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"I want payment." Wei Wuxian pouted as he draped himself on Lan Wangji's lap, while the latter sat on the huge L-shaped couch and read something on his tablet.

They were back at Lan Wangji's office slash bedroom after eating, since Lan Wangji was busy and he also needed to get back to Detective Jiang. He didn't tell the girl yet, but supposedly now was the right time if ever.

"Anything you want, sweetheart." He kissed the tip of Wei Wuxian's nose. "And if I may ask, what payment did I owe you for?" Lan Wangji caressed the silver hair that went wild and kissed a strand of it. God, he couldn't get enough of this girl.

"You definitely threw me under the bus in front of your brother." Wei Wuxian glared at Lan Wangji, then poked at his hard abs a few times.

"Mn, I guess I did, didn't I?" He chuckled. "So, what kind of payment do you have in mind? I can give you anything you want. A villa in Carribean, or maybe Xiao Hei? Maybe I can just put you in my family registration and you can have them all." Lan Wangji stopped to think seriously. "Actually that's a good idea."

Wei Wuxian was baffled with the speed this conversation changed direction. Family registration? What the… Mo Xuanyu was still underage, goddammit!
But then he ignored him and tried to steer the topic back to where he wanted.

"That's... tempting. Are you really willing to give your everything to me?" He was definitely curious enough.

"As long as you're willing to accept me."

The way Lan Wangji looked at him was so soft and there was something else there that he could not understand.
But why? Was this some kind of next level acting?  
Wei Wuxian preferred to ignore the underlying meaning of Lan Wangji's words if there was one. He'd probably just think too much anyway.

"So, then, if I want to… borrow your nanotech, especially the nanobots, the one that was still in development under your brother's company, will you let me?"
That was… unexpected.
"You drive a hard bargain, Yingying." Lan Wangji pretended to sigh while in fact he already knew that she wanted the nanobots all along. He also knew that she would integrate the nanobots and the advanced Artificial Intelligence that she had acquired through Luo Binghe's and Hua Cheng's connections.
Mo Xuanyu was not an ordinary girl.
In fact, if he didn't know her, he would never guess that the whole brain behind the intelligent supercar that Hua Cheng showed him, was all hers, a mere seventeen years old girl. 

"I'll see what I can do about the nanobots." Lan Wangji ruffled the girl's hair. "Meanwhile, I have an invitation from Hua Cheng to attend an auction. It was only for a select few. So, will you go with me?"

"Auction? What kind of auction?" That word perked his interest, since he loved to attend auctions, especially if it's illegal or high stakes. Like stolen artifacts or better, liquor. 

He still remembered when he almost won the Macallan R back then, and it was snatched from him at the last minute, causing him to almost get caught by none other than the Hanguang Jun. He still held the grudge for the buyer, and he should find out who dared to take what's his, right under his nose.

Wei Wuxian peeked at Lan Wangji covertly while the latter was reading some kind of important documents in his powerful little tablet. Thank god Lan Wangji didn't know that he was the Grim Reaper. He couldn't imagine what would happen if he did. 

"It was a closed auction. We'll never know what will appear until it's time." Lan Wangji put the tablet down. "I have a feeling you're going to like it."

"When?" He was interested for sure. Hopefully there would be rare liquors for sale. He craved for rare liquors. Or any good liquors. He missed the smooth, silky, amber liquid that carried fruity scents and tasted like heaven. God, he missed his cellar.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now