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Lan Wangji entered Nebulosité at five minutes to eight and a beautiful woman in her late twenties, probably the manager judging by her pantsuits and formal attitude, walked straight toward his direction. She looked professional and gave him a polite smile.

"Mr. Lan, please follow me to your table."

Lan Wangji nodded and he followed her. He knew that Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu were already here somewhere, and after reading their dossier, he felt a lot more relieved rather than working with rookie cops who could screw things up with their newness. But still he observed his surroundings stealthily and tried to get a read on as many people as possible to get a grasp of the situation.

They entered a private room at the back, and nobody was there yet.

"Your fiance will be here soon, she just called us to let you know that there's a traffic accident." The manager smiled and gave him a wine menu. "Would you like to order first?"
"No thanks. I'm good." He was not in the mood to eat nor drink, and hearing the word fiance, he immediately knew who did this to the youngster.
"Your fiance?" Shen Qingqiu's voice was heard from his earpiece. And he didn't sound happy.

"The only person bold enough to do this crazy stunt is Jin Guangshan's daughter. Xiao Hei, find out her whereabouts, started yesterday." The earpiece was also connected to Xiao Hei's upgraded system, who shared the same feature with Suibian, and both of them were linked to the same memory and databases.

"On it, boss. So, will the mistress be alright?" Xiao Hei had the same adolescent genderless voice as Suibian, and it gave Lan Wangji some kind of strange comfort.

"We will do our best to keep the mistress out of harm's way."

"Incoming, your six o'clock. Yeah you're right, it's Jin Su." Shen Qingqiu reported from the outside of the private room where he kept watch.

"Check if she's with anyone. Xiao Hei, put a tracker on her car."

"Yes, master."
Lan Wangji then pretended to look outside the huge glass window, while his back was facing the door. This was the trick to make his opposition feel easy since he bared his back to them. What they did not know was that the window's surface was shiny enough to be able to see whoever came into the room from their reflection alone. So when Jin Su entered the room, she looked at the backside of Lan Wangji and smirked.
Lan Wangji saw the smirk from the window's reflection and he suddenly felt nauseated. He felt very disgusted.
"Wangji-gege…" Jin Su spoke with a confident teasing voice. "Let's talk." She sat on the chair and waved at the waiter who waited at the door. 

"Give me your most expensive wine, my fiance and I are just celebrating something here." She gave back the wine list to the waiter who congratulated her and tried to do the same to Lan Wangji but got ignored. He quickly left the room.

"What do you mean by throwing the word fiance around?" Lan Wangji did not want to sit near the woman. She smelled so offensive Lan Wangji couldn't help but swallow back his rising bile, while trying to compose himself from throwing her out of the window. "Where is Mo Xuanyu? If you dare touch even a hair…"

"You see, that's the condition for Mo Xuanyu's return, although I have no idea what the bitch has that I don't." She smiled so sickeningly sweet, and right at that time the waiter came back with the wine.

"Good, open it." Jin Su said to the waiter after inspecting the bottle. The waiter then opened the bottle expertly and poured the wine into two glasses then left them alone.

"You have 24 hours to accept this offer. Marry me for Mo Xuanyu's return. Actually no, I want you to announce our engagement this Saturday on your parents' anniversary. Then I want you to fuck me until I'm pregnant, then I will think about returning Mo Xuanyu to you. Although it seems useless since you're going to be married to me anyway, and make me the only heir in case your grandpa or your parents, or you , died." Jin Su sipped the wine and frowned. "This is not yummy at all." Then she threw the glass and the whole bottle to the wall until it broke and splattered all over.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now