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Lan Wangji was in a sudden turmoil when he saw the bright smile from Mo Xuanyu. It made him pause for a few seconds before he was able to respond, added with her nuzzling his neck like a cat looking for warmth after being neglected outside in a cold. He could even hear her purred in satisfaction.
A cat
Yeah, he should think of her as a cat. A very pampered and spoiled silver-haired Persian cat. It suited her very well.

But she did feel cold to the touch, especially her nose. So he put his coat around her and led her away from the gruesome view of the dead body. Although he wondered why she's not afraid of it since the first thing he saw when he arrived was her poking the body with a tree branch. 
Not a really normal reaction from an adolescent girl.
He told her not to move because he thought she was standing a little bit far away from the body, not right next to it.

But, a point for her to be such an obedient cat… girl. He should be rewarding her later.
Lan Wangji was deep in his thoughts when he felt a little tug on his shirt. He looked down to the girl, who tilted her head to whisper in his ear.

"Ge, I think she was killed somewhere else, and it has been for some time judging by the rigor mortis on her body. The lividity suggests that she was sitting down when she died and there was no trace of blood here. She probably died sometime last night. And also I think I caught the killer off guard when he or she was in the middle of dumping the body. They ran toward the dorm when I called for them. You probably should tell the cops to search for any missing girls from the school."

Wei Wuxian offered his deduction to speed up the time they would spend to analyze the body. He wanted to go home and sleep because suddenly he felt so sleepy. Maybe it was because of the cold weather, and the warm comforting presence of Lan Wangji who made him feel at ease, the sleepiness caught up to him.

And Lan Wangji noticed everything, including the sweet-smelling breath, the coldness from the tip of her nose that grazed the edge of his ear, the flyaway hair that tickled his cheek, and it all was making him involuntarily shivered and became more alert to every move that the girl made.

When she spoke, it caused him to feel a strange warmth emanating from his chest, and then her voice became slower, and softer, her eyes droopy. He knew he should take her somewhere warm to rest.

He ruffled the silver hair softly, the gesture that he came to get used to, and found comfort in doing so. Then without any further ado, he gathered up the half-asleep girl in his arms and carried her to his warm and comfy car.

"Go to sleep. I'll be back shortly." He put her in the front seat of the Bugatti and ordered the car to turn on the heater.

Wei Wuxian only purred in response and found a comfy position to snuggle to the warmth and familiar smell of leather and the citrusy sandalwood. He fell asleep in a few seconds.

Lan Wangji looked at the girl, who curled inside his coat and he couldn't help comparing her again to a cat.
But then the next second, his face became all business when he saw Wen Zhuliu walking toward him. He closed the door to his car, not wanting anyone to see the sleeping girl, and faced Wen Zhuliu.

"Zhuliu. Thanks for coming so fast."

"Where is your student? We need to ask a few questions, you know the process."

"I'm aware of that, but she's kind of… indisposed at the moment. I will take her personally to see you later."
She? The Ice Prince's student is a she? Wen Zhuliu couldn't help but gawked.
The world's probably going to end tomorrow.
"Uhm, okay. Anyway, the victim was a young woman in her late teens to early twenties, medium height, and small build. The COD was probably torture from the look of it, but we need to do autopsy to determine the exact cause and time of death."

"I saw the signs of torture when I glimpsed at the body. Details?"

"The unsub pulled all her nails while she was still alive, and sliced her all over with a small razor-like instrument, so the wounds would be shallow but it hurt like hell."

"Like paper cuts."

"Yes, like paper cuts. And it took a long time to do it all over her body. She showed the sign of struggle, judging by the rope marks on her hands and feet. And her hair was shaved. The unsub put a wig on her after she died."

"This could all be planned meticulously, judging by the amount of the cuts and the patience to do everything else. The killer was really determined to kill her."

"It's pure torture. Someone evidently hate her that much to take their sweet time to do all the torture."

"She was moved?"

"Yeah, the lividity shows that she was sitting down when she died. The rigor mortis showed that she died sometime last night. No blood at the scene. With the amount of cuts, it's supposed to be bloody messy."
So A-Ying was right. 
"Let me know about the autopsy result, and did you find out about her identity?"

"Not yet, her face was cut up so badly, her lips were sliced clean and the unsub took out her eyes. The fingerprints were also burned clean by acid, so we have to do a DNA test."

"Mn. Let me know when the result comes out. Try to search around the dorm, my student said that she saw someone run toward the dorm."

"Will do. So, are you going to tell me who your student is? She must be exceptional in every way if you're willing to take her as your student." He took out a cigarette and offered one to Lan Wangji.

"She's actually more like a cat." He waved off the offer, not wanting the smell of the smoke to bother the sleeping girl later.

Wen Zhuliu's hand paused mid-air on the way to light his cigarette up.
He couldn't believe his ears.
His student could make this ice block have that soft expression on his face? 
The world was definitely going to end tomorrow.

How could she ruin the plan? She was not supposed to be there at this time of the day!
He chewed his nails in anxiety, and wondered if he dropped something incriminating in the hurried escape.
Mo Xuanyu was supposed to be the alienated, pathetic freak that she was. Since when did she change?
She was supposed to be the scum of the earth, not a goddess like she became now. Even Lan Wangji became interested in her.
Why is there nothing going right according to his plan?
Maybe next time he had to punish her, instead of those sluts.
Mo Xuanyu needs to be taught a lesson. Soon.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now