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Shen Qingqiu seemed to be at a loss for words. He gaped like little goldfish out of water, and the sight made Wei Wuxian laugh.

"Qiuqiu, it's me… well, I've been downgraded to a seventeen years old gender confused boy. Or should I say upgraded? You know, with my new look and all…" he waved from the top to bottom, showing his best friend and confidant his new body.

"You… reincarnated? Or somebody kidnapped you and transferred your consciousness into a new body? Alien abduction? Mo Xuanyu was a boy?" There were so many questions that he needed answers to. But first, he was glad that Wei Wuxian was still… alive. In a way. This was so strange.

"Yes, he was a boy dressed in girl's clothes because of some twisted family matter, I'll tell you later. Now now, stop with your overactive imagination… I have no idea how I got into this kid's body, but I believe that my original body had been murdered."

Finally he admitted the fact that he was already dead, and it came out from his own mouth, loud and clear. Yet it did not ease the throbbing pain in his heart. 

He was already dead.

The realization hit him hard. Although he now wondered what happened to his body. It wasn't a good idea if anyone got a hand on his body.

"We had the same suspicion when you did not contact us for six months straight." Shen Qingqiu shook his head. "Binghe was not convinced though, he's still looking for information about you."

Wei Wuxian was touched by his friends' devotion. Sure Binghe could be too much sometimes, but he was always a loyal one.

He tried to focus on the task in hand. Reminiscing about the past could be done later, along with the search of his body. He would like to keep it all hush-hush, since he didn't want him to find out about this or there would be hell to pay.

"Well, I need to access my network. Did you keep my key?"

Shen Qingqiu looked at him with suspicion still in his eyes. This was all just like a B-rated trash sci fi movie they all loved to watch back then.

"What key?"

Wei Wuxian paused. He didn't know if Shen Qingqiu teased him or if he was telling the truth. If it was the latter… well he'd be damned.

"Don't fuck with me, Qiuqiu, I really need the key, the skeleton key, the one where I saved all the encryption key to the web?" Wei Wuxian was starting to get worried. Everything seemed to be getting out of hand and out of plan. Of course getting killed was never in one of his plans, but alas.

"I really don't know what key, Wei Wuxian, and even if I do, did you think I will give it to you that easily? You haven't proved to me yet if you're that asshole. Just by telling me stuff won't prove to me that you're Wei Wuxian."

"Hmm, you might be correct." He was thinking about the skeleton key. He couldn't access his special network without it, and he couldn't prove anything without accessing his special network. It might be what the killer wanted after all.

"I think…" Wei Wuxian sighed, "maybe my killer got it." He was stuck in this country, with a shitty family and situation. Thank fuck Shen Qingqiu was here, at least he was not alone.

"Can you recreate it? Bypass the old encryption?" Shen Qingqiu knew that losing the skeleton key would mean a world class disaster, if somehow the killer was able to use it. He knew enough now to believe that this… boy was really Wei Wuxian.

"I put a self–destruction mode inside the key if the incorrect password entered three times, but I couldn't access it remotely. I have to get ahold of the physical key." Wei Wuxian bit his nails in deep thought. 

Why did he forget about the existence of the skeleton key until just now? Where did he actually keep it? Did the killer somehow have it?

Too many questions, not enough answers.

Right now, he could only ask for his friend's help. The most important thing was to retrieve the key first. He didn't even know why he made that goddamn skeleton key. Well, probably to prevent anyone from getting access to his body, and with that–his brain. God knew how much was inside his brain that a mere human would've wanted an access to. Maybe if he found his killer, he would find the skeleton key?

"Qiuqiu, help me find my killer and the skeleton key, would you?" He lifted his head to look at Shen Qingqiu, who observed him quietly while he was thinking. Shen Qingqiu took his time to answer his request.

"One condition."

Wei Wuxian groaned. He knew that his best friend was obsessed with seeing him suffer and this was the best chance.

"Please don't say you want to make me your bitch, I'm a top you see, and you'll forever be bottom." 

"Fuck you, who says I'm a bottom?" Shen Qingqiu growled. "Anyway, I want Mo Xuanyu to be my muse, my sole model for my new collection."

"Well, it still counts as your bitch, bitch. You know Mo Xuanyu is not legal yet right? I could unzip my pants here if you want to confirm, there seems to be some kind of delay in his growth spurt here..."

"Okay! Okay! Jesus, I believe you now, you are Wei Wuxian, I could recognize your foul mouth anywhere, and I don't care about your lack of growth spurt, I care about your outward appearance. Did you know you look like Persephone right now? It gives me ideas."

"Well, that's true, I do look amazing, don't I?" Wei Wuxian gave the dress another twirl. He felt better now that his best friend agreed to help him.

"Glad to see your self confidence did not die alongside your old body."

"It's about the soul, Qiuqiu, it's all about the soul." He winked. Then something popped out in his mind. "That reminds me that I need new wardrobes that are not Mo Xuanyu's style."

"I thought you're just screwing with me, turns out you do need my help." Shen Qingqiu gave him an evil smirk. "So, where should we start…?"

"Eh, we can start by burning half of your trash here right now." Wei Wuxian pointed to the heap of the ugly clothes from Shen Qingqiu's collection.

"That's rude."

"That's the truth and you know it."

Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll find something for you then, do you need a whole set? Like usual? Wig, makeup," he looked at Wei Wuxian's chest area, "fake boobs?"

"The usual, but keep it in your place, mine is not safe, I have to clean house first." Wei Wuxian stood up and prepared to change before he left. 

A while later he went back to his all black ensemble, and they exchanged phone numbers and addresses.

"I'll take everything of yours and charge it to my account, double the price, let Mo Xuanyu's fucking sperm donor pay for it. I'll come to your place later on." He wore his jacket handsomely.  "Get ready to wreak havoc tonight."

Before Wei Wuxian left, he turned around and talked to Shen Qingqiu once more.

"Also, call Binghe back, we're gonna need him."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now