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Lan Wangji was sitting on the couch at his apartment, reviewing the documents from the nanotech theft. It had been two days since he immersed himself in the baffling case.

In addition to the recent theft, he also requested the documents from the other high profile theft that happened a few months ago. 

The previous theft was being suppressed by the Lans, since the item the thief took was the super secret alien Artificial Intelligence that only five people in the whole world knew about. 

It was acquired from a top secret location, where they found a strange ancient ruin, and the one and only intact Artificial Intelligence with technology that was not of this world.

They tried to power it on, to study it in order to replicate it, but they couldn't seem to find the correct power source, let alone read the gibberish manual, so they just kept the AI inside of the secure room, where someday, someone took it out without anyone noticing. And it was gone without any clues as to where, even until this day.

Lan Wangji had a feeling that those two thefts were connected somehow since the nanotech also came from the same secret location. He was so absorbed in his thoughts, he almost jumped when he heard his private phone ring. When he looked at the phone, it showed him a secure number which was familiar to him. 

He picked it up with a hint of a smile, knowing that he would definitely have to go out tonight.

"What do you want?" There was no preamble, indicating that the caller had a close relationship with him.

"Drinks tonight?" The lazy voice had its own charm, even through the digital device. And he was one of the few people he could trust with his life.

This person, his best friend and god brother, talked in a no nonsense manner, which he appreciated. He held this man in the highest esteem as he was a man with an unmovable moral code and highest aptitude in everything. Just like himself.

"I could spare some time." He did need to let loose after a long night, and what better option to do it other than with his own kin.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll be waiting in our usual place." The man chuckled and ended the call. As usual he was not fond of talking on the phone. They preferred to talk face to face–after sweeping for any listening device. There were too many people who wanted to find out something about them that they could use against them, and Lan Wangji would not let any of them do that to him, and to those who were dear to him. Thus, only face to face talk.

Their usual place was a high-end club which catered to the upper end crowd. It was located in the prime location, and it was rumored to have a mafia connection. But despite all the rumors, the place itself was safe, and clean. There were no drugs or prostitution unlike other high-end clubs. The management was very strict about that, and that was the only thing that was intolerable. It also provided the highest level of security and secrecy, which meant no paparazzi.

The place belonged to Lan Wangji and his best friend, the man on the phone, and it was called Crimson Butterfly.

The night had just fallen, but the crowds gathered in front of Crimson Butterfly were already huge. They were there to try their luck, because every so often a minor or even major celebrity would be there and they would be graced by their presence and closeness enough to touch. Not that they could touch since there were bodyguards everywhere.

So when an all matte black Ferrari F60 stopped in front of the club, the crowds gasped in anticipation of knowing who was the one behind the wheel. After all, the car itself cost almost three million american dollars and only ten were produced in the whole wide world.

The man who walked out of the car was no less beautiful, with tall, lean stature, an ink-black hair, all black casual attire, a watch that cost a normal household expense for a whole year, and a cold intimidating aura. 

The valet–who knew his identity–hurriedly approached the man, and caught the car key that was being thrown to him.

The man, Second Young Master Lan, Lan Wangji himself, walked in confidence into the private elevator that was reserved for the owners, and put his palm onto the palm scanner. The system read him swiftly and took him to the topmost floor, where the office was located.

The door to the elevator opened with a pleasant ding, to a luxurious boudoir style office, with black and red color palette, dark red velvet drape, black chandelier and dark mahogany furniture. It exuded a gothic feel to it, and there was a man lounging on the loveseat with a glass of single malt whiskey in his hand.

The man was very beautiful, and looked dangerous. 

He had long silky black hair and a very handsome and aristocratic face. He was tall, as tall as Lan Wangji, but his aura was cold and murderous. He wore a black shirt which was opened low to show his impressive chest muscle, tight black pants, and a long red robe. But the most prominent feature was that he wore a black eye patch over his left eye. Lan Wangji never asked and he never told him why.

He was a ruthless businessman and current head of the underworld, nicknamed Guiwang, Ghost King. His real name was Hua Cheng, although no one had a close enough relationship with him to know about his real name.

"You're here early." 

Hua Cheng poured another glass of whiskey and gave it to Lan Wangji.

"Told you, I have time." He took a sip of the perfect whiskey. "So, any news about your Dianxia?"

Hua Cheng fell in love with someone when he was a child. Too bad he did not remember anything else, only the nickname Dianxia, the kind and beautiful eyes, and the smile that lit up his whole world, it gave him a reason to live when he had none.

After he came into power, he spent unlimited resources to find his Dianxia, to no avail. On some day like this, he would feel down and restless, cursing his incompetence.

Lan Wangji knew everything and he had helped Hua Cheng to find his Dianxia, but until this second, they found nothing, as if the person did not exist.

When Hua Cheng did not answer him, Lan Wangji did not push. Although he didn't understand nor ever experienced that emotion, he could feel his best friend's pain, as if he lived it himself. 

The pain of losing someone dear to him.

"I came across this new singer, they said she was exceptional." Hua Cheng changed the topic to lighten up the mood. "She will perform here tonight. Her name is Ageha."

Lan Wangji nodded and together they walked out of the private office to the members only lounge, to see the awaited performance of one Ageha, the Midnight Butterfly.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now