here for the time being, and later, to do anything I want." Meng Airan licked her lips in anticipation of what she's going to do to this little beautiful creature, and how to ruin her to the point that she would not want to live anymore.

"Then what about Wen Qing? Did you force her to be your acquaintance?" He still would not let anyone else be involved in this, and he knew that Wen Qing must have her reason. She looked like a level-headed girl who did not want to participate willingly, unless…
"You took her brother."
"Wow, the little princess here is very smart! Yes I took her wormy little brother and kept him as my pet because of what he had done to my sister." She laughed bitterly, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I raised her, you know, she was this perfect little princess, so beautiful, so smart. Well, a little spoiled but it's fine as long as she has me. But that worm, do you know what that worm did to my sister? Because she was just giving you a little lesson?" Meng Airan suddenly stood up, causing the chair to fall back in a loud voice. "He drugged my sister, and he carved her beautiful, precious body into ribbons!"
No way. Wen Ning was the killer?
Wei Wuxian's mind thought back to when he first met Wen Ning in front of the Forbidden Library. He looked harmless then, aside from his obsession to get close to Mo Xuanyu. Guess he missed the telltale sign because of his… infatuation with Hanguang Jun. It was like he lost ten points of his IQ whenever that man was near.
"And now, I will do the same to him as he did to my sister."
"Why don't you take him to the police? You are a law enforcement officer, it should not be hard to get a conviction, right?"

"Yeah, but see, he's still underage, and that means he gets to the juvenile center, not the max security prison like I want." She was angry, and somehow Wei Wuxian understood her frustration, but this was not the way to do it.

"You could find a good lawyer and make him tried as an adult. He is seventeen anyway. And with any good reason, such as being a psychopath killer, they should be able to try him as a fully fledged adult." Wei Wuxian still tried to reason with the slowly-lost-her-mind Meng Airan. But it seemed that she would not listen to anyone anymore.

"Right, at the risk of him being freed after a few years for good behaviour . Believe me kid, I've seen those things more often than in your short, pathetic life."
Well, she had a point there.
"But what about Wen Qing? She didn't do anything wrong, did she? Why don't you let her go?"

"Well, she is the collateral damage, after all, she did change her mind from helping me to kidnap you to being a good citizen and all. And Mo Xuanyu, instead of worrying about others, shouldn't you be more worried about yourself?" Meng Airan smirked, and she pointed at the infusion bag. "Do you know what that is? No? Let me tell you, it's heparin." She laughed when she saw the expression on Wei Wuxian's face, although not for the same reason that she had. "Yes, we knew about your dirty little secret, little princess, that your blood is incapable of stopping themselves to rush out of your body anytime there's an open wound. Added to this baby, you're surely going to say bye bye soon to your little pretty boyfriend, who's going to be another girl's fiance soon apparently." Meng Airan laughed like a hyena.
So this was all Jin Su's idea. He should have known. That girl, although looked like an angel, had a rather vicious if not twisted mind.
"I'm thirsty, can I have water?"

"Sure, might as well enjoy the last time you are able to drink at all."

When Meng Airan left to get water, Wei Wuxian observed his surroundings. The room was rather spacious, but sparsely furnished, probably to contain the hostages temporarily. As far as he knew, there were Wen Qing, Wen Ning, and himself, and the warden, Meng Airan. Unless she didn't stay here. But he bet she did, judging how much of a control freak she was, she would not want her prey to escape under her nose. That, and Jin Su must have told her to exercise some caution since they dared to go against Second Young Master Lan, and probably the Wens. And his friends. Wei Wuxian could not imagine the wrath of his friends when they found out that he was kidnapped. Well, it was his fault not to be cautious because of that freak news about his body.
Wei Wuxian sighed, and continued to observe.
The window was facing south, judging by the direction of the sun, but he could be wrong since he didn't know what time it was. He saw a door to his right, which probably led to the outside or another room. Judging by the high ceiling, he deducted that this was probably some kind of a refurbished warehouse or a newly renovated loft. It was quiet outside, aside from the birds chirping, so he concluded that they must have kept them in a secluded modified warehouse just outside the city. Probably near the mountain where the Jins had a construction project going on.
Wei Wuxian was suddenly feeling tired. 
He hoped Lan Wangji and his friend would quickly find him, before this crazy psychopath tortured him. From what he heard and grasped, and judging from the heparin infusion, he concluded that she would end all three of them in the same manner as her sister. Shallow cuts all over the body until they're bleeding to death. 
He just wondered what Meng Airan would do if she found out that he had no blood left in his body. 

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now