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Madam Yuwen watched the scene that was unfolding before her eyes with amusement.

She knew that Jin Guangshan was a shameless snake, but today she saw the extent of that shamelessness. He clearly had no idea that the silver-haired girl was his own daughter, yet he acted so boldly by indirectly asking for a marriage proposal right away. She knew that he probably seized the moment since the first proposal he sent to the Lans was declined immediately, but to use a daughter that he didn't even know existed?
That was a new low.

On the other hand, ever since she saw her son with the silver-haired girl dancing under the moonlight, and his face was so soft and indulging, Madam Yuwen's curiosity was piqued.

She actually came to the auction by the last minute decision, since her firstborn informed her that he gave up at his side job of being her spy. That boy couldn't even take decent photos of his brother and the new girlfriend, whom he described as a goddess, a siren with silver hair and a smile brighter than the sun.

So, her mother's intuition was right all along. Her precious baby had a girlfriend for his parents' anniversary gift… Yuwen Xing sniffled in happiness.
But then that useless firstborn son of hers told her that the Jins sent him a marriage proposal for her little baby, added to that, that snake Jin Guangshan forced Mo Xuanyu, her precious son's girlfriend, to change her surname into Jin or she would be disowned. 
She was really surprised. 
First, it was because her son's girlfriend was the illegitimate daughter of Jin Guangshan, of all people. Not that she had any requirement about any of her future daughter-in-law's pedigree or lineage, she was not that kind of person. As long as they loved each other, nothing else mattered.

Then she became more surprised when Wangji, her son whose nickname was the Ice Prince, attained the power of attorney to be his girlfriend's legal guardian.

From that, she concluded that the girl meant something to him. That, and she was still underage for chrissake. It was so Wangji to have picked someone so extraordinarily out-of-the-box. She wondered, who did he take after again? Oh yeah, her husband. He looked so stoic but he was a rather sensitive person, and so passionate in bed. She hoped that Wangji took precaution since the girl was still so young. 

She's not that kind of conservative parent who expected their kids to remain chaste before their marriage, after all, she also had Xichen only three months after her marriage. She knew for sure that Xichen was quite a player, but Wangji was more… low profile. She had never heard, or knew about his love affair. Plus he was always running around the world to try to catch that Grim Reaper guy.

And now, seeing how the girl truly made her son smile, and danced, and everything that he had done so far, she knew that Wangji had already fallen for her. And this was the first time she saw that soft expression again after… after such a long time at first, then about a year ago he started to smile like that again. But that was before the wretched accident that almost took his life.

As a mother, she could only wish that this time, her son would find happiness. Both of them. Including that egghead of a firstborn.

After all that farce, Jin Guangshan excused himself quickly and dragged Jin Su with him. They didn't see them again for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, Madam Yuwen was taking Wei Wuxian around and spoke to him in rapid-fire french, and was indulged by the same response.

Hua Cheng, who observed the exchange between the Jins and the Lans, was very entertained. Especially since he saw his best friend's expression when Jin Guangshan suggested that Momo should go back to his place. Now that was something. Even he couldn't help feeling disgusted by the man. So shameless.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now