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Jiang Cheng walked alongside Miss Mo to the interview room, and when they got there, she casually sat on the chair and gave Jiang Cheng a smile.

"Now, detective Jiang, may I ask for a favor before I tell you about what I witnessed this morning? It's not against the law nor putting you in the spotlight."

"It depends on the request, but I will try my best, Miss."
Jiang Cheng was a straight forward person, so he would not agree if her request was somehow against the law if only a little. And maybe she could see that, so she phrased her sentence nicely.

"I want to watch the autopsy."

Jiang Cheng paused in the middle of preparing the drink and snack. He omitted the tissue since Miss Mo didn't seem like someone who would cry easily.


He thought he heard wrong. He never got that kind of request ever since he moved here to the precinct. Or ever.

"Like I said, I-..."

"She wants to watch the autopsy. Who's the coroner?"
Both of the people inside the interview room turned their heads to the person who just entered and stood beside Miss Mo.

"Gege, what are you doing here? I told you I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, I'm a big girl already." Mo Xuanyu pouted.
Lan Wangji only patted her head fondly and looked at Jiang Cheng once again with his cold stare.

Jiang Cheng had never felt so unnerved under the cold gaze of Hanguang Jun. He only heard stories about how oppressive this man's whole presence was, and now that he experienced it first-hand, the stories were not exaggerating at all. It was the truth, plain and simple. He just thought that if he had to spend more than a few hours in Hanguang Jun's presence, he might not live to see his sister graduate in a few years due to stress. It was that intimidating.

He just thought of why the girl seemed to not notice it, instead she acted like a pampered girlfriend instead of a student, in front of Hanguang Jun. And she called him gege. He was wondering if the fear rendered him deaf or something really happened to the both of them that he did not want to know.

"Uhm, the coroner is…" he took the tablet on the table and swiped it to find out more about the coroner on duty. He actually got everything memorized, but he just suddenly did not remember anything. "Uh, Dr. Xue. They should already get starting right now." He glanced at Lan Wangji, who showed no expression in his handsome face.

"Good." Lan Wangji then looked at Mo Xuanyu and his gaze turned soft. "You go finish the interview then we shall go to the morgue."

Jiang Cheng couldn't say anything after that. How could he? Thankfully Captain Wen was outside and he nodded in consent.
Well, there's that.
Lan Wangji did not leave the interview room after that. And he did not say anything unless giving Jiang Cheng a glare now and then counted as saying something.

As he started to ask Miss Mo about the chronology of what happened, he found out that Mo Xuanyu was the almost-perfect witness and Jiang Cheng wished that all his witnesses could be like her in the future, but alas, it's just wishful thinking.

She described her movement clearly and precisely ever since she came into the park. And she also described the crime scene that she stumbled into without any frill or dramatics, just hard facts. If he didn't know better, he would say that Miss Mo had some skill, she sounded like an expert.

Apparently, Jiang Cheng was not the only one who thought so.

Lan Wangji, who sat on the chair next to Mo Xuanyu also had the same feeling that this was not her first rodeo. She did not stutter, she did not stumble, everything was clear and precise. And it made him start to wonder what else Mo Xuanyu hid from him.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now