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Wei Wuxian planned to stay overnight at BingQiu's house, so he already prepared everything. The only thing left was the hotpot ingredients.

Ever since he reincarnated, he craved the authentic spicy hotpot and spicy food, and since he knew BingQiu and Liu Qingge would enjoy it too, he bought enough ingredients for ten people, and added a variety of skewers, dumplings and fragrant crispy pork. He also bought boba milk tea for all.

After he finished his shopping for ingredients, he called butler Zhao and Chenyu, and told them that he would spend the night in a friend's house and he could hear the soft gasp in butler Zhao's voice.

It was pretty understandable since the real Mo Xuanyu did not have any friends that he could spend overnight with, and this was the first time he did it.

Weu Wuxian arrived at the BingQiu manor soon after and as mischievous as he was, he decided to sneak himself in. That was also a way to test his limit and stealth.

First he put the groceries aside, then he observed the front door.

It looked like it was just a simple lock and key, but knowing Binghe, it wouldn't be as simple as it looked. So he decided to find an alternate route.

After he walked around the property for a while, he noticed that the vegetation around the manor was unusually dense. So he chose a sturdy tree, a little bit far away from the main house, and climbed it just like a cat, and pretty soon he was already on top of the tree.

He was just trying to find a position to land when he was being surprised by a soft meow sound near him, and he turned around to see a small white kitten looking at him with curious green eyes.

"Aww, how pretty… come here kitty, are you lost or something?" Wei Wuxian approached the kitten slowly with the intention of petting him when he inadvertently stepped on a rotten branch and lost his footing.

He gasped and tried to hold on to another branch but it was so sharp, it scratched his palm and it was too late to try to grab anything else so instead he kicked the tree trunk hard to give him a push to execute his trademark acrobatic move and to land safely on the hard soil.

But instead of falling flawlessly on the ground, he was caught by a pair of arms and a solid block of muscles that was so unexpected, he instinctively threw a punch but it was swiftly blocked.
The smell hit him first, the familiar fresh citrus and expensive sandalwood, then the cold, baritone voice that tortured him for the whole afternoon.

No. Please no.

"Now I wonder if you really meant it when you said that you're not stalking me."

Fuck. Why, god?

"Laoshi? What are you doing here?" Wei Wuxian tried to feign innocence and wriggled out of Lan Wangji's tight embrace to no avail since the latter held him tight.

"I was invited by my friend. What's your excuse?"
Although he sounded cold, there was no malice in it, so Wei Wuxian did not take it to heart.


"Oh? Did you somehow catch a little kitten, Wangji?" 
Wei Wuxian looked behind Lan Wangji and found a very beautiful man with long black hair… and eye patch? He looked like a handsome pirate and he leaned on the door frame, smirking.

"Mm, more like a tiger cub than a kitten." Lan Wangji's piercing gaze searched deep into Wei Wuxian's soul as if trying to find out the truth, and it made Wei Wuxian shivered lightly.
"What are you guys doing outside…?" Luo Binghe stopped mid sentence. He was surprised to see Wei Wuxian in Hua Cheng's friend's embrace, and he had just arrived not too long ago. "Wei Wu… I mean, Mo Xuanyu, what are you doing there?" Luo Binghe looked at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in confusion. "Do you guys know each other?"

"Do you know her, Binghe?" Hua Cheng asked the flustered Luo Binghe.

"I do, she's my…"

"She's my muse, and Binghe's niece, the model for my next line." Shen Qingqiu answered from behind Luo Binghe, while he looked at Wei Wuxian in disapproval. "I thought at least you're using the front door this time, Mo Xuanyu.

"Ha ha, very funny, uncle Qiuqiu…" he glared at Shen Qingqiu and then tried to pull his hand off Lan Wangji's tight clutch. "Can you please let me down now, laoshi?"

"You're hurt."

Lan Wangji looked closely at his scratched palm.

"It's just a scratch, laoshi, it's fine, I'm used to it." He pulled his hand by force this time, and that was when he saw that his blood smeared Lan Wangji's pristine white shirt… again.
Well, this was awkward…
"And somehow, I just happen to stain another expensive shirt of yours." Wei Wuxian sighed.
Lan Wangji didn't care about his shirt. He had a mixed feeling when he heard about how this little girl… well, young woman, laid in his embrace, said that she was used to getting hurt, he didn't pay attention to anything else. Instead he gazed deeply into Wei Wuxian's eyes with understanding.
Was she being bullied a lot? She looked so frail and unreal, it was like she would go up like a smoke the moment you turned your eyes off her.
The psychiatrist in him was screaming to find out more about Mo Xuanyu's inner workings. She seemed to be hiding something, deeper than he initially thought. 
But now was not the time. He would find time later since they still have appointments to keep.

Hua Cheng was observing the whole fiasco from the back, then he approached them and checked Wei Wuxian's face out. "Hi there, Mo Xuanyu, right? I'm Hua Cheng, Wangji's best friend, please forgive my friend's manner here, he's not used to being in close vicinity with a girl as beautiful as you." 

"Ha ha, it's fine." Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes and tugged on Lan Wangji's shirt. "Laoshi? Look, I'm sorry about your shirt, I'll get uncle Qiuqiu to give you something to change into… I-..."

But Lan Wangji cut his sentences and talked straight to Luo Binghe. 

"Can you get me a first aid kit? She's hurt."

"I'll get it." Shen Qingqiu was the one who answered Lan Wangji while he glared at Wei Wuxian and rolled his eyes. He knew that Wei Wuxian was really adept at playing damsel in distress, especially with that new look. 

 But interestingly, it looked like Wei Wuxian, no, Mo Xuanyu, could not manipulate Hua Cheng's friend that easily. Maybe he finally found his match. 
Ha, take that, Wei Wuxian .

"Uncle Binghe, I brought hotpot ingredients and I put it on your front door, can you please take care of it?" Wei Wuxian spoke to Luo Binghe to lighten up the sudden strange mood while still trying to escape from Lan Wangji's embrace.

Luo Binghe nodded and walked away when Lan Wangji suddenly moved inside the house and put Wei Wuxian on the couch very carefully like a porcelain doll.

When Shen Qingqiu came over with a first aid kit, Lan Wangji carefully took out the cotton balls and dabbed it with an alcohol solution before carefully pressing it into Wei Wuxian's bleeding palm.

"Tell me if it's hurt."

Wei Wuxian gulped nervously from the intensity of Lan Wangji's golden eyes. Never in his life that he wanted this badly to escape. Anywhere was better than here, under his intense golden gaze that made him feel scrutinized like a virus under a microscope.

"It's not." 

He replied with his sudden hoarse voice from the inexplicable emotion that bubbled up inside him. 
What the hell was this? Why did he act like this?
Lan Wangji frowned. This was supposed to sting a bit, yet Mo Xuanyu kept calm. Then after a while he removed the alcohol-soaked cotton ball, and saw that the dried blood had been cleaned.

But there was no wound on her palm.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now