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When they went back to the Mo manor, Wei Wuxian shut himself in his room to build the special laptop he was going to use to access his private network. 

He was so absorbed in putting the components together one by one, weaving them carefully like a complicated puzzle, he did not realize that time had flown by fast. So when he stretched his body and glanced at the clock, it was already 8 p.m and he felt his stomach protest since it had been quite some time since he last had his lunch.

He decided then to eat dinner, after all, he had already finished his most important task. 

He hid the newly built laptop inside one of Mo Xuanyu's huge jewellery boxes,  in which he threw out the gaudy blings to make space for it. And then he took a quick shower before he went down to have dinner.

The dinner was a whole new experience with the chef who was excited to show off his cooking skill when he heard that the Young Miss' appetite seemed to have increased. 

He went and made a whole pig for dinner which he had prepared for since morning after the Young Miss ate his vegetable porridge and dumplings. He had the ingredients and had already finished some of the dishes, he just needed to crisp the pork belly skin and refry the pork knuckles, and everything would be set.

The crispy skin roasted meat turned out very crispy, the thrice cooked belly only needed to be warmed. The wine soaked trotters had been soaking since last week since he knew it's the Young Miss' favourite. The nourishing brain, intestine and lungs soup has already been made since yesterday. Everything was prepared carefully and beautifully, and Wei Wuxian, a food aficionado, ate them all together with Chenyu and Butler Zhao.

They were surprised, because it was another deviation from the usual. Young Miss Mo never invited the help to eat with her. Ever. So it kinda baffled them as they looked at each other, but said nothing.

After dinner he went to take a relaxing bath filled with aromatherapy oils and sweet scenting candles. He cursed loudly after he realized that he had forgotten to buy alcohol and antibiotics for his head wound. He was thinking about asking uncle Zhao, but it would only make the old man worry, so he decided to do it tomorrow. It wasn't that important anyway since he could just spit on the wound to help sterilized it.

Tonight, he had a date with the basement.

Wei Wuxian set the alarm clock to one a.m and when it sounded, he was ready with his all-black outfit, flashlight, one packing tape and a knife. He kept the rest of the tape inside a box and hid it under his bed for future purposes.

Before doing this, he had already investigated the house's layout and the general idea of where everybody would be at this time of the day.

Uncle Zhao and the maids would have retreated to their own rooms which were located at the first floor of the house, at the opposite wing from where the kitchen and basement were. Chenyu was also supposed to be in his room, resting.

Wei Wuxian opened the door to his room and listened closely, before sneaking out and heading downstairs. 

He stealthily moved towards the kitchen, descended to the basement and after final checkup of his surroundings, went to the hidden door to the basement. He then reached for the handle and unlocked the door with the key he had stolen from uncle Zhao in the evening. Well, in his defense, it was just lying there. 

On the desk. 

In his room. 

So he just took it, since technically the desk inside the room was inside the manor, which belonged to him. Well, to Jin Guangshan, but tomayto tomahto. He didn't break any law here.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now