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"Qiuqiu, is this really the right place?"

Wei Wuxian was hiding behind Shen Qingqiu with dread. They were standing in front of the so-called miracle doctor's mansion, which was more like a place where the European ghosts were dwelling, in Wei Wuxian's opinion. He could probably see some people in corsets and wigs walking down the stairs if he tried hard enough. Ghosts, not people.

The mansion was maybe built in the late 15th, early 16th century, in a gothic style, and if it was the original structure, it would cost a fortune to maintain it to this degree. True there were moldy patches in some places, but nothing a good scrub couldn't fix. The overall vibe of this mansion was like a good ol' fashioned vampires' nest.

"Well, according to the address Binghe gave me, and your car's navigation, this was it."

"Did you get me a real doctor or some kind of Frankenstein?" Wei Wuxian still could not believe it. "You're sure you're not selling me to some kind of a freak that will mutilate me once he knows that I'm a… well, freak?"

"How could you think of me like that, your bestest friend?" Shen Qingqiu gasped dramatically.

"That's because it's you who always pulls this kind of shit to me!" 

"Well, let's see then, shall we." Shen Qingqiu walked to the huge door and lifted the demon-head brass knocker. 

"This is really creepy."

But before Shen Qingqiu could reply, the door was opened to reveal a familiar person.
"It's you?" Wei Wuxian was very very surprised to see the man who just opened the door. "Dr. Xue?"

Dr. Xue, who looked like he was just out of bed with his rumpled hair and frowny face, was surprised too seeing his nephew's supposedly girlfriend standing in front of his door.

"It's you? Momo isn't it? Wangji's girlfriend?"

Now it was Shen Qingqiu's turn to be baffled.

"You guys know each other?"

"He's the witch doctor?" 

Shen Qingqiu and Wei Wuxian spoke at the same time.
"Miracle doctor, and yes, it's Doctor Xue Yang, Binghe's associate." Shen Qingqiu then turned to Dr. Xue and he offered his hand. "Remember me, doc?" 

"How can anyone ever forget you, Mr. Shen." He looked at Wei Wuxian. "This is the nephew you're talking about." He raised his brow.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Wei Wuxian elbowed Shen Qingqiu hard.

"Please come in first." Dr. Xue took a step backward and let the odd duo inside his vampire castle.
Inside, the castle was filled with dead animals. Not dead dead , but the preserved ones, in many poses. Seemed like Dr. Xue was an avid fan of taxidermy, or he was probably the one who made them.

"I made them myself. It's fun. You're welcome to learn if you want, I'll be glad to teach you."
There's the answer.
"Maybe someday, Dr. Xue." Probably in my third life. "They looked so real, you're a gifted taxidermist." And it was true, the animals, although creepy as hell, were all exquisitely made… well, stuffed. Especially the black panther who looked very alive, its eyes seemed to follow their every move.

"So, just for your information, normally I don't do physical examinations on living humans, as you might know, Momo." He then looked at Shen Qingqiu. "We met back at the morgue on a case, and she… well, he was with my nephew."

"Your nephew is Lan Wangji? What a small world." Shen Qingqiu shook his head in disbelief. 

"I assume he knew about your… real identity?" Dr. Xue looked at Wei Wuxian, who was still in daze. This was all so fucked up. Of all the doctors in the world… "Rest assured I won't tell him if that's what you wish for. I'm not really interested in meddling in worldly problems."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now